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Everything posted by Panther063

  1. If it is an antenna, it is an omni-directional antenna. Directional antenna require a center receiver if round and should be dished to focus the signal. I have also seen them made out of Pringle cans, but are more commonly the Yagi type.
  2. Hmmmm that line sounds familiar, must have been some other snake used that one before.
  3. OK, now that it's up, it could be a dream catcher. :P
  4. Being an Aussie, I have trouble understanding the shit blacks say, and they're meant to be speaking English.
  5. Panther063

    ww.com Split#2

    I don't know how anyone could agree with that troll, but each to their own i guess. As for the psychologist's claims, an intelligent person would tell you psychopaths have no empathy so trolling would not be part of their modus operandi. But I suppose they have to justify their high fees and their degree by at least attempting to sound intelligent.
  6. The whale got her tits out when she was getting changed.
  7. If you have any pictures of yourself in some, I'm sure the guys here wouldn't mind seeing them. :P Personally I'd rather wear nothing than a string up my arse.
  8. Like the ones that say you need a license, or can't use your mobile phone in the car? :P
  9. I think we are at least a decade behind America and it's social trends. Our financial state is fairly stable compared to other countries and apart from the usual trouble with idiot politicians our biggest worries are our northern neighbors the Indonesians and what to have on the BBQ on the weekends.
  10. Good to hear, I think it makes a woman appear so much more feminine than pants. Not that there is anything wrong with a nice fitting pair of jeans or yoga pants on a woman, but in the right place for it.
  11. It should be a clause in the contract that the cat adopts the new tenants.
  12. Come to Australia, there are Americans here you can "protect" while sitting back and enjoying our relaxed way of living.
  13. I used to own a Siberian Husky, and when she came on heat it was very messy and smelly, so she had to stay outside until it was over. I can see why a diaper is needed if they stay inside mostly.
  14. Her pregnancy looks fairly advanced, yet I don't see any preparations for the newcomer in their apartment. They only have one bedroom at the moment, will it stay in the room with them, or will they be moving to a larger place?
  15. Panther063

    ww.com Split#2

    But I guess you watch it, and apparently you know it is on other sites because you look there too ......
  16. You've never had sex while fully dressed? I thought that was why guys pants have a zip in front ;D
  17. Hahaha, love ya work. p.s. I must have tough feet as I can run barefoot on gravel roads if I have to. :D
  18. A Tesla coil is used for generating electricity, this device he is building appears to be meant to receive signals. So far it is hard to determine it's purpose and may be designed for any number of reasons. It also looks like the base coil on a ground sweeping bomb or metal detector. There are what appears to be cables running off one side near the stem.
  19. Or he's just finished a sight for a very large gun .... :P
  20. I'm thinking Television and the Internet are great propaganda and mind control devices for the masses. Maybe Orwell was onto something ....
  21. It did read like a poor translation from Russian, But I thought it may have been a current member that made an alias just to vent then disappear again.
  22. There's so many... Mr President by Pink.. Blowing in the wind by Dylan... I'm sure you can add countless more.
  23. I'm wondering about the irony of Obama telling Putin he's broken international law, is it a case of don't do what we do, but do as we say? Personally I'm over America playing world police. Team America go home.
  24. 5 X 8 glossies, framed. Damn, imagine the GIF if it actually did happen.. :D
  25. I'm wondering if anyone managed to get some shots of the girl getting changed in their lounge room just now. I changed cam to theirs in time to see her sitting down with no pants on, then stand up to put on her PJ bottoms. It might just be me, but i swear I saw penis, can anyone confirm with a photo? :o
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