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Everything posted by kenny1940

  1. Kristy is adorable, how can anyone stay away from her. Kamila cant. Kristy will always keep trying. Shes like a golfer, bad round, brush it off, brand new round.
  2. Kristy masturbated for about 1 minute now on phone. Kamila looking at phone in her room. Nora sleep naked. Same ole
  3. Girls back from beach, Kami showering, Kristy in kitchen, Nora gone
  4. I sometimes think Nora butts in too much but she tries to involve the mates with the games and entertainment. Seeing her in bed naked tonight she has a lovely creamy body and can be very sexy.
  5. I paid premium when I got the newsletter regarding Kamila. So its just about a month. She will be there at least another month I assume since she's in the "big girls room" as for me eh. If you get non premium you have two apts. that are on vacation I haven't seen Dasha in at least three days. Maya and Stepan are on a safari or something by the looks of their bags.(on vacation) So kind of have to do premium with less apts. Paying premium mainly for this apt or Nelly and Bodgan doesn't work out. maybe when summer is over.
  6. Going to add to Skipp a little with a recap of the day. Earlier in the day, Kamila wanted some space and went to her room and closed the door. She had her usual tools ready and was rubbing herself which would have been great since it was daylight and great to see. Kristy came busting in and it stopped. Kamila asked to close the door again. Kristy left again and Kamila sort of hung out in her room watching movies or something on her laptop. Meanwhile Nora was sleep naked pretty early and legs wide open or as she tosses and turns ass showing with the vag peeking but she occasionally would place the blanket or pillow in between her legs. Kristy was gone at least a couple of hours while it was just Kamila and Nora. Nora door closed, Kamila door open. It seems Kamila kinda missed Kristy. Kamila again starting rubbing her self watching and talking to whomever it is that turns her on. and then Kristy came home(bad timing again) and it stopped. Reads Skipps from this point. After Skipps recap as I was typing this, as if out of dream Kamila while still sleeping starts rubbing her lovely young breasts and Im thinking ok lets finish what you started twice today. But she never really woke up and the door is still open literally for Kamila and Kristy who is sound asleep as well. At this time its probably 6am Barcelona time. that's where we stand for the night.
  7. Kamila is a sneaky one. Not so innocent as some would believe. Adorable all the same.
  8. quick question in the midst of everything. lots of talk of them reading CC, a select few of the girls speak English do they read English? and is CC a USA site? is it translated? please save the insults just not informed
  9. Kristy is in the friend zone a cuddle buddy. Kam left her own room while Kris was sleep and went to Kris room maybe to not disturb her or put her headphones on. Kris likes Kam, Kam likes Kris up to a point probably not what Kris has in mind. Kam has someone else probably. I hope they figure it out. btw I double posted because it involves Kam and Kris
  10. Kristy is in the friend zone a cuddle buddy. Kam left her own room while Kris was sleep and went to Kris room maybe to not disturb her or put her headphones on. Kris likes Kam, Kam likes Kris up to a point probably not what Kris has in mind. Kam has someone else probably. I hope they figure it out.
  11. Pardon me but I don't know how to reply to a quote. Forgive me Euro I may have inserted by response in your quote. Anyways I had a week off and now I go back to not seeing anything.
  12. No soup for you Euromike I am backing up Euromike to a point-I too was watching 2 RLC screens, and I did not see Kristy masturbate. However, Kamila was doing more than just touching herself, she was rubbing her vulva and clitorus for at least 10 minutes-I call that masturbating.
  13. Btw, I have no idea how to record this stuff. I leave it to the professionals. I just pay or not and enjoy. My sub is up in a week and that will be it again for about 4 months. save myself $45 x 4. Kamila brought me back and Im good not much too see.
  14. For all of you following this, Kamila was touching herself and that's it! Kristy did not masturbate. Stop sending phony comments. There will be pics that offer the power of suggestion but trust me nothing happen other than Kamila touching herself with the door open. And I watched split screens with Kristy and Kamila, Kamila was watching something on her phone and Kristy had her phone on the floor or was watching something else. Stop it with false reporting.
  15. This bottle fantasy is funny. I watched this and the last three times she has used her hand or finger under covers, no dynamic sound or explosion. Her and Kristy may be real and off line something, but she was listening to something the last three times I've seen her self service. Control your emotions CC its fun but Leora does not front on the masturbation scene. No questions no mystery. Kamila is a little girl in front a of cameras and is not going there.
  16. Kamila is in really good mood. Maybe not done for the night stay ready gentlemen
  17. Im surprised that Kristy doesn't self service being that she gets teased so much. Kamila will rub one out pretty regularly.
  18. Kamila masturbated while Kristy was on the phone looking at something else. In her room.
  19. Now in separate rooms of course but be on the self service alert Kamila door is closed. that was just a peck at most
  20. Well based on past experience, Kamila may feel a little frisky with herself under the covers after all the fun. Be prepared. Start watching now. She is topless and of course Kristy is in her room but the door is open.
  21. Well Kristy is on the on deck circle(spooning) maybe a month from now she will get to second base at which point my subscription will have ended(about 10 days) and all of you can tell me they made out, or Kamila is gone. Im ok with it ultimately its voyeurism not my personal fantasy or porn.
  22. like your post but there is already another Nora Post:)
  23. Poor Kristy, trying as hard as she can and Kamila is not going for her other than slight touching lmao. This is how guys feel ladies when we are 16
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