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Everything posted by beancounter

  1. anyone see the new guy leave Voro tonight?
  2. It would be fun to watch, we could use some entertainment
  3. I feel sorry for Christy and the new guy, they should send Christy to Voro and let them hook up.
  4. Anybody know what's going on in VV it looks like nobody is talking they all are in their rooms. Has the new guy moved at all today? What happen to Nelly?
  5. I think Nelly wanted to talk to the Boss (mom Petra) about the new guy, she had to wait until she was done with her show. Nelly sure doesn't look happy that's for sure.
  6. She is probably telling Christy you want him go get him LOL
  7. How can Christy eat while Petra is doing that in the same room. LOL
  8. wow that was quite a performance by Nelly she earned her keep tonight.
  9. Nelly was talking about the new guys performance and Jackie told her to be quiet he can hear. LOL
  10. First time in front of cameras it will get better
  12. Did Blue leave does anyone know or see her leave. I agree with jethro13 she was the only reason I checked out this apartment.
  13. Christy seems to making sure hers is covered. LOL
  14. Nelly is has dido in her while Jacky is in the bathroom with her.
  15. They sure don't act like brother and sister. I never seen a brother and sister laying together like that.
  16. Is that Hector on the couch with Suzan? It doesn't look like him to me.
  17. Contract on the table for Jacky's BF, he was just looking at it.
  18. The amount they get is closer to $300. USD which equals 23,200 Russian Rubles. This number was on twitter a few months ago.
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