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Everything posted by moules

  1. Cecelia and Lali examining the breasts of the new girl. I am guessing she has implants, but they look very good. Sara is hot for Karma. Who knows what will happen later. But I sense there will be a welcoming party. And it may be a long night for some.
  2. As I admitted before, I don't know much about tantric sex and this "union" where two lovers become one. So I wonder about reciprocity. When Karma anally fingers Sara, does that mean that in this state of union, Karma wants Sara to anally finger her? From replay, it appears that Karma had discussed this anal play with Sara beforehand. Sara was not surprised by it. Good communication can be so important between lovers. The most surprising thing for me though was that the hard-core sex started shortly before 06:00, when neither had slept for many hours. And instead of tepid sex because you are tired, this was sex with enthusiasm. Sara is good friends with Nadia. Perhaps she can entice Nadia to join a tantric circle. In Tantra apparently, one can practice and enjoy polyamory.
  3. A house would be more expensive to buy than an apartment. It was posted that his new place was located near where his employer had its landscaping business, so I would think this would be on the fringes of Barcelona. Housing would be less expensive there. If he is renting, he could use the money he intended to give the bank as a deposit for the apartment/house he was hoping to buy. In the general area of the villas, apartments (flats) are selling for an average of 2700 euros per square meter. For example, a apartment listed for 120,500 euros -- "a 45m2 property distributed in 1 bedroom and 1 bathroom. It is an attic, but it is located in a real 3rd floor, without elevator. 45 m² built, 38 m² floor area; 1 bedroom; 1 bathroom; Second hand/good condition; Fitted wardrobes. Built in 1958" A 10 percent deposit would be 12,000 euros, a 20 percent deposit (because the buyer is a credit risk) would be 24,000 euros. I doubt he had saved 24,000 euros.
  4. Assuming landscaper is a seasonal job, that is there is little/no work in December, January, February, does Alberto need the income from RLC to feed himself and Juliet during these months?
  5. I think this is the same balding, thin guy who had a quickie with Sara in B-4 several nights ago. From replay, it does appear he got any satisfaction from Harley. RLC Replay REPLAY.REALLIFECAM.COM Watch your favorite cams in 24-hour recording
  6. In retrospect, 85 percent of the sex between Sara and Karma was Tantric sex. (The end was not.) IMO, it seems that Karma had discussed with Sara beforehand about wanting to do Tantric sex with her. I say this because earlier in the evening, Wolf and Sara lay in her bed, and had a prolonged session of caressing, without this leading to intimate touching, penetration, orgasm. For example, Sara stroked Wolf's cock, but her hand was on the outside of his jeans. And this went on, and on, and on. No climax. They just ended it and went back to the LR. But it was very similar to the touchy-feely caressing that Sara and Karma did early in their session, before the clothes started coming off. And then once the panties were off, no more Tantric sex, and Karma was the initiator. My guess is that if Karma was to have sex with Octavia, or Wolf, or potentially others, --Nasia might be a candidate -- she would start with Tantric sex until she feels union with the other person. Once there is union, it will transition to old-fashioned, hard-core Western sex. I am by no means an expert in Tantric sex, but I think once union with the other person is achieved, one doesn't need to repeat the Tantric sex part in the future. The next question for Karma is whether she is also into the Kama Sutra.
  7. Strange guest. It was as if a friend of Sara's asked if this guy could sleep at the villa for a few days, or RLC asked Sara if she would host him at the villa for several days. Pretty obvious there was no romantic, sexual, or just friends relationship between the two of them. +++++ Just had another thought. Maybe RLC ran a secret lottery, and won it it. The prize was three nights in B-4.
  8. She might have chosen this song. A bit before her time though. ^^^ The last refrains translated.
  9. Karma leaving the bed in the morning. RLC Replay REPLAY.REALLIFECAM.COM Watch your favorite cams in 24-hour recording Last Wednesday, I posted this. This is the replay link. RLC Replay REPLAY.REALLIFECAM.COM Watch your favorite cams in 24-hour recording This occurred after Karma and Sara had a long, serious conversation in Sara's bed, and then on the balcony. I thought at the time that the conversation seemed to be like a mother-daughter talk, where the daughter talks to her mother about some issue or problem, and asks mom for advice. In retrospect, Karma and Sara may have talked about sex. This next night Karma is in bed with Lali and the Child, and two nights later, in bed with Sara. After her time in bed with Lali and the Child, I wrote, 'Still waters run deep." We will see if Octavia eventually joins in. I definitely think Octavia should be moved to B-4. She is much more comfortable there than with Shantal and Megan.
