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Everything posted by moules

  1. Bogdan, Nelly, and Martina leave together. Undoubtedly going to the secret apartment for a tryst. V&T were staring at Martina as she dropped her towel and put her clothes back on by the pool. Since Nelly already went nude with the 'terrible twins' by the pool, RLC is undoubtedly setting the stage for a future quartet, with Bogdan directing.
  2. Martina has arrived. After a pleasant conversation with Bogdan and Nelly in the kitchen, she has gone out to the pool, stripped naked, and is swimming. Bogdan is enjoying the show from the kitchen.
  3. It also looked as if they were waving to neighbors from Megan's balcony. Bogdan peeping on his laptop? He will have eye strain after watching M&N and these two.
  4. So much for the theory that they were told to hide their lust. When is Alberto due back? They may continue until that time.
  5. Her first stay ended in December 2019, before the pandemic. Her second stay started in September 2020, in the middle of the pandemic when travel was restricted. This indicates she likely remained in Spain, She may travel, but I wager she will remain within Schengen.
  6. So rejoining the large Ukrainian emigre population in Catalonia.
  7. Watched Holly's exit on replay. She left with a backpack and a small suitcase. It would seem most of her clothes are either still at the villa or were picked up earlier. She had packed at least one large suitcase and at least several, large open-face canvas bags in the days preceding. Her farewell embraces with Bogdan and Nelly were genuine, warm, and affectionate, and with Bogdan particularly. They both walked her to the car that was picking her up. I think she is held at the same level of esteem by RLC as she is by forum members. I would be surprised if she does not re-appear at some point. ___________________ As for Megan's bedroom, i think that room is critical to how B4 functions, so either a recycled girl(s) who was well-liked by the members, or a new girl who plays very well with others. I think it interesting that Vivien, with these two new girls, has again retreated into her more solitary mode.
  8. As Holly still has clothes hanging in the wardrobe, she may have been packing her winter clothes.
  9. I think the pool is being disinfected. Bogdan ran a hose from Megan's bathroom sink out the window to the pool. I can;t think of why he would need to do that unless the water in the villa is chlorinated, and the water for the garden is not. After a small amount of water was in the bottom of the pool, he poured the contents of a white bottle into the water. He also built a water slide of sorts in the backyard.
  10. It would appear I was wrong in saying that Masha would not be leaving soon, after her boy-toy's short visit last weekend. So what was purpose of his trip other than Masha seeing how high she could make him jump? The only other explanation is that there is another change of plans, and RLC has a new or recycled guest arriving this week for Masha's room..
  11. Masha is a free spirit, she cannot correspond to the functioning of this house run on the spur of the moment "in the semblance of a good father", the fish is too big and the fillets too small! She will piss them off for a moment again, then after one last lap She will go back As She CAME! or, Even though Masha is a free spirit, she has trouble functioning in a house run as chaotically as the villa. To attempt to do so is foolish, the problem is too great, and the reward is too small. She will do something that will piss them off again, something outrageous, and depart for Rome.
  12. Would seem to be certain that Masha will not be leaving for Rome in four days, or anytime soon. No point of boy-toy's lengthy journeys to/from Barcelona if she would be much closer this next weekend, or the weekend after, or the weekend after that.
  13. 12 hours. He must have taken an indirect route. Non-stop flight from Rome is about two hours.
  14. Maybe the Italian speakers can tell us if Masha invites Holly to visit her in Rome. Did she not invite one or two others (I can't remember who) and offer to pay their airfare?
  15. My prediction is that Aaron and Hanna will be in B5 for a week or two, and leave. My reasoning: 1.) Too little luggage for a couple staying for 30 days, let alone 90. 2.) They were not dressed as if they came off an airplane. So already living in Barcelona. 3.) The best bedrooms in Barcelona are those with a bathroom en suite, for example Holly's room. They were assigned the inferior bedroom in B5. 4.) They had a pleasant conversation with the cleaning lady. So my guess is that they are friends of RLC's big manager in Barcelona (not Bogdan) and are staying in the apartment to earn money for a trip back home to Kyiv or Moscow. I think A&L left early to make room for them, because the normal sequence would be for A&L to move to C&C's bedroom. Now watch their luggage will arrive later today or tomorrow, and prove me wrong. _____________________________ As for B5, I think the apartment is owned by RLC. I say this because of the money spent remodeling the two bathrooms. RLC also owns Gina's apartment, given the large sum of money spent on that bathroom and sauna. As for B&N moving out of the villa, little chance since the office for the manager of the Barcelona properties was created at the villa.
  16. Perhaps they are at B5 for a short stay. Other couples would be unpacking luggage and toiletries, charging smartphones. They did not arrive with much luggage from what I see, and Aaron is not dressed as if he just arrived from the airport. Perhaps they are a local couple who will be paid for a two week vacation.
  17. The new sheets in C&C's room look like they belong in a girl's room.
  18. Bogdan is still away from B4, so maybe he will deliver the new couple later tonight. The cleaning lady is now cleaning C&C's room at 2100 hours,, so the second couple is also arriving in the next day or two. This apartment appears to be on the second floor. There looks to be a small shop across the street.
  19. New couple gets the secondary bedroom. C&C's bedroom going to another couple, maybe a couple with seniority, who has been on RLC before.
  20. The cleaning lady was still struggling with the mess in the kitchen when it went under maintenance.
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