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Everything posted by moules

  1. They first arrived in B-5 to replace Nelly and Bogdan. N&B moved to an off-cam apartment. Alexandra is bisexual and she shares Lucien with other girls, for everything on-cam except actual fucking. They were often joined in their B-5 bed by a blonde-headed participant named Kim. There was also an 'orgy' in B-4, with Alexandra and three or four other girls while Lucien mostly watched. They do not bring drama to their relationship, though there was another couple in B-5 at the time they were residents where there was drama following Alex's very memorable lesbian sex with Bonnie, the female half of the other couple. Occasionally, B&N would visit them in B-5. On one such occasion, the hall cam cough Nelly affectionately grabbing Kim's very fine ass. After the Russian invasion of Ukraine, there was concern for their safety because they lived in eastern Ukraine, near the scene of earliest fighting. They subsequently arrived in Barcelona, apparently each having escaped with a single suitcase. The slept in the LR of B-7 for several weeks before moving on. Kim also appeared in B-7 while they were staying there. They have subsequently occasionally appeared in B-7 for small parties. IIRC, Alex slept in Lilith's bed for several nights before Tani arrived in B-4. Tani then slept with Lilith for some days before getting her own room. They hold Ukrainian passports, but I believe they are probably ethnic Russians, of which there are many in eastern Ukraine. If they had stayed, Lucien, as an ethnic Russian, very likely would have been conscripted into the Russian army. I believe, as a couple, they are B&N's closest friends in Barcelona. Lucie presumably has found gainful employment in Barcelona, and perhaps Alex has as well. As other CC posters have noted, they, and especially Alex, would be most welcome participants if they were experiencing economic hardships., If you noticed yesterday, Alex went topless by the pool, even as Nelly kept her breasts covered. Alex is topless again this morning. I think they may be visiting B-7 for the Saint John's feast day holiday. ------------- I think it safe to say that when B&N and A&L disappear off-cam into the B-7 garage for long periods, they are not bringing out a world map and discussing international politics. ------------ IIRC, a poster named Harley Fatboy would regularly criticize them because they were not monogamous as a presumably married couple.
  2. The Fiesta de San Juan is a special Christian night and is celebrated on the 23rd of June every year, the night before St. John's day, which is a public holiday in Catalonia and has been highly important for the Catalan people since the 14th century
  3. cam 2 is in color in daylight. At night, and with the strobe, it goes to night vision.
  4. You can see the fireworks from the balcony at 00:16. assume the fireworks started at 00:00.
  5. I will say that Masha, now being in Montenegro, must know that Elvis is fucking this girl in her apartment and they are making no attempt to hide the sex. I'm quite sure Dasha, Sasha, and Eva occasionally check the came scores. Maybe Masha has even had a peek at this girl and Elvis having sex. Masha can be quite the voyeur, as when she peeked on Dick and Jane fucking in her apartment.
  6. I thought so too. Russians tend to fuck Russians. There are exceptions, of course. Lucien and Alex are Ukrainian, but I believe they could be ethnic Russians who were living in a now Russian-occupied area of Ukraine.
  7. How do we know that Lacrim is Ukrainian? ---------- Aside from him, N&B and Lucien and Alexandra partying in the B-7 garage. IMO, there is more on the menu than drink and conversation.
  8. Alex topless by the pool. She and Nelly disappeared a while ago, leaving the backyard as if they were headed to B-4. Never appeared at B-4. Perhaps they went to the off-cam level that is below the level three bedrooms.
  9. After Tani had broken off with her bf, she would still dress stylishly and go to Barcelona and spend the night. One day, when she had broken off with her bf, she dressed in very sexy black lingerie and an oversized, hooded sweatshirt that disguised how little in the way of clothes she was actually wearing. I don't think she was wearing this lingerie as a surprise for Father Timur when he opened the B-5 door! IMO, she looked as if she had dressed this way at the request of whomever she was meeting that mid-afternoon, and they weren't meeting at his apartment/villa More like meeting at a hotel. I thought to myself, very lucky guy.
  10. I think Wendy enjoys girls more As for Tani, her supposed comment that her bf's dick is so small that she had to look up at the ceiling to keep from laughing seems to be an authentic remark. When she dresses very stylishly and mimics Radi when it comes to fastidiousness about her appearance, and then disappears from the villa for many hours, I don't think she is seeing the bf, but a client. And I think Dylan may get another tat or two from Tani. Perhaps in a location that reveals what he has to offer. Nadia is a possibility if it is part of a threesome with Lubna. Did not Lubna say that she specializes in massaging couples? You forgot Sambuka.
