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Everything posted by Kingbanks

  1. Why they keep stopping it seems like Sonia been doing that since the party start then stop She reminds me of darcie when she first came to VH
  2. Is Sonia drunk or high it looks like she is struggling to stay up straight
  3. Okay so there was really only two people who was more active Between samantha & Ethel who do y'all think was the best tonight?
  4. Why tie her up like that I thought he was going to tie her up like that guy does Alexandra Worst idea of the day
  5. Old dude about to fuck the shit out of sonia
  6. I guess the dicks can't compete against the strap-on Ethel is dominating
  7. Well this sucks were missing almost if not everything Plus it won't be in the archives either 🤦🏾‍♂️
  8. Damn they just sent out a tweet Just when it was starting to get good
  9. Did everything stop working or is it just me?
  10. I was wondering because Billy seemed a little sad after that guy left the apartment when he was done with samanta Haha
  11. Anyone can fuck juliet But I don't think lisa wants Alex to fuck her asshole Haha
  12. That was so long ago though I think he wants to now anna is hot
  13. I actually sent lisa a message a month ago I think and she told me they don't swap
  14. Nope Alex & anna probably wanted to but they would rather play charades
  15. Damn alex & anna are legends and they can't even stop this game of charades
  16. Okay I'm not saying anything is going to happen but as long as the dude is still there nothing will
  17. The Twitter guy just called trixie a cubster What the fuck is wrong with him She is thick there is nothing wrong with that
  18. I'm glad no mention my spell check error Haha I meant *shit* but it came out as shut Haha new phone
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