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Everything posted by kenny1940

  1. Kam doesn't seems to have very little interest in what Nora says. She barely responds when it is just those two. Whatever happen to them a couple of weeks ago is still there. Meanwhile Kristy comes home and Kam is fully engaged.
  2. All of these girls are into drugs, sex and buffy the vampire slayer
  3. Wow this like a movie. Act 1-Two young girls arrive in Spain and are attracted to each other. Act 2- One girl gets caught up in glamorous Barcelona scene gets intoxicated with dreams creating conflict. Cant wait for the concluding Act 3. will it end like a romantic comedy where the two girls finally find they love each other?, or will it end on a sad note where two hearts are broken as young girl goes back home to a different life? stay tuned.
  4. If anyone has lived in NYC or Miami or any international city that never sleeps time is not a factor.
  5. Contact RLC they have been supportive of this situation. I had the same issue.
  6. Kam getting ready to go out. I'm on the west coast so maybe I will be up when all arrive home. Give you an update
  7. Another point I wanted to make in response to all your responses is. I have seen some people negate "newbies" comments. such as shut up newbie, why are all these newbies now here etc. I cant even remember how I got to this site I guess its connected to RLC, I enjoyed the commentary. Some are more experienced in posting some aren't, I just want everyone to express themselves in a mature and factual or at least honest way. Just because the masses don't agree doesn't mean you should sit quietly. By the way I still don't know what the Karma deal is all about. I don't even know how I got to RLC, probably surfing porn and came to something more intriguing.,
  8. Kam is easier to type, sometimes I say Kris, some say K&K I don't think there is anything other than that.
  9. Nice comparison Ozi, and a great point to make. Yes subject matter does count. I guess I don't like the bullying part or the authoritative tone by some members who have participated more. A senior member may have a better feel about the CC posts because they are very active but not necessarily any more insight on RLC than a newbie.
  10. Just because it says newbie by someone does not mean they are new to RLC and do not have plenty of knowledge. It took me a year and a half to post on CC. Meanwhile I have viewed RLC since July of 2013. I was a newbie 3 months ago. I think there is so much bithching and speculation people are compelled to chime in. It seems now a lot of butt hurt posters are turning on Kamila because she may like dudes instead of being a lesbian. Or Efim visited Zoya and the world exploded. You can have 1000 posts and don't pay for RLC or CC. Or you can have 10 posts and pay for both. Its all the same, you post on a site. I would be embarrassed to be banned from an adult site and a site that comments on it. Yet I see this time and time again. My point there is no rank here.
  11. wow 17 pages of a thread created today because Efim visited Z. probably friends and the connection as someone mentioned on page one. I guess the fake lesbian scenario on the other apt is put to rest, looking for another script.
  12. This girl takes off her pants as soon as she hits the door, so funny
  13. Loner seemed harmless what did he do? Annoying at most. Did I miss something?
  14. in addition I may have a different perspective on this scenario. It is a sweet evolving thing but I'm paying for it and I'm a closer so its getting a little old and I really don't have any attachment for any of the girls. I enjoy them while they are there. I try not to ruin others perspectives. I report for those who don't have access like the handful of those post pics and vids. If you saw something I didn't see so be it.
  15. my source and my eyes say no. but like a said before our minds see what we hope and it didn't equate to anything anyway. I call it as I see it. no hype. I pay for it so I don't have to advertise. and honestly I do not know how to post or record. probably why I pay.
  16. sometimes you turn your head and you miss something. all I know is it didn't equate to anything. they are sleep and kristy will return to her bed as usual before sun up.
  17. The song remains the same CC. the little girls played footsie and went to sleep. Kami wrapped up like a mummy, Kristy frustrated but happy I guess, meanwhile other apts are coming back on line. A&D got it going within an hour. I will admit I'm intrigued I paid the 3 month deal at 25% off to see this out. Other apts. now are more interesting.
  18. What is the appeal of this apartment again? Is it the intrigue of the what could happen or that the other apts are not offering much. I personally just got bored with this one and the others are barely home. So I just rely on comments and mainly it's conversation amongst cc members. Cute girls, I guess. I ask myself the same question. If you are into sports or entertainment you wonder why they get paid a certain amount of money and it because of the value they bring to the bottom line. I guess Kamila has real value.
  19. an emply apartment on vacation will have the indicator
  20. he's just asking because the thread says where are the girls what are they doing. and btw bobby joe I don't attack anyone on this post just cut some slack on those who don't have access. I only comment and keep it moving.
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