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Everything posted by Panther063

  1. You fail to see the point to everyones comments.
  2. Did you tell her she was right, the biggest mistake was being with her? ;D
  3. If I appear to be a bumbling idiot around females, it's because I am like that all the time. Not that I think I am a fool by any means.
  4. Not so silly if no one else has a gun either. That reminded me of some American guests here, they felt very uneasy without their sidearm and it took quite a while for them to get used to not having it. There's no real advantage carrying a gun if everyone has one. But the gun debate is a topic for another thread.
  5. Watch out boys, I think our thoughts and interactions are the basis for a Psychology thesis ;) Not that I would mind being one of her subjects ....
  6. I think Tay mentioned having a boyfriend early on, not sure if he would be keen on sharing an apartment with a rodent. ;D
  7. I disagree Tay, you're posts add to what this site is about, the members. We come here to share our thoughts, experiences and common interests. Being a valued member means your contributions will never be detrimental to the spirit of this forum. There are other female members too, and they are always welcomed into conversations, debates etc, if only they would. Most prefer to sit on the sidelines reading, occasionally contributing, but this place needs all the active members it can get, if everyone sat back and did nothing, this site would cease to exist. I believe I can speak for others when I say you are welcome to add to any topic, your perspectives are always welcome.
  8. And there YOU go again ....*shakes head sadly* You have an issue about letting go don't you! You could have replied without adding unnecessary perceptions of other members.
  9. Until they found out about your multiple personalities and the fact you are a troll?
  10. Can't he just buy a shortwave radio if he wants to listen in? They are freely available here and not that expensive either. Even a CB radio or Scanner should do the trick.
  11. You could have saved yourself the embarrassment and not come charging in like you know it all. We were guessing it's purpose, the antenna I described are not just used for radio but multi purpose. Directional antennae are used also for picking up Television broadcasts. Shortwave antenna do not necessarily have to be a loop, they can be as simple as a single wire suspended between two objects. This is the actual device he is trying to construct:
  12. It used to be part of the old USSR. along with other former states. There are still Soviet nationals residing in those ceded states and that is one of the issues.
  13. Lighten up and let it go. Most people aren't arseholes and can take a joke, without being derogatory.
  14. They tend to move in packs, so I wouldn't stop, for my own safety, not until I was at the nearest police station.
  15. Dude! You need to lighten up, you obviously haven't got a sense of humor. All you're doing is reinforcing your name, by being "snaky" (I suggest you look it up)
  16. Not even if they lay around naked caressing each other? ;D
  17. When I saw it standing up it looked like a dream catcher. He must be a big dreamer ... :P
  18. My point is Never trust someone that says Trust me. I think too many politicians and used car salesmen have used it to have any validity any more.
  19. If it is an antenna, it is an omni-directional antenna. Directional antenna require a center receiver if round and should be dished to focus the signal. I have also seen them made out of Pringle cans, but are more commonly the Yagi type.
  20. Hmmmm that line sounds familiar, must have been some other snake used that one before.
  21. OK, now that it's up, it could be a dream catcher. :P
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