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Everything posted by DWI

  1. But from the view I saw, there were at least four apartments across from M&A's kitchen window, maybe more, that could easily see into the kitchen when Martina was standing close to the window like she does. Oh well, no big deal.
  2. Interesting view from the kitchen window today. I always thought that the M&A apartment was on the first or second floor. Maybe I missed something in the past but it looks like from their view of apartments across from them that M&A live in an upper floor apartment as they're looking down on other apartments. I think for some reason today the kitchen window was opened to its fullest position during daylight and gave a whole new view of the outdoors neighborhood around them. The neighbors must be getting an eyefull of Martina when she walks around naked...maybe just another example of her penchant for exhibitionism. Sorry but Alberto just closed the window. I hope some were able to catch the brief glimpse of the neighborhood.
  3. Sorry everyone, I somehow sent a post to the wrong place on this forum. It is now showing up as a new topic... response to Alladino. I just wanted to end my part in the discussion we were having between us.
  4. Well Alladino,I guess I have to agree to disagree with your last reply to me. What you considereed fake lesbian events, I don't. I also suspect others felt the lesbian/bisexual escapades seemed genuine. To put it simply we each have our own view of things and I'm going to leave it at that ok as I see no reason to keep discussing this over and over. Again, I appreciate your input but I'd like to move on.
  5. I agree with some of the things you are saying, but there have been parties at B4 over the last 2-3 years where clearly people were having a GREAT time and never did I think it was all an "act" or fake. And there were always guys around. Never did the chemistry between some of the women seem "pseudo" because, yes, some of the women were really bisexual by nature back then...and some still are. I do agree with you that RLC has really dropped the ball in not bringing more real bisexual women into the GOV apartments. Obviously the Martina/Nelly stuff at those parties wasn't fake to be sure. Same can be said about some of the sensual/sexual escapades involving Megan, Holly, Martina. and Gina. There was definite "heat" in some of those instances. So maybe what I yearn to see again in the GOV apartments is not possible with the current crop of tenants...you're probably correct there. But RLC could change that with a bit of a shakeup...but don't get rid of Lilith as I suspect she is bisexual and might be a willing participant. Anyway, thanks for the conversation and some good points.
  6. Hi Frank. Actually I should have mentioned in my post that I was thinking more about the parties they used to have in B4 when tenants like Megan, Holly, Martina, Nelly and others that I can't remember attended.There was a lot of chemistry between the women at some of those parties along with a lot of drinking and whatever else was being consumed and some of the parties were wild...never a dull, boring moment. Of course Megan and others are gone now so the big question is, in the current batch of tenants, are there any that can step up to the plate and bring back that intensity of the old parties...that's really what I was refering to and hoping for. Sorry I didn't make that clearer.
  7. Naga, I totally misunderstood your post...I'm so very sorry ...please disregard my comments...just had a "senior moment" ... getting old sucks!
  8. Well, I think some of us are rethinking that. The translators are like all of us...imperfect. I do appreciate their input but sometimes I think they're bound by RLC policy...but that is only speculatiom based upon what I've seen over the last seven years of having a sub.
  9. Well, you know I follow your posts and respect them. Can you give us specific info why you feel this way? Is there something you know that the rest of us don't? Can you translate Russian and Spanish to English so we can all understand what's being said in conversations between Martina/ Alberto/ Nelly/ Bogdan? What conversations between Nelly/Martina, Nelly/Martina/Bogdan and Martina/Alberto can you translate over the last week? I mean no disrespect at all. But I think that the incidents over the last few days need some clarifications based upon translations at specific times. I appreciate that some translations could not be acsertained because conversations could not be heard based upon microphone placement or that conversations were private per RLC dictates to translators, though translatable. If you could give us actual timeframes or dates over the last week where you could translate, that would be helpful. Again, I mean no disrespect...I'm just trying to understand the strange activities of the last week between Martina and Nelly, and maybe Bogdan...and of course Alberto as well. Thank you in advance for any info you can give many of us.
  10. Hi Kris. Well, I used to feel the same way you do, so I respect your question. I in fact, had doubts about the "parking lot" incident because I felt without a video to prove that it happened, well, I just couldn't bring myself to subscribe to it ever happening. But now, after months of thinking about that and other incidences that are unexeplained, I've come to believe there is something PROBABLY going on. I think that maybe last weekend's party at B7 with Martina walking around bare-breasted in front of Bogdan, was a clue. Martina is an exhibitionist and is quite smart in my view. But for her to do that in front of Nelly, started me thinking. Then today, with Martina and Nelly disappearing for what, four hours, I just think there are too many times when they both are not on cam at the same time yet return to their residences at approximately the same times. I have studied this but really couldn't bring myself to think that their sexual relationship was still going on. Then I remember Jen Mom saying, as a woman, that it is really difficult for women in love with each other, to evacuate those feelings. I think that's the case here...these two women are still in love with each other and that is a very, very hard bond to break'The last few days are revealing that in my mind. Thank you for your perspective.
  11. I'm also beginning to feel that way, which is a change for me. I posted some views on the B7 forum earlier so I'll add no more here.
