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Everything posted by DWI

  1. I think you're being a little harsh here when you say "no one" cares for Eva...simply not true. Not only has she earned a large fan base of current subscibers due to her past performance in the glory days of the Russian apartments, but there are women in the current apartments who obviously like her and interact with her...Loraine, Holly, Luna, Kristy and of course Masha who has been a dear friend of Eva's for many years. You need to understand two things about Eva: 1. She is inherently a quiet, relatively shy person in some ways and 2. Other than Masha, Annabelle, and Jane from the Russian glory days and maybe Martina from today's crop of participants, there is not a current female in today's RLC that can touch the erotic sensuality and and pure raw sexual experimentation in the past that the four women I mentioned have exhibited. I mean, I guess its about appreciating what has come before. Now, that doesn't mean your opinion of Eva doesn't count...you are certainly entitled to your own opinion. But try to give here a little more time ok. She's only been here a little over a month...she most likely fled Russia in a hurry like tens of thousands of Russian professionals...she's in a new country trying to figure out what to do with her new life, etc. But, she is a seductress just like in Russia...and probably the best at that that RLC has ever seen. Yes, you do have to like watching a bisexual woman like Eva trying to seduce other women... sometimes it IS awkward and sometimes a little uncomfortable to watch. But Eva's track record in seduction is almost unmatched in RLC history. Sorry for the rant here...I think I understand your hesitancy here about Eva but just give her a little more time if you can. I think as time passes there wilI be more women interact with her. If you're into bisexual women sex, I think you might be rewarded by Eva big time.
  2. Where did you get this information? It seems pretty specific. From a conversation you heard between Martina and someone else? This is not a criticism, I just would like to know the source of your info.
  3. Hi Jen, Wow! It took me a while to read both of your posts (that's ok...I know how words can just keep flowing, and flowing, and flowing.) I am guilty of it all the time. But I just want to say that both of your last posts are just about perfect. The only thing I would differ on is that I did not have an issue with the sexy dancing in front of the two guys...but of course, I'm a guy. I love to see Martina tease in that way and I have missed that about her when she used to dance at the B4 parties. I am sure many subs agree with your points...They are very insightful and bring up some issues that are really not spoken about too much. Thanks for the great reading.
  4. Looks like a serious conversation. I heard Bogdan mention Taco so I guess as usual the conversation was about Martina. Nelly started to cry.
  5. Yes, and she should continue to socialize with the other apartments except B7 if Nelly is going to be there. I hope that someone who has been at RLC during the affair with Martina and Nelly, like Holly, Loraine and others, can fill everyone in on what went on with the affair and can promote making sure that Martina gets invitations to parties, pool days and the rest. I have a feeling Martina is going to need to know she's welcome to all the other residences. I think today was a breakthrouggh day fo Martina and feel pretty bad that Nelly ruined it in the end. I also feel sad for Nelly as she clearly has not yet dealt with the demons inside her and if she doesn't get some professional help, I worry for her. I know a lot of folks here don't like her, but I have always felt, when she is sober, she is a good, kind person. Like Jen has said many times, you can tell by Nelly's smile that she's a good person, but the drinking is slowly killing her...and her relationship with Martina. Just really sad.
  6. After the incident today with the argument between Martina and Nelly, I now have the feeling that they did part ways a few months back. I don't want to speculate anymore on their current status but today's argument suggeats that either Martina or Nelly isn't happy about something between them. As I wrote on the B7 post, Martina was pretty upset with something Nelly was ranting about. After the argument, Martina left B7. I hope we get either a Spanish or Russian translator to tell us what the were arguing about. It was actually pretty uncomfortable to watch. I hope it doesn't stop Martina from connecting again with the other apartments...it was nice to see her socializing again with them.
  7. So, it appeared to me that Martina and Nelly were having a pleasant conversation then out of nowhere Nelly started on a rant about something that took Martina by surprise. Nelly didn't let up and Martina clearly didn't like what Nelly was saying. Martina's facial expressions appeared to me to show her exasperation to whatever Nelly was talking about. I've seen that look on her face before in arguments with Alberto. She was clearly under more control than Nelly but she looked pissed. I sure hope we can either get a Russian or Spanish translation as to what was going on. The one thing I did hear both Martina and Nelly say twice during the argument and right at the very end was "amigo", meaning friend. It was not the end of the day I expected. I fear we may not see Martina in B7 again anytime soon. That would be a shame after waiting so long to see Martina getting back together and reconnecting with the RLC apartments and all the new women. I suspect this incident is why she left early...but that coud be speculation on my part.
