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Everything posted by kenny1940

  1. Thanks I appreciate the feedback. Much to do about nothing. Hey at least her bf creates intrigue, I like him for that. Hes the only one that provides a chance of seeing Kam
  2. So I'm confused by the comments did they actually get together and have sex? It sure has been a horny day. As I was leaving Dasha, then Adrianna, I guess Kristy was doing stuff and this(whatever this was)
  3. Rita has been showing more but it may be due to her just feeling good about her body since shes been working out.
  4. over the three yrs of Maya she has gained maybe 10 pounds, it went right to her boobs
  5. she is so not interesting anymore. shes ok with her online stuff, but covers up on rlc. whatevs
  6. Sugar is getting on with someone but I cant tell if its a dude or chick. resembles the more masculine Sabrina/Carina
  7. who are the KK look a likes. I don see the resemblance with the current tenants or maybe trying to duplicate it?
  8. This forum will always overcome obstacles. Including RLC. The people who post and provide pics and videos will eventually figure it out. Be patient, these people are very talented and determined. Don't ask numerous times, it pisses them off. Geniuses need space.
  9. Of course as soon as both are gone from the apt for a few days we will implode on each other
  10. When this apt first opened and Kamila went on a trip pretty quickly, when she returned Kristy was so happy to see her, she danced and spent around in circles. Now they sort of pass each other by. I think that's why a lot of members see the end. Its just not the same anymore for them. I do think they both get lonely when they are by themselves in the apt.
  11. it just seems inevitable just because of outside interests, maturing and bf/gf obligations at some point. I think that it will end as this apt goes by winter. RLC and the KK would probably go through the summer. Probably play out by then.
  12. yep I would agree, but I honestly don't know the financial situation in that part of the world. Models, I think wouldn't be in a situation that requires cameras and a hidden expectation of nudity or teasing or exposing your personal sex life.
  13. They met on a project outside of their home and connected doesn't mean they were meant to be together forever. Did all of us still hang out with our college pals or high school friends first roommates, colleagues or past bf/gf after a year?
  14. Yea I agree, they are roommates not lovers with different schedules and not 9-5 jobs. They connect when they have the time. Those are up and down gigs, sometimes they pay well but there are down times.
  15. My God Rita is so beautiful and she's getting more comfortable. Beautiful smile. Heard shes married to a guy named Mike.
  16. Batting clean up number 2 Kristy, number 2 Kristy- After having Mom there the bat phone must have called Kristy and put her to work. Kristy came home masturbated walked around and left.
  17. She seemed pretty happy round two. Listen I don't get into debates on this site. so I'm out. Too old and have a life to live.
  18. Come on folks, its been a long time since they went all out. Leora and Zoya has carried the standard apts and free cams a long time. NIna and Kira are cool but usually not on the free cam. Maya and Step, pretty much never but I will always like them. They remind me of Lora and Max. Steady routine and ups and downs regarding intimacy .Dasha and Demid provided parties and great guests. But not much on free cam or much else in a while. Its good to see them get back in action.
  19. I caught like the last two minutes barely interested. but it seemed better than the last year or so. I'm not interested in the apt at all only when Yulia comes. In fact why I cancelled is because I'm stuck with not liking any of them. KK and Rita was the last interest for me. Overall yes when there is nothing left sex is the interest. I have completed my cycle and satisfaction. just waiting for my term to run out.
  20. Its funny how the dudes want to cover up the stars. Demid just cover up Dasha, Kams BF tried to cover up Kams boobs once when they didn't have sex and she sort of pushed him off like " don't do that its cool, its part of the show"
  21. Dasha stepping it up after a very long drought. Not recruiting either. Good show, great ass.
  22. In roommate situations, the dynamic changes when one of the roommates has a bf/gf especially when they are having sex. Couples tend to mark their territory and take over the house. It will be interesting to see Kristy's tolerance. The best is to also have someone there on your team.
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