  11. Here is the link to the start of Wendy and Dylan's long conversation in the B-4 kitchen. It is in English, good English at that. I do not have time to listen to it all the way through. RLC Replay REPLAY.REALLIFECAM.COM Watch your favorite cams in 24-hour recording From a few parts that I heard looking for the start, they both seem bewildered and confused. Perhaps someone who knows the story of Azura and her bf can make sense of it.
  12. In retrospect, she acted as if she needed to leave Spain in a hurry. She returns from a 2-3 day trip, immediately packs everything, and leaves for the airport at an early hour. And basically telling no one. To me, it appears more a response to her possibly learning that authorities were making inquiries, and less to that of a boyfriend's ultimatum.
  13. See replay links here. https://camcaps.net/forums/topic/32981-martina-alberto-2023-4/?do=findComment&comment=1636573120 If the mystery girlfriend was at the party, then this would be her. When she arrived, Martina left the apartment to greet her, so we don't know how fraternally or romantically they greeted each other. At the apartment, no one has reported any physical touching in a romantic way between the two.
  14. Porto at 08:50. Perhaps she went to Portugal on her recent sudden absence from B-4.
  15. in the context of Tim's two stalking interactions with Tani, the first occurred after Tani and Taylor kissed with some passion in the kitchen during the girls party in B-4. The second was the night with Lilith, Tani, Taylor, and Kimberley, and which started in the LR. Looking at the four participants on the second night: That Taylor was/is a lesbian is indisputable. Lilith is bisexual, and may enjoy girls more. Kimberley was the first to finger Tani but Taylor seemed to have rejected Kimberley as a sexual partner, and Lilith gave up on her that same night. I think Kimberley probably had little sense of where she was on the sexual spectrum. Tani is an enigma, only slightly less so than Aziza. I will guess that she will play with girls if the lucre is high enough, but otherwise, no.
  16. Sara was taller than Bruno, and IMO, she exhausted him when it came to endurance in their fucking sessions. Among the most memorable fucks in RLC Barcelona history.
  17. Where is Azura from? Strange that she goes away for 2-3 days, returns, and then packs in a great hurry. In the days before her short absence, she was particularly friendly with Dylan, and Tani. Tani's portrait of her is still in the LR, and unfinished. And I think she was designing a new tat for Dylan that Tani would ink. Any indication that Dylan knew she was leaving? or Tani? Or even Bogdan. When Eilian left on a Sunday morning, Bogdan went up to the office and returned with an envelope which he gave to her on cam. I assume it was full of Euros. Looking at departures, if she is headed to Ukraine, flight to Wroclaw at 09:55, Bucharest at 09:15.
  18. She took two shopping bags of clothes. One shopping bag is usually good for a 36 hour absence, two shopping bags? Double the time. She is over in B-5, but I doubt she will sleep there.
  19. Tim freed Tani from the clutches of the lesbians Taylor and Lilith. The first time he raced over to B-4 was a girls party night and he marched Tani up to her room, and wouldn't leave. (Tani had a guest girl sharing the bed.) The way that Tani got Tim to leave was to ask Taylor to get into the bed with the guest bed and make lesbian advances. When Taylor did, Tim bolted from the bed faster than a character in a Marvel action hero movie, taking Tani with him. I surmised Tani made the request of Taylor knowing Tim's attitudes about lesbians.
  20. Lilith (the lesbian) is sleeping in Tani's bed. Tim many need to return and perform an exorcism of the room. Has RLC sent Lilith to B-4 to talk with Azura?
  21. It was posted that she is living in Tenerife. I believe it was also posted that the father is Spanish. She arrived with only small suitcases, which may indicate this is a short stay. I could see where living in Tenerife might be dull and boring. Flight distance between Teberife and Malaga is nearly 1000 km. For all her conversing in English, no one has mentioned her raising the subject of family.
  22. A question for anyone familiar with Spanish real estate abbreviations. See below. I know what Vivienda means. I don't know what SM is an abbreviation for. So what does SM mean in a listing of the different levels ( like ground floor (Bajo), first floor, second floor) in a home? SMº - 01 Vivienda
  23. I beg to differ. There were loud voices that could be heard on the terrace cam. N&B entered their suite through the front door. Bogdan then went back outside and turned right in the direction of the garage door. He then came back inside. A drunk Nelly then gathered her little backpack and entered the garage from the hall. Much later she reappears in the hallway with her panties pulled down by her ankles and staggers back to their suite. Its possible that the loud revelers were only N&B, and its also possible that Nelly went to the garage to continue drinking by herself, and its also possible that she undressed in the course of her drinking, and this was entirely a solo performance by Nelly. But i think not.
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