  8. Yup...and it looked like a pleasant conversation turned into an argument about something. Hope we can get a translation either in Spanish or Russian.
  9. Hi ddhm, I think the two immediate questions I have are: First, will Bogdan and Nelly continue to take the role of Mom and Dad and make sure everything stays " in bounds" and they keep things pretty tame in this georgeus new villa? That would be a shame as that attittude is what sank B4 a while back. 2. So, if Martina never visits B7 what does that really say... that her and Nelly are no longer seeing each other or do they do secret rendevous stuff? Like you and many others, I'd like to finally get resolution to this issue one way or the other. The off-cam secret rendevous scenario will actually piss me off. Enough is enough when it comes to the Martina/Nelly thing. Let's get the straight answer on that now...no more speculation, after speculation, after speculation. Thanks for broaching the subject ddhm.
  10. Ah yes. I remember that well mingo. Dick and Jane were as fun to watch as anyone during the Russian glory days. They would almost always have two particular young women that they let stay over in the spare bedroom. Needles to say, that ended up with many nights of erotic situations that were cat-and-mouse tease fests. However ever once in a while Dick and Jayne would score big time with these two young ladies. One of the two women was known as Jewel who as they say was "cute as a button" but quite shy which made it all the more fun. She drove Dick crazy with her elusiveness. Anyway, there are many videos on the web of Jane and Dick's escapades. If they were ever to come back, RLC would explode. But there has been a rumor that Dick and Jane are no longer a couple due to Dick having a gay relationship...but I'm not sure if that's true. Maybe someone here knows if that's true or not. Thanks for bringing back the memories mingo.
  11. I agree. Maybe like you, I think that today, out of respect for Martina and Alberto, and Blackie, let's just stop posting shit about the sexual stuff, ok. I think many of us on this post, have no interest in that now, I mean, they lost Blackie today. Give it a break please!
  12. Wow...it does give all of us hope doesn't it? None of us knows whether there is an afterlife or not... some believe, some do not...one and done say many. But as a Buddhist, I believe you do meet up with those who have travelled with this life with you, and then in the next you meet again...kind of like the "kindred souls" belief. That includes pets to me.
  13. Thank you for the translation of Martina's words...it is very helpful to all.
  14. I really agree with you here. Way back in the beginning of Eva and Mat's arrival, I broached this subject here of why they were rehired by RLC and felt that RLC, out of loyalty to Eva, decided to help her and Mat out. Back then it was pure speculation on my part so I can't claim any fortune-teller talent. But its nice to read your post and your reasoning. When Eva and Mat first arrived my sense was that they were fleeing Russia and at that time I think the estimates were then at around 100,000 Russians had gotten out, and most, like you said were professionals. scientists, lawyers and the like...Eva was clearly in that group. Since then the amount of Russians getting out has skyrocketed like you say. I don't really know the procedures RLC had to go through to get Eva in Barcelona but I do give them some credit. True, it might have been a mutually beneficial arrangement but the simple fact is that Eva and Mat are now living free in a democracy. Thanks for your insightful post.
  15. Thanks for the response. People have all sorts of reasons for saying things. So far it seems like the majority of tenants in the Barca apartments are not pro-Putin according to a few posts. If both Eva and Mat were pro-Putin I think that would not sit well with many, or most of the Russian tenants and probably all of the Ukranian tenants would have a really hard time getting close to Eva and Mat. It just seems like most all the tennants get along very well with Eva and Mat and seem to welcome them. But of course I don't speak Russian or Ukranian so I don't really know what they're saying about Putin.
  16. Those are the kind speculations that can hurt peoples' reputation. Just because they were watching a news broadcast doesn't mean they support Putin. Of course to have a Russian translator of the words Eva and Mat actually said would help clarify. People watch news broadcasts for a myriad of reasons...I watch Fox News every once in awhile to try to figure how the fuck they come up with their bullshit...I do not support Fox or Trump at all but I like to understand the opposition. At this point I cannot say whether Eva and Mat are Putin supporters or not...too little information.
