I agree with some of what you say however not all. I agree complaining all the time dilutes your complaint with VV. I don't like having professional porn actors in VV, however I have never emailed VV about them. I have email them asking about what their plains are when Voro was empty. I also email them about the tenants covering the cameras. Both my emails were answered by VV with answers I agree with.
The "obligation" of tenants to show skin is something that VV tells all tenants (maybe after the fact). I not sure obligation is the correct word, however they strongly tell them that it is expected. I am positive they do not tell them that sex on camera is required. Lets be real if there wasn't any nudity VV would not exist. If you remember towards the end of Milka and Lilu they brought in boys and the girls had to play with them in some sexual staged scene. Usually with the girls getting naked.