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Everything posted by kenny1940

  1. Kristy and Kam came home together. don't know how they hooked up. Kristy has a new bouquet of flowers. both are in the kitchen, Kristy topless in undies, Kam with shorts and big shirt, no bra
  2. Nice points. what happened is these vids started popping up everywhere with out content and possible still with members id. I know a lot of people got banned without really knowing why. So a shared fun "In case you missed it" got thrown on the world wide web. A big F U to those who were doing a service.
  3. A little hate thrown at Kam lately. and it shows in the polls. Very interesting indeed how the pendulum as swung. I'm old school so I still enjoy seeing Maya, Leora. It will be sad for me when they leave the project, like Lora, Alina, Nora. the Kamila one really surprises me. She is a knockout and yea may seem self centered or indifferent. Not a mean bone in her body. Kamila has open sex once and the place will go bananas.
  4. This poll is very surprising to me. Kamila stock has dropped, even in her own apt. But they don't have any free cams at all so only paid premies see them. I'm glad Leora is up there around the top. She carries the standard/free views if not for her no one would even consider going to premium or seeing other room. As lovely as Kira is their whole things is in the bedroom. Maya is good looking but the apt is for the old school only. D&D rely on guests mainly. Zoya doesn't do much on free cams especially when the guest is always there. As for the premiums, Nelly and Bogdan are a really cool couple and enjoy each other Nelly is just too skinny for me. Masha will give you good energy and all out openness. Finally just by the constant comments, of course the Barcelona women will be in the running. But it seems Irma is the most popular. I voted strictly who do I gravitate to and it was Rita. The other newer couples need more time.
  5. So Ridge, I just got home and I see Dima in bed. I also see disappointing comments. Did they not get together again?
  6. I hope these two kids figure it out. or Kam and Kristy resolve their latent love for each other. I'm done trying to figure it out. Its not very strange to be 24 and want to see where this is going. and dabble with others. usually people have three significant relationships. high school, early twenties, and the third one where you figure it out around late twenties.
  7. Jason Garrett Dallas Cowboy Head Coach and Dima current boyfriend of Kamila are the same person
  8. And Kamila is out at about 6:15am now lets see who sleeps the longest. Me or her. I will go to sleep three hours from now.
  9. Kamila is alone in the apt. No Dima, Kristy is out getting laid maybe, Anna is out of town. Still up at 5:30am looking at her phone. I think everyone is getting laid but Kam.
  10. that's primitive woman. she could always get the latest dildo, rabbit or whatever .she prefers a lotion bottle
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