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Everything posted by zone51

  1. carla and yanai are equiped with the alcohol please carla i need a cocktail too 🙂
  2. i remember to have seen some problem during their last visit with the cam 1 but not with this cam 4, i'm watching with the thumbnails for the moment
  3. i am on your line too, there is no excuse to find, his comportment with OLya was just unacceptable that's all
  4. when you push her on the bed and she said no multiples times and he continue again it's just unacceptable for me sorry there is no excuse to find
  5. maybe they have missed that, just look the time they took just for remove the name of Ellectra, rlc team is on vacation one day on two
  6. depend the point of view of everyone ! if i was rlc i would have deleted this moment
  7. if the same thing happened to one of his daughter he will have another speach
  8. if Olya was your daughter you would have another speach ! pffffff
  9. can you tell me if the scene was deleted directly on the replay timeline please? i am curious
  10. it's normal the thumbnails replay are only for the last 24 h this is why the scene not appear anymore on the replay thumbnails
  11. hé bien tu t'es pas arranger avec les années mon pauvre c'est de pire en pire
  12. i live in the same country of him and i am glad to be not like him 😁
  13. Olya was under the influence of the alcohol too and he took advantage of this situation, at the beginning she not wanted to have sex with him she refused multiples times to have a penetration but at the end she capitulated because he was very rough with her, you should admit that !
  14. i think we will see clear about the intention of RLC no before september
  15. only with Olya, some of us will say nothing happened and others like me will say it was at the limit of the rape for olya
  16. in some countries they will think two times before acting like that with a women
  17. yes, the moment she said no multiples times and the guy continue and forcing her to having a penetration... for me also it's a rape and he was rough
  18. depend the point of view of everyone but we were not very far of a rape for who watched the full scene from the beginning
  19. watch the beginning of the scene, i have recorded the scene and she said no more than one time when he tried to fuck her
  20. come on seriously watch one more time the full scene, this guy was rough with olya and forced her to having sex with him, i am surprised of your reaction
  21. almost a rape is a reallife for you congratulations ! olya did not want to have sex with him and he abused of her, check the replay before rlc delete the scene
  22. allez toi tu fini dans ma ignore list j'ai même pas envie de perdre du temps avec toi
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