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Everything posted by kenny1940

  1. And lets not under estimate the draw of Kamila and her value. This apt has had very little attention as far as the CC commenters are involved. Most think that Kristy and the Angels bring the excitement... they do but when I got home comment after comment was about Kamila and her new fella. Kamila drives this ship and has full negotiation leverage, despite the recent polls. How long do you want to be invested? Or have you seen enough over the six months in this apt. This apt is mind boggling as watching Lost(tv series). I am now watching Lost again and have watched Kamila since around Spring of 2015. Lost is awesome and Kamila is intriguing.
  2. 09:00 The angel that wore a blue dress that was sleeping with another angel in Kristy room has departed. One Angel in Kristy room the one with the nice ass is brown haired wearing white shorts and red top. In the living room Kristy is asleep facing camera two. Another Angel is facing the wall blue top.covered, A great shot of the buns of steel in black shear panties with daylight in the living room. Kamila is facing camera 9 with daylight flickering to see her in her white thong panties ass and honey of course in panties.
  3. Doesn't Kamila look beautiful in the daylight, her white panties thong underwear showing her perfect bubble butt. full breasts. and Kristy ass in shear black panties.
  4. this is the matter with dating and being on rlc as a single person, dudes they meet may not be cool with being on camera. at any rate the beautiful woman should have gotten fucked tonight. even in the restroom or something. tease tease. by the way she did not bother staying up late to text him like she has for the past two weeks. She likes that Dima dick and he wont give it to her either.
  5. I wonder is Kristy saying in her head " haha no one wants to have sex with you and I have two guys who want to and all my friends are here" their all laughing at you. I know I'm just being mean but I would say its quite the reversal of fortunes. I still think Kamila is the Princess and someone needs to get at her like a man, she would have no problems doing anything sexual in the apt. Women, when sexually aroused will go all out. She is super aggressive sexually and at least in bed needs a dominant partner.
  6. I guess that "Angels will never come back again because Kamila is a bitch can die" other news why do you guys pay $45 after an emotional event. that happens once every 3 months. Either give it a 3 month chance at $33 or check the comments to see where its going.
  7. Sorry I may have missed something. How close did they get? Like clothes off of dry humping like teens
  8. wow reading these posts, you guys are brutal. hahaha. Kamila is still walking around in shock and anger.
  9. The camera 1 living room is sooooo far away. In other news. Kamila seems to be a happy camper for about a the time she broke up with Dima and has been interested in the new person. She is at home a lot more and pretty free with her body, seems invigorated. Earlier she was dancing around and smiling.
  10. 06:10 Kamila is still up using phone. She is laying on back sexy view from camera 9 angle. Left leg is open showing boobs and crotch area. Those damn shorts aren't helping though. and she looks like she is going to sleep now.
  11. Gotta tell you I agree. She almost always changed panties at least. The last couple of times didn't even go to the restroom. Now I must say I have seen her in this apt and soil her panties because again she would change panties. who knows maybe it was more intense in BC because of being away.
  12. 04:00 Kamila I think had earphones in her ear and did some sexy dancing around the house, it looked kind of funny because I didn't see any ear buds. After about 10 minutes of that she started a new book. At one point she was licking her lips and sticking her tongue out while reading. After a while she stopped reading and put the ear phones in visibaly and did the phone scroll. She is on top of her quilt wearing yellow shorts and topless. Kamila then gets in to position which is securely under the quilt legs up. I was hoping she would shed the shorts. but she didn't. She begins to masturbate because of the movement of the covers, you certainly cant see anything. It's little longer than the last coupled of times, at the end she clearly says DA DA DA(yes) a few times before catching her breath and went straight to the phone. She didn't go to sleep she is up texting probably with the new person, smiling and laughing, camera 9 shows her topless one her back. She looks lovely her hair is all the way down and nice looking, still in shorts. Its now 05:37.
  13. 09:15 Kristy is up, Kamila got up to adjust drapes back to sleep. Welcome back Noldus tried my best while you were offline.
  14. yes I remember you saying this a while ago and you nailed it. I was waiting for Kitek to respond and then I started seeing very different behavior from her. Patterns of the last two weeks and the Kitek revelation, she may be dressing to go see the guy that works at the bar during working hours and then going on a date afterwards. Apparently he works at a club.
  15. 09:00 didn't see Kristy come home but she is in bed sleep. Good night for me. Good night K&K although it is blazing sunlight where you are so good day....
  16. You don't always need pictures to tell the story and you can rely on pictures instead of words to tell the story.
  17. 06:40 Kamila has turned out the light and rolled over to go to sleep..... we shall see. No nudity tonight, t-shirt and panties on.
  18. Truth is I have never seen either girl do anything malicious, in fact all the girls. A couple of dudes have been assholes. Kamila and Kristy are pretty good young ladies in a world where they are single and have to somehow have a relationship with a partner and that person is ok with them being on camera. The only Kamila incidents have been her bumping heads with Nora, disappointing Kristy in BC and being in a bad mood with Kristy's angels. Which the latter is just an indication of her wanting Kristy at her side, which Kristy proved in BC if you cross her she is the more powerful. Kristy froze Kamila out so much that Kami cried. Kristy loves Kamila as a friend and excepts her as is and they roll that way, they really do connect when they can. In a year and about 3 months that's it. Nothing really done by Kamila that warrants any hate. and in my opinion Dima either, yes they probably should move on from each other but I've never seen him be no more an a hole than she can with him.
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