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Everything posted by moules

  1. She packed things that I believe Elian left on Elian's side of the wardrobe. She is loosely packing some stuff in bags
  2. When Gina finds whatever she is searching for. Bruno has a backpack. Off to a visit to????
  3. The balcony looks to be one meter wide. It appears to overlook a street. There is another apartment building, one story taller, across the street. Not a balcony for public sex in the daytime. Gina & Bruno's apartment may be a corner apartment.
  4. All three, Bruno, Gina, Stella, sitting outside on the balcony. Can be seen through door on 35.4
  5. Yes, Bruno fades. Gina and Stella in the living room.
  6. Gina topless, Bruno took her top off. Bruno has a threesome on the his mind.
  7. 2.5 looks east into the bedroom and the window to the outside and the sun rises into that bedroom. 2.6 is not at right angles to 2.5, but looks 180 degrees opposite, toward the west. the floor diagrams are misleading. the only feature of the villa which must have a fixed position in the floor diagrams is the small elevator. So from bottom to top: in the fitness room, the elevator door opens to the left < toward the 4.2 and 4.3 cameras the elevator is aligned with the mirrored wall at one end of the exercise room. there presumably is no off-cam room extending behind the mirrored wall, but maybe there is. Vivien's bedroom, for example, overlooks the backyard, so her bedroom is directly above the fitness room. on the lower level of 3 (a level below N&B's bedroom) I believe the elevator door opens to the right of the image > I believe the elevator is the square next to the circle for the 3.20 camera. in the living room, the elevator door opens toward the left of the image < as can be seen in the 1.2 camera. the elevator is located at the entrance to the living room, and most of the living room is to the right of the elevator in the image. in the penthouse, I believe the elevator door opens toward the right onfthe image > onto the hall that leads to the penthouse bedroom. I suppose its possible there are two elevators, which would simplify the orientation in the floor diagrams. if the garage was converted to an office, there is still a set of stairs leading from the penthouse hallway up to the office, and any space below the office, which would be on the same level as the front entrance door of the villa, is off-camera. The front entrance door is presumably level with the street as the street passes by the front entrance.
  8. Above the garage is the office. The stairs to the office are behind the door seen in 2.9. You can see the door handle. There is running water in the office because Bogdan brought down buckets of water from the office to wash away the insects (termites) by the front door. If there is running water, there is a sink and probably a WC. Just before Elian left, she went up to the office. Bogdan went up to the office about a minute later. She was paid, and probably signed some papers. The stairs by the pool, see 5-2, lead to a landing, and then more stairs going up. When Nelly walked back to the villa after saying good-bye to Holly, she walked past the car from right to left, that can be seen in 2-6, and then down the stairs seen in 5-2 to enter the villa through the kitchen. The car looks to be 20-25 meters away from the bath in the penthouse. Camera 2-6 faces west. Camera 2-5 faces east (looking out the window in Tesla's bedroom.) I do not know what the concrete wall with the glass railing on top that can be seen in 2-6 (the car is parked beyond it) is for.
  9. The car that can be seen from the penthouse bathroom is at the level of the street, but the car is higher than the level of the penthouse. The street is on a hill. The villa was built into the side of the hill. The villa has more levels than shown in the diagrams. The garage is about the level of the penthouse or slightly below it. The office is above the garage.
  10. If Tesla were a good hostess, she would have offered to wash them in the laundry.
  11. Harley, I dispatched my drone to overfly the villa yesterday morning at about 0800. The conduit pipe that can be seen in 5-2 runs to the end of the garage at where the steps turn the corner and continue up the path.. About 1 to 1.5 meters above the conduit pipe is a ribbon window with at least six segments Perhaps < 1 meter above this window is the roof line. (The drone was there to monitor Elian's departure.) --------- Actually, I was using replay to watch Elian's leaving with her backpack and small carry-on bag, and Bogdan was with her. And then Bogdan re-appeared on the penthouse stairs, so I wanted to see if he re-entered the villa via the kitchen. The pool, at that hour, with no wind and the right sun angle, is a great mirror.
  12. Tesla, with Elian gone, seems to have entered the platonic convent. Either that, or the futbol player is dreaming of the wrong goal,
  13. This Russian friend of Tesla, who loves futbol, is wearing a tee shirt with a man's face, and beneath it the letters GOAT. GOAT means Greatest OF All Time, so I am thinking the face on the tee shirt is Lionel Messi, who plays for Barcelona. So maybe Tesla's friend should be called Messi, or Lionel. Someone said Tesla had a boyfriend named Ivan. If she does, Messi (the boy in her bed tonight) is not him. ___________________________________ In villa news, the 'office' appears to a have a single horizontal row of windows overlooking the pool. The windows extend for almost the entire length of the office.
  14. The average salary in Barcelona, about 4,000 Euros a month, is about 10x the average monthly salary in Kyiv, I have read posts here that indicated RLC girls make more than the average Barcelona salary. And as girls are 'on vacation', the gross salary may be their net salary. And as they pay no rent, a girl from Kyiv could make while vacationing for six weeks at the villa what she would make working for a whole year in Kyiv, and salaries are higher in Kyiv than any other city in the Ukraine. And a girl likely would have to pay rent out of her Kyiv salary.
  15. As to why RLC should not have problems recruiting Ukrainian girls, the average salary in Kyiv is about 500 Euros a month. Kharkiv, another large city in Ukraine, 375 Euros a month
  16. From replay, a big guy was helping Ariana with her luggage He only half appeared in the doorway. She left with five large valises (all checked baggage size), seven large / very large open top bags, and her purse. It will be a contest to see if Radi leaves with more.
  17. Thinking back, did not Bogdan move to the villa soon after Lucien (mostly) beat up an unwelcome guest one night. The police were called, one or two girls were hurt. Maybe RLC, after that incident, decided having only girls at the villa would be inadequate security if RLC has a network node above the garage. If that assumption is true, there will always be a guy living at the villa.
  18. Judging from its length on the pool cam, the garage probably has spaces for three cars, certainly for two. A part of the 'office' is probably used for a server, and connection of the villa to the Internet, probably a dedicated fiber-optic line. So maybe Fiona's car is not parked at the garage because space is used by a network technician.
  19. The car that can be seen in 2-6. Molly leaves, Nelly steps out right behind her, the front door slams shut. Nelly re-appears walking past the car, stopping, and looking inside, then she proceeds. She re-enters the villa by the side path and the stairs leading down to the pool. So the car is parked on the grounds of the villa, and this space is directly off the street near the front gate.
  20. "Not unlikely" is a double negative in English, meaning "likely". RLC owns Gina's apartment because it would be otherwise foolish to spend 50,000-70,0000 Euros on the improvements. It may be the only apartment in central 'old' Barcelona with a sauna. It is advantageous for the owners of RLC to re-invest their profits in real estate, particularly in locations where real estate will increase in value. ___________________________ The villa was closed for several months for repairs and the creation of the exercise room.
  21. What is happening in the kitchen? Yesterday, the Russian friend of Tesla kept looking at the exhaust hood above the stove-top, and today Holly was pointing out something on the floor. Maybe more signs of termites? _______________________________ As for apartments, the office above the garage should be the best apartment of all. Best views, as it is higher than the penthouse. Accessible directly from the garage. Easily a hideaway for anyone wanting to have sex off-camera, though RLC would not approve of girls staying at the villa using the office for that purpose.
  22. Holly left, and a minute or two later a girl walks by the car dressed like Holly. Will need to check replay to see if she did not put something in the back seat.
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