  12. In the same vein, I wonder what revenue is being gained by RLC in hiding a continuing relationship between Nelly and Martina. I now believe that their affair is still going on...that's a change for me. What monetary sense does it make for RLC to hide an affair and keep everything hidden and off-cam? When the Nelly/Martina affair first started, a year and a half ago, RLC subs sky-rocketed and lasted until there was no more on-cam sex and many believed like me that the affair was over. It seems to me that if the affair is actually still going strong, RLC would know about it and seek to promote an openness about it. It's a big money maker for RLC. i hate to ressurrect the old argument, about it's Bogdan/Alberto not allowing the affair to be on-cam, but I think something is going on here and I have no idea what or why...things are just not adding up in my mind at least. Frustrating.
  13. I'm beginning to feel like it's all part of the big tease. I'm getting tired of it and if it doesn't stop, I won't be renewing after having a sub for almost 7 years...just too frustrating to have so much activity off-cam with these three.
  14. Yes I agree. But you know the old saying: I takes two to tango. In this case with Eva and Sam sometimes it took three.
  15. I think that she is either teasing us or because Bogdan was still around she got shy...that's certainly ot of character for Martina especially when Bogdan has already seen her topless. Of course I suppose Nelly could have told her that other B7 people might be coming home soon. For me, too much of a tease to spend more time watching today.
  16. I'm not so sure of that Pete. Eva and Sam in Russia were pretty kinky at times involving BDSM with themselves and in their threesomes with both male and female friends Both Eva and Sam were heavily into anal, again with themselves and also with Eva's girfriends. Things got pretty nasty on a couple of those anal escapades as I recall. After Sasha and Dasha split from Masha, I think Masha's lesbian encounters have have been fewer although not entirely gone. Eva is clearly bisexual and has always had a strong attraction to women. Unfortunately, during her last visit to Barca, there just weren't that many RLC women interested in true lesbianism so not a lot happened on that front. I still wish that Eva and Martina had met during her stay but possibly Nelly would have been too pissed if that came to fruition so it never happened. Anyway, I'm a big fan of both Masha and Eva...kind of think they're kindred spirits.
  17. I too think somebody, anybody, needs to speak up and organize more big events at both villas...a few tenants just need to put some energy to it. I mean, language barriers be damned. Martina has worked hard to address that...she has learned some Russian thanks to Nelly, and she can understand English and speak English good enough. Same thing with most of the Ukranians and Russians who also understand a lot of English and at least can speak it decently. And of course, like you said, Carla, Yanai, Martina, and Alberto speak Spanish. I know Radi spoke fluent Spanish and I seem to recall a couple of the Russian ladies spoke it but I can't remember who. I kind of remembering some one the forum saying that Nelly could also understand some Spanish thanks to Martina. So I'm with you, and maybe even RLC could put some pressure on the tenants to work harder in getting more people together. I'm still wondering if the language barrier is keeping Martina/Alberto and Karen?Kos for not yet getting together as they're living in the same building apparently. I believe Kos also speaks English so at least Martina would probably be able to converse. Just seems unnatural that they haven't got together yet.
  18. I missed your comments too. Let's just say you're a man ahead of his time! It looks like others here are giving these possibilities about Martina's late night activities a second look. It's kind of nice to consider an alternative to her being with Nelly, or being promiscuous with others on these late nights all the time. Of course its still speculative, but seems reasonable and less about sex.
  19. I like your train of thought here Moose. It's very logical and fits the profile of night club bartender or cocktail waitress at a bar. Which would also mean that Martina is earning some very nice money over and above what RLC is paying her. If true, that would make her one of the very few recent tenants to actually hold an outside job. That would seem to fit her ambitious personality. The more I think of it, you might be on to something. Nice post.
  20. Joe. how can you say political stuff has nothing to do with RLC? This has nothing to do with U.S. or global politics. it's not always about sex we want to see here...a lot of times it's about trying to understand stuff that's happening between the Ukranian and Russian cast members. If for you it's all about watching sex why you are here? I really don't think you get it and I suggest you keep viewing the free porn sites on the web. Watching folks on camera all the time having sex is not what RLC is all about.Open dialogue about the war is TOTALLY acceptable here on this forum when it comes to translations of conversations between tenants, in my opinion. I suspect you really don't give a shit about what the tenants feel about the war...maybe most subs feel like you do...I don't pretend to know that. I'm only stating my wish to know more what these participants feel in their hearts so I can understand. I don't know, maybe I'm naive.
  21. WTF are you talking about? How long have you had a subsciption on RLC? Well , I've been a sub for 7 years. a lot more than you I suspect. So yes, I do know a lot about what RLC is all about...but like EVERYONE here, it's all about opinion...I doubt you have been here long enough to undertand that...do your homework!
  22. That's sad...so does that mean Russian owned RLC is ambivalent...I think not...Russin mafia at it's finest.
  23. It is heart-breaking to see any Ukranian cry over this war. Due to language barriers, which in my opinion, RLC promotes and actively "forbids" accurate translations of conversations between Ukranian and Russian tenants concerning the war. Why? I can't be sure that's what's going on here with Esmi, but it just seems to me that all of us here don't really know what RLC's position on the war is because we have seen very few translations of conversations between cast members. Those of us in North America have have no idea how difficult it is in reallity to be invaded by a foreign country...other than the Brititish here over 250 years ago. With RLC, I just think that they would allow translations of the conversations among RLC participants about the war. I'm not sure what Esmi was crying about but if it was about the war, shouldn't that be known on "real life cam" so we can all understand the emotional impact of this horrific Russian invasion? Just my "two cents worth" and sorry for rambling and I'm sorry to offend anyone.
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