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Everything posted by moules

  1. She pulled one leg of her spandex pants down, which allowed her to fuck. That was a quickee. I am guessing this guy is just passing through Barcelona, but they have a history.
  2. Sara pulling the covers up. They act like former lovers who have not seen each other in a long time.
  3. Sara has not removed her top or her pants. Rather atypical for her.
  4. Black guy gets to sleep in the LR. Skinny guy gets to sleep with Sara. He is not as tall as he seemed at first because of his long coat and hat. He is thin.
  5. Sara sitting on the lap of the tall guy on the balcony. Black guy is there too
  6. Back to B-4 Karma leaving the penthouse. Sara makes a move as if to embrace her from behind, and lead her to bed?, but quickly thinks it is better not to do that. RLC Replay REPLAY.REALLIFECAM.COM Watch your favorite cams in 24-hour recording
  7. Karma and Sara having a serious conversation. From appearances, it seems Karma has gone to Sara for advice, or about some issue.
  8. She is probably obligated under her RLC contract to spend a specified amount of time in the apartment, or at another RLC apartment. Otherwise, she is not paid. ----------------- She may also be allowing Alberto to obtain the bonus money without any competition from her. She surely knows that if GF4 started appearing in the apartment, that would generate bonus money for Martina even if there was no nudity / sex. It is not hard to imagine the cam views if Martina took a shower while GF-4 watched and chatted with her. And all you saw of G-4 was the back of her head.
  9. Sara sucking his cock, followed by fucking. RLC Replay REPLAY.REALLIFECAM.COM Watch your favorite cams in 24-hour recording If Sara did not previously have off-cam sex with him, I think he came recommended by LiaLia. Sara was very patient with him and his soft dick. A question I have is whether LiaLia knows the original Lia, and that's why she doubled her name. And it would not surprise me if Wolf and Margo know him from Barcelona. I think he needs a name. Would not surprise me if he appears again at a B-4 party, and brings companions.
  10. A soft dick has been his problem all night. Not helped by his drinking at least a half bottle of wine. I think he came recommended by LiaLia, because he ate LiaLia's pussy on the LR couch while the other girl watched, and then he fucked the other girl. Possibly, he helped LiaLia get drunk or drunk and drugged the night she left B-4.
  11. The second guy who arrived was a fat guy. He left early. The fat guy may be the same guy who brought LiaLia back to B-7 with her suitcases. That was the night Wolf carried LiaLia down the stairs because she was semi-comatose, and could not stand.
  12. May be the same guy who arrived with LiaLia. Sara just gave him the green outfit that she gave that guy to wear and he laughed, like he remembered it. That guy had no problems fucking the girl in that arrived with him and LiaLia.
  13. To be clear, the quote you used was not mine, but posted by Boing
  14. She has rolled around on the bed without her pnties, and given a full frontal to the cam and no sign of a string.
  15. He already spent a few minutes eating her pussy, and fingering her.
  16. She felt for his cock and there was nothing there. IMO, he looks more gay than straight.
  17. Looks similar. The hair is different. And the guy who arrived with LiaLia and an unknown girl had no erectile dysfunction problem.
  18. Of course. And that is also true for CC. The most recent post on CC on Karol and Kos's Barcelona apartment was October 29th. The only drama is when they lock themselves out of their apartment.
  19. This link starts with Noldus narrating the start of the New Year's party. A contemporaneous account. Not speculation. Not fantasy. Not hallucinations. I suggest you read it.
  20. Last New Year's, Marta and her boyfriend visited the apartment and stayed for several days. The highlight of their visit was a night-time party in the bedroom. Marta and Martina each dressed in fetish kink, soft bondage / dominatrix clothes. A kneeling Alberto helped dress Marta, pulling up her black stockings. Alberto's face was only a few centimeters from Marta's bare pussy as he did. There was fucking by Marta and her boyfriend in the bathroom as Alberto watched through the open door. (I also recall a naked Alberto walking in on Marta and her bf in the guest room either during or just after sex.) There was fucking on the bed by both couples. IIRC, Marta and Martina kissed as they were fucking. There was no awkwardness, or hesitation about what to do during the whole evening. The comfort level and the fluid nature of the nudity and sex led me to conclude that this was not the first time this quartet had partied in this manner. While they did not exchange partners at New Year's, one should not rule out their having done so at a previous 'party'. Late one night, Aziza invited Nelly and Bogdan over to her bedroom. They arrived, Nelly stripped to her panties. Bogdan stripped to his pants. (He and Nelly were naked in their bed when Aziza summoned them. He did not put on any underwear.) Aziza was wearing only panties. IIRC, Nelly directed Bogdan to sleep on one side of the bed, so that she was in the middle between Aziza and him. Nothing happened, as Aziza fell asleep. IIRC, this visit occurred after the incident in which Bogdan allegedly prevented cams from recording he and Aziza, and after Nelly supposedly described Bogdan's cock to Aziza.
  21. If she no longer likes to have sex with Alberto, I do not see her having sex with another guy at this particular point in her life. Two exceptions: Marta's boyfriend. Bogdan. << Both as part of a threesome. (Bogdan, Nelly, and Aziza apparently were on track for a threesome . So a threesome with B&N and Martina is not completely out of the question. And there was New Year's with Marta and her boyfriend.)
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