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Everything posted by zone51

  1. merci d'aller dans mon sens, les gens parfois ont vraiment de la merde dans les yeux et pensent qu'avec leur bites !
  2. si tu allais sur le bon site ce serait pleut-être plus facile ! faut aller sur segpay et là tu peux te faire rembourser. cautionne ce que tu as vu si tu veux moi non, Olya lui a dit plusieurs fois qu'elle voulait pas avoir de relation sexuelle avec lui et il l'a forcé c'est tout, si tu trouve çà normal toi et bien je te félicite pas !
  3. je viens d'être rembourser, je veux pas cautionner ce que j'ai vu avec mon argent c'est inadmissible pour moi, on était à la limite du viol
  4. @p4design yes it was not very pleasant to me to watch, we were at the limit of the rape, he abused and forced her to having sex with him, i'm going to ask a refund of my suscription, i have not liked at all what i have seen
  5. the diane guy was strong with olya, he forced her to have sex with him we were at the limit...
  6. yes me too i took a month suscription after 5 months behind the free cams, i think it's the good moment and this time it's worth the 45 $ for one time
  7. this is why you will never see her doing something with these guys, her bf keep eyes on her for supervise everything
  8. yes and they seems enjoy much better and are more happy when there is guys with them, it's not always the case but in my opinion it's better when there is guys in the B apartments, they are more natural too
  9. it's very good for the camcaps activity to see some guys joined the girls and having fun with them
  10. months without sex made her very hungry but she chose the wrong guy he is too quick and not a good fucker
  11. i hope for olya it's a guy just for one night, need more actions with her
  12. for her you can be 100% sure about that with all the opportunities she had before
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