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Everything posted by kenny1940

  1. 05:55 Kamila is up trying to sleep for about an hour. she is looking at her phone right now lying on her back, the cover is between her legs. no pantie show but a nice leg tease.
  2. in three yrs I have about a yr and a half time so trust me Ive been there. I come back when Kamila shows up, when she leaves. when I cancel I do not comment on what I cant see. the longest I have gone is this tour with K&K and three weeks left. check my stats 750 messages in 3 yrs. pretty low number. shows I move on until its interesting. and I don't take the sucker move of $45 a month. Pay $33 if you know you are addicted.
  3. This biggest problem on this site is addiction. Addiction to RLC and what's going on, and what's going on with CC. No one can seem to walk away with their money in their pocket and move on
  4. That's a horrible comparison, you are missing what you see in your own eyes. Why would you comment on the state of the apt when you don't watch anymore? You can only respond to others on CC and their version of what they saw/read. Mostly read.
  5. 04:30 Kamila has turned out the light and gone to bed snuggled in her blanket facing camera 10.... we know she cant go directly to sleep...
  6. 4 in the morning, Kristy is sleep. Kamila is up wearing grey/blue tshirt and black panties. pad showing. looking at phone laying diagonally on bed, lights are on. her hair is in a bun. From camera two there is a great shot of her little bubble butt, with a slight wedge in her butt. From camera 9 its the wider view so a little further viewing wise. She quite the beauty.
  7. Kamila gets really horny before period. And now she is on for about three days, since she started wearing shorts
  8. what are the girls doing- chit chatting on the sofa, Kristy in jeans and Kamila in t shirt and panties. Catching up. Maybe Kitek has a translation coming
  9. Kamila and Kristy are underestimated in their business sense. They negotiated quite a deal to get RLC to give them such a nice pad. Their value definitely had lots of people that dropped off(me) come back. They and RLC have two more moves with this apt to extend. Seeing that the opposite has happen many may have ended their memberships. One RLC can open a living room cam. That would open newer members and at least have an opinion on the apt. meanwhile K&K could continue doing what they do. Second, if K&K cant walk away from the fancy duds they will open up on camera sexually. I don't really see that and it will last only months before everyone is bored of them. This is Kamila's third Rodeo with RLC, she knows her value and what she can do to extend. Smart woman, Kristy follows her lead in that sense. She is a hustler and pounces on opportunities. She may not work as much as Kristy lately but she gets paid nicely when she does.
  10. What evs. If they have the strength like entertainers, atheletes, actors, musicians to take the good with the bad hopefully. There are some mean stuff that goes on here.
  11. Wonder why no one has a problem with Kristy. She offers nothing either, she fakes being a lesbian until someone makes a move on her then she runs like a little girl. Who the heck practices kissing at their age. she really is chasing dudes and hooking up outside the apt. I don't know why someone could be mad at Dima when he has not done anything to Kamila. Kamila is the one with the rules and breaking up with him and withholding sex all sorts of little girl games. My gripe was they were never home. Now Kamila has been home now we want to call her lazy and boring.
  12. Noldus, I myself really appreciate you for time keeping those of us who watch this apt. Because I'm gone at least 11 hours out the day. I appreciate getting a little time frame of when the girls arrive or depart. Based on their patterns I can judge when they will go to bed, if they will stay out or how long they were home. 'Preciate' you Bro Merci
  13. I wonder who the other person was. She didn't look there age maybe a little older and dressed like she is someone of importance or told the girls about a white party. Very pretty 28ish dressed in a nice silk white shirt and slacks.
  14. I still have lots of interest in Kamila and Kristy and this apartment. but I am not renewing when my subscription is up. Mainly it is a me decision. There are 15 apts. and I am down to watching this one only. So Its probably because I have been watching for three years either premium or not I have outgrown them seen all I want or and is no longer truly invested(last being Kamila and Kristy). Having 15 apts available at $1 US dollar and some cents seems to be a good deal for those who like voyeurism, good cameras and sound and decent interface/screen options. It has run its course for me. I just wish I can see or read about Maya and Leora leaving the project, I really like them because I invested in them when I first joined. But at least for Maya and Steph I hope they have options to move on. They never got a bigger apt which is a shame. but maybe they are ok with it all.
  15. 02:50 The ladies are back with a blonde fancy looking guest, Kamila went straight to the bathroom to shave her legs
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