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Everything posted by Panther063

  1. Love them on a hot body, but please no heffers with a front bum. :-\
  2. It happened on a few other apartments too, might have been a server or software issue. All good now though.
  3. She must have discovered the secret ingredient in Kinko's libido enhancing soup. Without it, he'd be slower than a Galapagos Tortoise.
  4. I agree, i've seen her talking and typing while at the computer, so she may be on Skype with someone as well at times. Strangely when Paul is doing his studies and talking to someone, she still walks around naked behind him. I wonder if they can see her.
  5. Actually, It's the rest of the world that is upside down, we're the right way up. You guys just hold the atlas the wrong way to make yourselves feel better. ;)
  6. Exactly my point, your behaviour is typical of the UN, name calling, chair throwing, spitting, etc. No need for that type of thing here.
  7. And it's not those commenting on what they see, it's those that resort to name calling when they disagree.
  8. Which one, there is more than one Disneyland. P.S. enjoy your break.
  9. I select 4: none of the above ;)
  10. True then, she is just fat. Odd how she carries a lot of it on her front.
  11. Sadly for our species, it appears the males have the lower levels of I.Q. At least in those apartments.
  12. But if everyone goes around saying nothing, and the fat, lazy person thinks there is nothing wrong with their appearance, how will they ever learn? I thinks it's the right thing to do, a true friend tells you when something is wrong.
  13. I wish they would ban the word lesbian. Why can't they accept they are gays and not be discriminatory by giving themselves a name that defines them separately by gender?
  14. You guys doing all this running around just to save $12? Have fun!
  15. There's nothing better than going down on a decent woman and fulfilling her every wish and desire ;)
  16. This is a suggestion board for CC, not RLC, take it over there.
  17. Mental note, adding a comma to the thread title shows true concept of intention of contents.
  18. Even when standing up her legs are open, I doubt she can close them At least she'll never have trouble with her thighs rubbing
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