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Everything posted by zone51

  1. the big wave started here in france in the east (and continue) and coming now on the Paris area and the doctors say this is just the beginning of this big wave, the only word i have to say it's stay at home for protect you and the others
  2. 34 % of the critical cases here in France have between 40 and 60 yo, two days ago a girl of 16 yo is dead because of the virus... everyone is in danger
  3. don't forget this is just the beginning of the Epidemic in USA, i think in europe the epidemic have maybe 2 weeks of ahead on the USA and the big wave arrive on the USA and will do alot of damage also
  4. well i miss nothing 😁, if i remember there is no sound also in the guest room ?
  5. bad girl, a chance there is another cam but the light don't seems to be very good
  6. have they hiding the cam 11 ? i see that on the thumbnail
  7. not very excited to see them come back because they stopped doing anal during their cam show 😄 it's boring now
  8. seems in Sweden they choose the collective immunity like in Netherlands but the problem with this tactic it's they will have alot of deaths with the most fragile people, after it could work in these countries because Sweden and Netherlands are small country with the number of people (10 and 17 Millions) but in the big countries it's not really possible to do this without many many deaths
  9. this is why i am freeloader, Vh worth max 10 $ at the moment for me, 5$ for penny and 5$ for the cats
  10. if his name is Absinthe it's normal it's a lazy and fat cat but for be honest almost all the cats are very lazy 🤣
  11. the only place i check on VH now is penny/peter and nina/kira melissa/sergio just for the cats (that's all for me) it's a couple of months VH not interest me at all because of the casting
  12. i talk for me but i am not excited to watch alexandra, i would prefer to see other people like Faye or Fiona, it's simple with the last 5 new apartments any interest me
  13. i don't know why VH continue open apartment with one single girl, i have zero envy to watch
  14. yes zero surprise, when you see a couple stay too much time as guest in the melissa apartment you can be sure they will have their own apartment very soon
  15. and what about to bring some spanish girls for change a little during this time...
  16. the same destiny of Nora, maybe they took the place of Nora 🙂
  17. more and more i think nelly/bogdan are working as managers for rlc now
  18. it would be great to see Lily or Damira with her in the master room, no doubt they will have alot of fun, i am tired to see Diane and the other B4 girls
  19. good choice, Olya is my favorite girl but for the moment i am waiting the payday for renew for her 🙂
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