I don't think a porn star would satisfy her. She is just a self center bitch. The poor guy tried every thing tonight for four hours. He tied her up, went down on he many times, tried many different positions while she just laid there. I think she doesn't like sex and blames the guy.
I think Nelly needs to grow up. She is in telling Jacky and Tobi about it they are laughing at him. She need to understand sex is a two person event. She pretty much made him do all the work. She never touches him and only blew him for a second. She has had two different men and she acted the same during and after both. Like a ten year old telling her friend so she doesn't look bad. GROW up Nelly, bad sex twice and you are the only person that was involved in both events.
I think its time for Christy to move out of the project. She seems miserable and doesn't interact with anyone. I can't believe I am saying this but I really feel sorry for her.
I go out to eat and come back and everything is changed Jacky is on the couch in Voro she have a fight with Tobi. Where did Christy go I can't find her in Tver? Can someone let me know what happen. I wish if they are going to play card that it would be better if they played for cloths.
There is 8 girls and 3 men and two of the men are already taken. This leaves one man for 6 girl and one of the girls is his sister. Pretty much means that we will see nothing but cards tonight.
Anybody know what's going on in VV it looks like nobody is talking they all are in their rooms. Has the new guy moved at all today? What happen to Nelly?
I think Nelly wanted to talk to the Boss (mom Petra) about the new guy, she had to wait until she was done with her show. Nelly sure doesn't look happy that's for sure.