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Everything posted by kenny1940

  1. For me I have wants and expectations. I want to see the tenants interact with each other, their friends and their bf/gf. None of the tenants are obligated to me whatsoever. I expect that since I pay RLC has to provide a apt where there is presence at the very least. The Kam and Kris apt has been flat out empty way too much. Not much presence from either one of them and they barely interact at the apt. That is my issue. I cant force anything other than to cancel which I did. If it gets better I will make a decision. I have two months left anyway. Thanks for your review page 1010
  2. That underwear selection is for going out and feeling good and sexy or expecting someone over to see it. Not for lounging around. Thank you Kristy
  3. Its almost as if she got a Emergency call from RLC headquarters.: "Quick the natives are getting restless get to the apt, do something!!" Still, its good she took one for the team. Gotta love Kristy
  4. I truly believe Kristy actions were for the viewers today. After her performance she put on sexy underwear and did not go anywhere and now is back in the bath tub.
  5. Funny how camera 9 isn't working now. Worked fine when the apt was empty and the wind was blowing
  6. Paul and Leora had a nice intimate session something I have not seen in a long time from them. No undercover stuff.
  7. As of 11pm pacific us time Kam got up and left. Kristy still sleep. I think they both have checked out mentally on this project. Too busy with life as they should be.
  8. Yea, give Maya and Stef a bigger place and let them leave with tribute. Kris and Kam in that place is a bit much
  9. Its funny the Barcelona apt was the first or one of the first Premium apts. Maybe the Spanish couple. I was completely satisfied with Standard not interested. Also, from the beginning never have the Premium apts been open to anyone for a while, then finally RLC opened it up and that is what got people to join. That way of doing business is now old. I think RLC is going for the short run like lots of start ups make money within 7yrs. and sell and move on. Standard is on its way out. It will be only Premium options and sadly it may turn into NOTWachme 24/7. Where they basically have nothing to offer talent wise and they don't have much content for their Premium offers. They are giving it away and relying on clicks, hits, views and suckers like me who ordered a week vod because it seemed interesting.
  10. Over the past 3yrs I have noticed the Couple Apts. are what made RLC. You get the ups and downs of a relationship with cameras on you 24/7. The ones that last past 6months accept the life and soon forget about the cameras. The concept of Premium apts. specifically focusing on single women was good but besides Kam and Kris it never really involved any arc. In the end we will expect things from the single apts. that wont happen because they are not totally invested, they can roam about the county. Couples made a decision to go for it. Yes some got comfortable and backed off and now we are at a serious impasse. Investing in RLC is now a very tough decision regarding content price and viewer satisfaction. I'm disappointed in the Kam and Kris apt because they never really hang out much, both are gone a lot and it seems they have two places to stay. Kam is on her third tour she's probably done with the whole deal anyway. Where Maya, Leora, Dasha the old timers are in maybe a financial and personal fork in the road. Some couples simple left after a short time
  11. There is no sound in Blue room so I just tune out. Sound is mucho importante. and her room is a mess
  12. I predict a Kamila bate. Going out in good spirits looking hot. Will come home after denying her dude. and bate cause shes always horny she cant keep her hands off herself and I don't blame her. what do I base this on... nothing just a feeling.
  13. I'm not sure if something fell through and she had an alternative plan. but now shes in the bathroom playing dance music. Its fun to watch Kamila switch. When she sleeps or watches movies she is soo cut almost child like and natural beauty. When she dresses up she turns into the hot chick that is so alluring you feel like you don't have a shot.
  14. So Kamila who was home just lying on the sofa for most of the day. Gets showered and all gussied up. Puts on a a nice outfit maybe restaurant or club. I tuned out 30 min shes home now getting ready again to go somewhere else.
  15. there are 15 apts rignt now. I say there will be about 6 by july as the apts will be on vacation a lot. I hope Julia stays a while like last year.
  16. As RLC and its relationship with the members of Camcap. may change because of the aggressive moves of RLC and its protection with its content. I would really like to acknowledge those who kept me informed with pics and vids. I have mostly subscribed since July 2013. I'm in a time zone that is pretty opposite of most the apts. on RLC. So it was awesome to see a community looking out for those who pay or not to keep up. I don't want to name names because of who knows with RLC and the banning trend. WE ALL KNOW who has hooked us up. Thank you. I must also say I am a proponent of Intellectual property and protection of original thought and how it is presented. If you are making claim to someone else's content I wont agree with you. I do think its fine to share amongst our Camcap community. Why because they were obviously paid for. Much like when you used to buy a movie or CD and share with those who also liked the product and has contributed financially to support the product you love. I don't agree with RLC attacking our members if they are showing it on Camcap because its out of love. If our members are posting them elsewhere or going a little far with their communication efforts with the apts. Well.....
  17. I don't really follow when women are on their period. However in case I missed something is she wearing pad? Is the scare over? She doesn't seem to be worried
  18. Kamila is quite the fascinating young women. In a year or longer she has had an interesting year. First in Barcelona she was the new kid displaying this soft sexuality. Later she was sort of getting left out by Milana and Coco. She also premiered her first BATE session and you really see her sensuality. She comes back a few months later and is wildly popular and is a little stronger in her presence in the house. and we meet the Kristy. We see a developing friendship, some partying, ups and downs with men and her stock rises and now her and Kristy with their own apt. New growth with life and decisions with men and friendships. I don't really need to understand what they are saying I get a better kick out of being a fly on the wall watching the patterns, gestures, frowns, smiles excitement and sickness. This woman has so much raw sexuality balanced with subdued sensuality its very intriguing. She's only 24 or so just learning as she goes using as much intellect, heart and impulse she can which is what most of us have done.
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