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Everything posted by kenny1940

  1. I recently decided to study RLC and wen through the archives to try and get a feel of the start of all the apts up to now. The mods have done a wonderful job of clearing some stuff out, some pics are sill there and you get a sense of time with all the apts, including comments by a few who are still around now. Of course I wanted to revisit the BC apt from beginning to when K&K arrived. Fascinating. Great job. I would encourage it to other CC members to check their favorite apt and follow the trail. Great Job guys. I don't know if it was Foamy or TBG or STC or a collective but awesome..
  2. Funny thing is I didn't become a member again because I thought some great romance was going to happen with Kristy. I never bought into that. What I thought I would see is more of their relations with the homelife/hometown and their boyfriends. We did get to see their friends and their everyday patterns at home.
  3. 05:36 Kamila is still up texting maybe her new love interest? lights in her room still on. White t shirt black thong.
  4. Probably right sir. I just like that Kamila has been home a lot. I don't care who she dates. Maybe lighten up and be romantic with a new fella would be cool to see in the apt. Kam is my fav. I'm cool be lazy be naked be funny be Kamila at home.
  5. 07:30 Kamila got up went to bathroom, noticed she is bottomless. Just thought maybe those who will see her later will catch a glimpse of paradise. Kristy was laying on her side with her thong and great thighs and ass showing. She is up now. If Kamila was interested in taking her medicine to sleep, probably not now that Mama is up. kamila sleep again
  6. 06:50 Sometimes you get too much sleep, especially when you don't have a schedule. Kamila still lying in bed is awake checking her phone. For Voyeurs, it is a beautiful thing to watch patterns or activity, schedule and sleep. The nightlight really accentuates the beauty of these women while they sleep. Kam has gone back to sleep. always unsure of her sleep. she's up again looking at her phone
  7. I'm not sure or unsure when Kamila goes out if its a gig(hostess or party girl) she may seem lazy to those who have regular hours but in her field its very normal to sleep during the day and work at night. I don't know if she is working but I believe she is making contacts. I haven't seen Dima in a couple of weeks, she has been home a lot and sometimes going to bed before midnight and getting up within 6 hours. I don't think she's any lazier than most of the tenants. Most of them sleep late and do nothing all day as well. Like us when we are at home. From the last couple of days, she has been on the phone with someone who she likes talking to. She walks around the apt, with her undies etc. Unless we get some translation hard to tell. I have a feeling that another person has peeked her interest. another thing she went to sleep at 7am and woke up around 6 pm. she wen out the house for about 30 minutes but mainly stayed on the couch until she wen to bed at around 3am. Now that's a lot of sleep.
  8. 03:30 Kristy is sleep blanket off, ass in a thing facing camera 12. Kamila is up looking at her phone on her side nice profile of ass in panties.
  9. 01:45 Kamila is in living room on couch, living room doors are closed to not disturb Kristy. Kamila is watching her laptop still wearing her shorts and tight white t shirt. lights are on. Kristy went to bed wearing green panties and top.
  10. well in bc there are three ladies with their backsides showing watching their laptop in one bed.
  11. After 01:00 the girls were talking in the living room, kamilas legs where rested on Kristys legs and they had a conversation about things. Now they are walking around, Kristy with her pink panties and dark blue bra ass looks awesome as usual. On camera 9 in Kamilas room, Kristy is maybe borrowing clothes to put on, Kamila offers advice on how she looks. They moved to Kristys room. she is now topless with those hot pink panties on Kamila in the doorway now both in the bathroom. Kristy is bathing, Kamila is in the crouch position on the duvet. Nice vagina shot with panties. kristy of course fully naked. Awww the girls are catching up.
  12. Just about midnight Kristy is home wearing pink panties, dark bra sitting on the floor. Kamila is on the couch with white top and light blue shorts laying on the couch with her laptop on her lap. Camera 2
  13. Kamila has been having conversations on the phone with someone the last couple of days that has her really engaged. I haven't seen Dima in a while I wonder is it someone new she may be interested in?
  14. 19:30 Kamila up in living room, white shirt, blue short pants nothing special nothing revealing. food delivered from her favorite place. Kristy not home. her day is getting started at 7 at night. She is scarfing down that food. hungry today.
  15. It's close to 09:00 Kamila is still up, still focused on her phone sitting against the headboard both legs up and closed. Topless, no good camera shots. and as I was typing, she had a one minute full breast exposed before covering up and rolling over to sleep.
  16. Julian is here!, do your magic get the Princess going. see you guys hope I read something cool
  17. Kamila as been on the phone since she got home. Actually, she has been very talkative on the phone all day yesterday.
  18. Kamila is home alone, she is wearing a black thing and topless lying on her bed of course with the phone. Her backside is on display on both cameras, it is complete daylight in the room.
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