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Everything posted by moules

  1. One non-stop flight a week, on Saturday, from Barcelona to Moldova. Or you can fly Aeroflot, total flight and connecting time of 1 day and six hours!
  2. Noldus is correct. When you see participants departing with many shopping bags, they are not traveling by plane or train. Flights for Rome, FCO at 18:10, and 18:40. Warsaw at 19:20. With cleaning lady there so quickly, new participants are probably arriving soon.
  3. Flight to Kyiv at 17:05. Does not look as if C&C will also be on that flkight.
  4. His fucking of Holly in the living room / dining room was memorable. A different side of Holly. And as hard as he fucked Holly, he fucked Sara harder. The two of them would push the bed across the floor in Ariana's room in B1. Sara was about 4-5 CM taller than Bruno. Made him feel short having to always look up at her.
  5. I am pretty certain that this apartment was not N&B's apartment in Barcelona. The streets in this neighborhood were laid out before there were motorized vehicles, and are generally too narrow to allow any parking. Some of the other apartment buildings have elevators (lifts) others do not, even if the building has five or six stories. That means there are few old people living in such buildings. I think this apartment's location is probably good/great for those into Barcelona's club and party scene.
  6. I am working on it!. Prices of apartments in the neighborhood about 3500-4000 euros per square meter. Renovations were very expensive.
  7. The apartment is in downtown Barcelona. Old apartment, floor style is a giveaway, may be 80-100 years old. Building is probably 5-6 stories. They are on upper floor. May be an elevator, or not. Age of the apartment explains why the floor of the kitchen and bath is raised. Close to the harbor. Walking distance to the Playa de la Barcelona.
  8. There are videos of Martina and Alberto on that website, which are easy to find. If someone was told to search for videos of Masha having sex with Nelly, it would not take much effort to find videos of Martina and Alberto and very recent videos of Martina and Nelly.. So Marta now knows all about Martina's sex life!
  9. From replay, they left at 15:30, and Masha had packed cosmetics in a small bag. So the plan was for them to visit overnight. I think they gave Holly a ride to wherever Holly was going in Barcelona.
  10. The main problem for Bogdan is that Nelly is an alcoholic who is also anorexic. She needs professional help for both conditions. From replay last night, Nelly collapses on the stairs going to Megan's suite and neither Marina nor Megan can move her. They go to the kitchen and call to Bogdan for help. Bogdan arrives, and carries Nelly to her bed. (Probably the RLC 'plan' was for Martina, Nelly, and Megan to sleep in Megan's bed. However, Nelly falls into such a stupor that she cannot move, let alone play in any games ('Plan' because Lorraine went to the guest bedroom, and Holly and Masha went to their rooms, leaving Megan, Martina, and Nelly to 'do the show'.) Both Nelly and Martina are experienced in girl-girl sex, so Bogdan showing an old video of Masha and Nelly having sex would not shock Martina in the least. More damaging to any Nelly-Martina relationship is Nelly's alcoholism. --------------- As for Bogdan, his job seems to be manager of the Barcelona properties. He supervises no one. For those repairs he cannot do himself, he hires contractors. The c,leaning lades are a service obtained from a contractor. From what others have said, he does not hire, re-hire, or fire the girls and couples.
  11. I think you are correct. I will wager most of his clothes are still in another Barcelona apartment. And Gina doesn't invite a guest to come over and spend the night if she was expecting him to come home to this apartment. His not being there for the premiere of this apartment indicates he will be a visitor not a tenant. _______________ There is a balcony off the bedroom. Big enough to step out and smoke, but little else. There looks to be a step up to the bathroom from the bedroom, cam 35-7, and a glass door between bedroom and bathroom. Similar step up arrangement from dining room to kitchen.
  12. After looking more at this apartment, there is a step up to the kitchen, which is very strange. The reason for doing this would be for plumbing, because they couldn't cut into the floor. There may be a step in the bathroom too, I am even more convinced that this was an older apartment that RLC bought and has remodeled. The bathroom with the expensive tub, the big shower, and the sauna is all new. Maybe someone was nostalgic for Russia when designing this bathroom. A good question whether this was N&B's apartment before they moved to B4. If it was, I think the remodeling was done after they left.
  13. I think I confused Anabel with Nelly. The Saint Petersburg apartment with the sauna had a big Jacuzzi .
  14. If the guests include familiar faces from Barcelona, then this apartment is in or near Barcelona. If all new faces, or if Gina doesn't appear at a party at a Barca apartment, then it is some distance away. I believe N&B's apartment in St. Petersburg also had a sauna. RLC presumably has two empty apartments in Barcelona, N&B's old apartment, and the Zac apartment.
  15. Looking more at this new apartment. From the floors, it looks to be an older apartment that RLC has remodeled. The bathroom is new, and twice the size of the kitchen. The sauna was probably installed when the bathroom was remodeled. The kitchen is the size of a closet, more like the kitchen in a vacation rental apartment where the vacationing guests are dining at cafes and restaurants.
  16. Don't think its Gina's real apartment. This apartment has a sauna. May be it is outside of Barcelona. Timestamp is Barcelona time. But I would think a sauna might be found more in an apartment on the north coast, like Bilbao.
  17. Martina working to solve equations on a whiteboard. My guess, complex equations for physical laws.
  18. What about Masha and Martina and Nelly? If there is an informal rule that Nelly and Martina can play with each other, but not with the other Barcelona girls, would such a 'rule' apply to Masha?
  19. Masha in Barcelona for a month, until May 20. Babi now listed as a project participant.
  20. Someone posted about an overheard conversation over the weekend that a trip to Sagrada Familia was planned. Anyway, B4 has emptied out.
  21. A chaste kiss on the lips, and Holly leaves for her room for the night.
  22. Masha and Holly on Masha's bed.. Maybe Masha will invite Holly to Rome, as that trip is probably erased from the travel itineraries of Gina and Curly.
  23. Masha is scheming. Whether Gina is willing to share is another matter.
  24. so is this activity in the fitness room a rehearsal for Masha's supposed video?
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