  10. I don't recall Martina's guests being there for her birthday party. Have they been to the apartment before tonight?
  11. I believe the guest is a photographer and she has set up her tripod with a light. Perhaps there will may be a photo shoot in the LR later. And it may be an erotic photo shoot. Octavia and Karma were trying different positions on and beneath the massage table, with Wolf looking one. -------------- Perhaps RLC is thinking of moving Octavia to B-4, and bringing back Bea or a new participant in B-1. Octavia seems to have little in common and little rapport with either Shantal or Megan. And as Holly and Thor are reported as no longer being together, bring Holly back so we confuse her with Octavia because of the resemblance.
  12. If her friends from the clubs she apparently frequents come to the party, it would indeed be a Taco Party!! Occasionally, participants departing the project and leaving a Barcelona apartment / villa have acknowledged the viewing audience with a wave, or left behind a sign, etc. As for a Saturday party, perhaps those who supposedly are saying that they can't come on Saturday work in the establishments she is said to frequent. If that is true, then if the party is scheduled for a Sunday or Monday, there might be a Taco Squared Party.
  13. Martina in the apartment preparing a feast for Taco. A Taco Party!
  14. If she has the party at an RLC location, she is in a position to receive bonus money. If Gf-4 is present, Martina would be in a position to earn big bonus money.
  15. This is a link to replay of Sara's quickie guy. This is the start of about 30 minutes of interaction, all under the covers, and with neither removing clothes. Given the very brief time he was in B-4, I thought he was in Barcelona on a layover between connecting flights so he dropped by B-4 to visit Sara, a fuck-mate from the past. RLC Replay REPLAY.REALLIFECAM.COM Watch your favorite cams in 24-hour recording The quickie guy looks to be the same guy who is now at Harley's apartment. RLC Replay REPLAY.REALLIFECAM.COM Watch your favorite cams in 24-hour recording I wonder. Is this someone who has fled Russia? When he arrived in B-4, Sara was almost immediately affectionate with him. And anyone recognize the second guy at the table?
  16. I listened to part of the conversation, in English, between the Black dude and Karma. He was talking about drones, and had to resort to translator software on his phone to answer her questions. Her command of English was better than his. I would even say that her fluency was idiomatic, or close to it. Better English than Radi, who I thought to be the best of the English-speaking Russians. (Radi had Spanish fluency as well.) There seems to be a triangulation between Bea, Octavia, and Karma. Perhaps to be further defined in the future.
  17. Sara bating in the bath, Octavia in the shower, while Lacrim sits by himself in the kitchen. He tried to pet the cat earlier, and the cat kept running away from him. Very intelligent pussy.
  18. The Black guy's suitcase and carry-on bag are packed and by the penthouse door. I think he is leaving soon. Shantal misses out. He and Karma were having a conversation in English in the kitchen. Karma is highly fluent in conversational English, a fluency you typically acquire from being in an English-speaking environment.
  19. If RLC is hosting the party, would make sense for N&B to host it in B-7.
  20. I do not understand the role of the Black guy. He appears, but he does not seem to be a good friend of Sara. Maybe he is a friend of a friend, like a good friend of LiaLia, and Sara is being hospitable because LiaLia is away. Another possibility is that he was brought in by RLC, a gigolo given the assignment of fucking Shantal. Given his one suitcase, I will guess he will be staying through the weekend, and perhaps there will be a party where he will perform.
  21. Karma is very tactile. I understand better why it appeared that Sara very briefly thought about bringing her to bed after their conversations on Tuesday night. I will not be surprised if she and Sara have a duet, or if there is a threesome with wolf and Margo or Cecelia and her guy. As the proverb goes, "still waters run deep." +++++++++++++++++ Gomer Pyle meets a real USMC drill instructor.
  22. I think Sara's quickee with this guy revealed two things. (1) He and she didn't want to be recorded having sex, or even being nude. (2) The garage is not suitable for fucking. Otherwise, they would have gone their for their quickee. ++++++ I will add a third thing. I don't think we will see him again. They both seemed desperate for time
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