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Everything posted by beancounter

  1. Notice how all the action takes place in Tver, Petra makes sure of this anytime Voronezh starts something she sends make sure they Tver shows up. I sure she is making sure she gets her bonus. She is smart and the people in Voronezh aren't very smart.
  2. This is my last post responding to people who don’t like my post. Let me start out saying I have more letters after my name than some of you can count. I have spent years advising, counselling and mentoring people in the age group of VV tenants. I am very well respected and well like in my field. With that said I won’t be a hypocrite and say that I know everything or I am perfect. I know that I am a member of RLC and VV, so I have my demons. You can say that I am hard and use harsh words describing some of the tenants, do you think I don’t know what I said. Did you ever think I was doing it to try to wake up (shock) the person and hope they think about the consequences of their actions? I am not a "religious nut" or a "girl" as someone said, just someone who has a hard time watching people destroy their lives. One of my main goals in life is to help people reach their potential. There is only a couple of you who seem to enjoy attacking my post, I am now going to do what I said to you and just ignore your post. I am also going to ignore your p.m.’s request.
  3. Even if your don't believe think about this: Have they had sex the last two times the guest was there?
  4. I hope she is gone for good I have ne respect for Tanya, she got what she deserved.
  5. beancounter

    Tver - Split 1

    Ivo did nothing with the new girl other than the massage.
  6. Every time Voronezh starts to do something Tver come in and kills the mood.
  7. beancounter

    Tver - Split 1

    looks like she is moving in with Ivory in Akira's room
  8. anyone know where the two new girls and Petra are
  9. I am not the one with the problem its you and your friend. You two need to understand that this is a blog and as such you are not going to agree with everyone so if you don't like my post DON"T read them. I was talked out of taking it to the admins once
  10. I am beginning to think you two are the same person. I already caught one of you playing games on CC, so it would not surprise me in the least. Two people with one brain between you.
  11. SSDD same old two guys in Voronezh might as well shut it down. Dizi didn't learn from Tanya mistakes she back in Tver, she will be the next one crying. The new girl has no chance with Dizi hanging around. She should move to Tver where she could become an official porn star.
  12. Are you talking about Tanya, did she leave the project?
  13. who's Tani? the new blonde in Tver?
  14. how old are these photo I think at least a couple of months if not more.
  15. like I said earlier the guest needs to leave she add nothing to the project. she never shows us anything and even told Zoya and Lev to never have sex while she was there. She is in the process of destroying Zoya and Lev's relationship.
  16. The girls could have asked him to go, with Ivory in the picture he has zero chance. If I was him I would leave the girls want to be with the porn stars and be their cum dumps
  17. I was thinking the same thing he never shower after fucking Petra.
  18. I am not hear to please you this is a blog were people express their opinion. I really don't care what you think. I have heard from a lot of people who agree with me 100%. So it appears that you opinion is in the minority and people agree with what I am saying and really want me to continue. If you don't like what I say than don't read my post or ask for pictures.
  19. I told you before I don't give a **** about what you have to say. Everything I posted was backed up with photos.
  20. You went out in the hall with Ivory like we didn't know what was going on You went with cum dump to tver. but before you left you performed for the camera: While you and cum dump were going to Tver Your true love was laughing with Akira in his room and than ran to the bathroom to act drunk so he could play you. You fell for his line and acted all concerned. He even went to Akira after you gave him this good bye kiss and laugh about how he played you. I had hope you would be above this I had hope you would have found a real man (even Phil)and not someone who life is just fuck over anyone he can he doesn't give a shit about you only what between your legs. I am sure you made a lot of people proud last night.
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