  17. I have a feeling this is going to be a very sad day in this apartment. Martina is clearly distraught as to be expected for sure. We had to put our dog down after 19 years and it was one of the worst days of our life. That was 20 years ago and we just haven't emotionally been ready for a new dog. Our pets, dogs in particlar, have that special bond with humans...they truly are "man's best friend". Dogs are wonderful creatures and humans are better because of them. I feel so sorry for Martina and Alberto today. Kinda breaks your heart to watch this play out.
  18. I want to give a very clear positive shout-out to both rado and philo for the incredible information they have shared with all of us today. I don't think I have ever seen so much behind-the -scenes sharing of RLC history in one day. I find both of them very credible and I think that today they really tried to not only give us information most of us never knew, but to give context to those details. I trust both of them and it is finally nice to have two folks who understand the frustration many of us on the forum feel about not getting trusted info. If both rado and philo are translators, I trust them. So rado and philo thank you for your honesty, integrity and courage for disclosing to us what you did.
  19. Ok, I have a question for either you or rado. I never heard Sam speak English when in Russia with Eva, but if he does speak good English, is there a possibinity that unknown to us, Eva can speak English also? Mat, her new partner in B6 is very fluent in English so that would mean Eva has had two English-speaking partners. It would seem that she too might speak the language also as she is obviously a very smart woman. Just curious on any info either of you might have. Thanks.
  20. Wow, ok rado. I sure wish I had the same sources as you do. Thanks for the info and providing some food for thought...or at least food for speculation.
  21. I do think this situation could be part of the huge migration of talented Russians out of their homeland. Estimates were originally 20,000 Russians were fleeing out of the country but the newest count is over 200,000. So when fleeing Russia, the first thing Russians probably would do is contact old friends in Europe to help them. Maybe that's what's happening with Sam. It's almost like Masha has her own "underground railroad"... I wouldn't be shocked by that. I would be shocked to see Sam move on to Barcelona, but Spain is large country with a substancial Russian population in a few cities. I have no idea whether Eva and Sam still communicate with each other but that might be interesting. I would not think Eva would enjoy Sam being in Barca. Then again, maybe Sam is thinking about migrating to Rome. I mean his old friend Masha has made it there, why can't he? Of course there is the language barrier but I think Rome does have a reasonably sized Russian community...I'll leave it to others here to chime in on that. But wow, what a day on RLC. Now all we need is to have RLC try to bring Jane and Dick back. That would really shake things up.
  22. Hi Jen, Well, I am with you on this...but I decided two days ago to stop watching Martina/Alberto on a regular basis. A few reasons: 1. I find their sex-life boring now. It's the same old thing day, after day, after day. I've been watching them on a daily basis since they joined RLC and I've had enough. Martina was most impressive and sexually creative during her trysts with Nelly...and Nelly was just as impressive. I have always been a fan of bisexual women making love. But that aspect of Martina's life is no nonger available for public viewing and I find myself getting fatigued by all the speculations and gossip. I have no idea if the Martina/Nelly affair is still going on and NOBODY ELSE DOES NEITHER...just pure speculation, fantasy and personal opinions and I'm just tired of it. If something pops up on RLC with Martina in a sexual adventure with a woman again, I'll probably have more interest. 2. I have become so unanamored with Alberto's behavior. In my opinion, he's an adolescent when it come to sex. Watching him pull out his dick and rubbing it in front of Martina when he wants sex has become repulsive. I mean, how many guys do that? I think very few because it's simply immature from a sexual point of view in my opinion, but I could be wrong and maybe that's how some guys make an advance. Anyway, for me it's more than weird. 3. I have grown tired of Martina's isolation from the rest of the Barca apartments. I found Martina to be very interesting when she socialized with the other Barca women...it was fun to watch her interactions with the other women. No more. I've read all the speculation as to why that happened but I still think it's all just guesswork and I'm tired of reading about it. ..I really don't care to know the reason unless it came out Martina's mouth...but I doubt the "translators" would ever mention it. It simply doesn't change the fact that she no longer socializes on camera other than when her girlfriend visits... and that on-camers friendship appears to be plutonic. Martina used to be so much fun to watch...she was a breath of fresh air. I am sad the way things are playing out with Martina. I think you might be right about the FWB stuff. And I think to not see Martina do anything adventureous on cam anymore, well. it's time for me to take a break. The Martina/Alberto apartment is now just too damn boring. I do wish that will change. Thanks for the post Jen...it makes a lot of sense.
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