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Everything posted by Panther063

  1. On the subject of Roo meat, what other wildlife have you tried? Personally i've caught or tried the usual fish, eel, duck eggs, but also had snake and wild roo. In fact i'd be game to try most type of animal if cooked.
  2. Whoa, there's nothing unnatural about seeing two or more women getting it on, most guys would agree with that, even Russians. ;)
  3. I recall hearing Gerbils can be, and more :o
  4. Thank you, a description of the video's contents is appreciated, it saves us disappointment if we are expecting nudity or sex.
  5. That's irrelevant, I don't have the software to capture video, and wont download or install any. I pay to be a member here so I can interact with members and see pictures and videos posted by them, unless it is uploaded to a crappy site like that which I cannot watch or download from.
  6. She must have read the contract. Or just had a particularly enjoyable bowl of soup ..... :P
  7. WOW, thanks for the news flash my friend.
  8. The video quality is much better in their new apartment, they must have installed H.D. cameras.
  9. (The Image associated with this comment is no longer accessible and has been removed).
  10. It's the Devils work, that evil spinning circle, sent to torment us. ;)
  11. I cover my webcam when I'm not using it.
  12. Yes, because those of us that don't download that ul.crap wont miss it anyway! Like you said, it's only the leeches that care, but i'm sure they'd get their porn fix somewhere else.
  13. That guy needs to invest in some hair removal cream for his arse, unless he likes the vibrating of the razor .... ???
  14. How can this be new? It is sex from 8.2. which I posted 2 days ago. Idiot strikes again... How else is he going to con people into downloading his crap and making him $$$$$
  15. Stop loading ul.to most people hate it and wont bother trying to download it! Use something that benefits everyone, not just yourself.
  16. And all the users have different bandwidth from their ISP's so my theory still stands until someone proves otherwise. I tried a faster ISP with wider bandwidth and had no issue, my regular ISP can offer me higher speeds but narrower bandwidth.
  17. Quite correct, but it also depends on the cut, where it is taken from. I've had it a couple of times and I prefer other types of meat, but would eat it without a problem if I was out camping, thrown on a BBQ with the right seasoning it is delicious.
  18. Err, 10.02.2014 is yesterday, not more than a week ago ;-) Not if you own a Tardis ;)
  19. Do you always talk to your fruit while having sex with it? :o
  20. If that is the case, and it is stated in the rules, then Lora and Max will have to move out before their child is born.
  21. Then don't record it, or you could be in trouble too.
  22. I tried them on another ISP with faster speed, works every time. Normally the new apartment wouldn't load.
  23. He's hardly fat, and not representative of males in general, that was a generalisation on your behalf. I'd say he's immature and a bit self centred.
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