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Everything posted by kenny1940

  1. Nice, pretty Kam angel on couch, Kristy walking around in panties and Kamila dancing around naked in shower. Hope they are not going back out
  2. wow whatever they did lots of excitement girls talking up a storm running around animated. each taking turns taking a piss. lol Kamilas friend is pretty in daylight.
  3. Sounds like Mod debate. I like knowing what happened. but I have 10 days left. Hopefully someone will let me know. Chat is at the moment, and live then goes away within minutes. Knowing what happened, versus pages of arguments makes it a little easier for me personally because I'm pretty much the opposite time frame on what happens during the week.. Thank you Noldus, Mike, Julian, Ridge
  4. 04:05 Angel is sleep, Kamila is up but maybe falling asleep. Forgive me I don't know one Angel from the others. Kamila is twitting around with her hands laying on her back under covers. Angel is full wrapped.
  5. to quote myself Kam looks horny, it would be weird to bate in bed. probably go to the living room like she did with Dima or restroom which would suck.
  6. :02:51 Kamilas room is still up, her friend is in a t shirt and panties legs up on the wall, Kamila on her side of the bed in panties laying on her side, topless. night light is one, bed lamp is on.
  7. Ugghgh seems like things happen on Thursdays during my working hours. weekends not so much when I can watch. Thanks for the info guys.
  8. they are not lesbians for the millionth time. anytime Kamila is in bed with a chick it means no masturbation
  9. I know she is horny for two weeks. She was running around naked, masturbated I think 3 days in a row. her average is one every couple of weeks.
  10. I never knew there was a beach in Moscow. But apparently there is. olive beach and superbeach
  11. oh well there goes that. She seems to like this fella. He has other options, especially if he works at a club.
  12. From the latest information provided by Kitek. It appears that a long dilemma will continue. We can say the girls only do stuff outside but it seems that half of the battle is guys don't want to be on camera either. Personally I wouldn't if I didn't sign up for the project. I get the feeling she is willing sometimes and not the guys in the apartment. Both men and women like to wake up in their own bed also.
  13. yea funny I think she tried on 5 or six different combinations of clothes. Looks like a casual night out. Not dressed to fancy. I wonder how much and how fast things would get done without her phone. even when she finishes masturbating she goes directly to the phone.
  14. 19:00 well if I cant wake with two beautiful girls in MY bed, its nice to see Kamila and Kristy laying in bed together. Kamila in lying naked on her side of the bed with phone in hand, Kristy is laying at the top of the bed width wise in panties that are turquoise and white. They are watching one of the Twilight Movies on the Tele. Nice ass shots.
  15. Past my bedtime, I cant sleep until Kamila is sleep lol Go To Bed Princess! Daddy needs to be productive tomorrow
  16. 10:00 am Kamila is up for the moment, camera 10 topless went to restroom. you get to see her fantastic hot pink pedicure. immaculate woman. checking messages on phone. crossed leg topless. camera 10. Kamila went back to the restroom after checking messages. 10:15
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