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Everything posted by WatcherCC

  1. Giving her some dick to mouth seems to have woken her up. CPR in east europe is way ahead of it's time.
  2. Now she's not breathing anymore but don't worry about it, I already opened a ticket 🤣
  3. So why can't you just admit that this is very bad choice for a name, perhaps even condemn the choice. Instead, it seems like you're ok with it.
  4. I never said you're defending Adolf H*tler. But you are belittling the issue of choosing Adolf as a name for entertainment purposes knowing how offensive it is to many people. It's probably the most offensive name you could come up with yet you keep on saying that it's just a name.
  5. Having at least one German person on this forum defending the Adolf name is actually quite astounding.
  6. It's not basically only a name and you know it.
  7. I'm sorry if you were offended by the haircut and mustache, but you should understand that this is just a haircut and a mustache, like thousands of other haircuts and mustaches. I think you agree that each haircut and mustache have a lot of bad owners - at this moment more than 7 billion of people are leaving on the Earth, but it's not mean that we should abandon all of them. We assure you that our haircut and mustache has nothing to do with the Nazi movement and did not want to offend anyone with this haircut and mustache. Thank you for understanding.
  8. Just because it's exactly what you said doesn't make it right. It's offensive to many people so why use it? Because it's the dude's real name? Even if that was true they don't have to use his real name - look at all the other names....
  9. Dear Voyeur TV, Hello, Thank you for contacting us and sorry if you were offended by our participant name, but you should understand that this is just a name, like thousands of other names. I think you agree that each name has a lot of bad owners - at this moment more than 7 billion of people are leaving on the Earth, but it's not mean that we should abandon all of them. We assure you that our participant has nothing to do with the Nazi movement and did not want to offend anyone with his name. Thank you for understanding. Best regards, Voyeur-House Support.
  10. No one is stuck. Just because VHTV decided to piss on everyone that finds offense in the memory the of atrocities this name brings to many people doesn't mean this forum needs to repeat this mistake.
  11. I would like to suggest that the name of the house on the CamCap forum would be changed from "Victoria&Adolf" to something less offensive. @StnCld316
  12. If you were Jewish you would understand how offensive this name is. From all the unused names available to pick the most offensive name is moronic, malicious or both.
  13. Adolf is kind of offensive... Fuck VHTV for picking this alias.
  14. I always agreed with the point. The example you used to make that point is was drove my comment.
  15. If memory serves it took Nicole quite a few days before she gave us anything of value. Although the wait was well worth it.
  16. Why did Juliet drop to the bottom of the apartment list?
  17. Ow boy is Lisa a sexy one. Just sitting there playing with her kitty 😍
  18. Wait for it... something is moving... Ow dear, there goes the bed again.
  19. It's not the Twitter guy's fault that he can't speak English. It's VHTV's fault for employing someone for the task of English marketing who can't speak English.
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