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Everything posted by moules

  1. Talent is a different attribute than beauty. Her skill set in pleasuring a penis with her mouth and hands is extraordinary. And her clients are not paying her for her orgasms. Tim very quickly became very possessive of her talent. He did not want to share her with anyone, male or female.
  2. putting his socks back on. Not a promising sign for a renewal of passion.
  3. Tani went on vacation on July 1, but RLC never noted that. She tore off the baggage tags on her big suitcase, indicating she very likely flew to another country, her vacation probably paid for by a client. And possibly she was not shown as being on vacation because she was actually working for RLC, by being a companion to one of RLC's investors. (It is a stock company, after all.) A fringe benefit of being an investor in RLC is that you can be entertained by the girl of your choosing. She is the most talented escort that I have seen on RLC.
  4. Moos had to spoil it by saying they left on Friday, not on Sunday. This complicates the speculation because if they were arrested in Spain but outside of Catalonia, a different police force, such as the National Police, or the Guardia Civil, would be involved. Or if they were arrested in another country, then I believe Interpol would be involved if there was to be a search of the apartment. Maybe the search of the apartment has nothing to do with C&Y, but with the owner of the apartment. And C&Y are just collateral damage.
  5. Thank you. Very strange, given the timing of the police arrival the next morning, which was a Monday. I doubt magistrate judges are sitting around on a Sunday waiting to review a police request for a search warrant to be carried out the next morning. When this apartment was for sale, the phone number to call if you wanted to buy it was the number for a famous bar/cafe located in the same old quarter of Barcelona. The business that was apparently on the same floor as B-6 had closed by 2019.
  6. Of course I can. 1.) Unfortunately replay is no longer available for C&Y, so I cannot see how they left for their vacation on Sunday June 25. Did they really go on vacation, or were they arrested off-cam? 2.) If they were arrested on June 25, they could give consent to the search of the apartment. The police showed up as I understand it at about 08:00AM on June 26, an hour typical if the police expect an apartment to be occupied by sleeping inhabitants.. 3.) If C and Y were not arrested, under Spanish law as I understand it, consent for the search had to come from either RLC, or if RLC did not own the B-6 apartment, from the owner of the apartment. 4.) There is an exception to the requirement for consent, and that is when a 'flagrant crime' has occurred. I am not about to look up definition of a 'flagrant crime', but I think it may be a crime where the police are in pursuit of a suspect. For example, if a resident of this apartment had gone out into the street, stabbed someone, and then fled back to the apartment and locked it, the police would not need to go to a magistrate judge and obtain a search warrant before attempting to enter the apartment and arresting the suspect. That would be my definition of a flagrant crime. 5.) Before the cameras went off, no one viewing the police search reported seeing dogs, who are often used when searching for contraband. 6.) So I still think the police were primarily interested in searching the space, about 25-30 square meters IIRC, that is not on cam, and which apparently has its own entrance. Based on the nature of the business that once occupied that space, I believe this space would be quite secure, and entry would be restricted by the owner/proprietor.. This business was not selling croquetas to hungry tourists.
  7. There are basically three police forces in Spain. (1) The local police handle minor crimes, citizen complaints. (2) The national police who handle serious crimes. (3) The Guardia Civil, a separate national police force whose jurisdiction in Catalonia (Barcelona) is limited to areas of national importance, such as illegal immigration, terrorism, In Barcelona, the Mossos have the responsibilities of the local police and the national police, but not the responsibilities of the Guardia Civil in the areas listed above. The Guardia Civil are controlled by the national government in Madrid. The Mossos are controlled by the regional government for Ctalonia. ------ Spanish law on the need for a search warrant before searching a house. [quote]...the Spanish Constitution protects unlawful searches by this language: “The dwelling is inviolable. No entry or search may be made therein without the consent of the owner or a judicial resolution except in the case of a flagrant crime.”[/quote] [quote]Judicial warrants to search houses, supported by probable cause, are required both in the Spanish and American system. However, Spanish law differs slightly from American law in two broad areas, consent and accuracy. First, Spanish arrestees have the right to counsel for interrogations. However, that right to counsel also extends to asking a suspect for consent to search his house. The Spanish Supreme Court threw out evidence that was obtained after the arrestee gave written consent to search the house. Because the arrestee had not been informed of his right to counsel and his right to refuse consent, the Spanish Court refused to accept the search as admissible. That is in stark contrast to the United States, where cops can lie, trick, and otherwise resort to common interrogation techniques in an attempt to garner consent, so long as it is not “coerced”. A suspect can of course refuse consent and invoke silence, but the police have no duty to wait for counsel before attempting to receive permission. Secondly, the Spanish system requires the suspect or his lawyer or designee to be present at all searches of dwellings. §569 of the Spanish Criminal Code sets out a procedure where the suspect or his lawyer must be present to witness searches. If they cannot or will not be present, then it will be done in the presence of an adult family member, or two witnesses from the same town. Finally, the clerk of the magistrate judge issuing the warrant must also be present. If not, the Spanish courts have held this to be a violation of due process. Accuracy of the search is preferred over expedience of investigation. The United States has no such requirement; all the police must do when searching with a valid warrant is knock and announce themselves. They are under no obligation to wait for witnesses to search. [/quote] For those who watched the search, or the replay, the woman who was not masked may have been the clerk of the magistrate judge. I think it very possible that the primary search was for the space on that floor that is not on-cam, and which has a separate entrance. And that the search of B-6 was a secondary search. As I read Spanish law, RLC as either the owner or the renter of the apartment would need to consent to the search. If C&Y were the renters of the apartments, they would need to consent.
  8. Anonymous calls? I doubt that. Swatting calls are bad enough. For those not living in the United States, a swatting call is when someone calls the police (often using a spoofed phone number) and reports a serious emergency, --for example, a man with a gun entering a school. The call is made to provoke a large police response to the location, including a SWAT team. (SWAT is an acronym for Special Weapons and Tactics.) The police who broke down the door of C&Y's apartment (B-6) were identified as members of the Mossos d'Esquadra, the regional police for Catalonia (including Barcelona). The Mossos have a Special Intervention Group that is similar to a SWAT team. They are often masked and are armed with heavy caliber weapons.
  9. Only saw the end of the procedure, but Botox is administered by a series of needle injections into the lip. "The laws governing facial beauty injections in Spain are very strict and designed to protect patients. Only doctors are allowed to administer these treatments – nobody else. Not nurses, dentists and certainly not beauticians and hairdressers. And, not just any doctor can administer Botox and Fillers." See also: Why is it necessary to be a doctor to give Botox injections? It must be understood that a Botox injection is a medical procedure. It involves the injection of a potent neurotoxin into neuromuscular tissue, in order to paralyse facial muscles. It is therefore vital that the practitioner is highly skilled and medically trained. Having Botox is not the same as having a facial or a manicure, and in the wrong hands the results can be disastrous. What you need to know before having Botox injections in Spain WWW.TREATMENTABROAD.COM Across Spain, and in Marbella, you will find many beauty salons and hairdressers offering Botox injections. Ocean Clinic Marbella look at...
  10. Yes. The other apartments are on floors above B-6. However, police do not break down the doors because neighbors complained of excessive noise. Although replay has been removed, it would still be interesting to know, based on their uniforms, whether they were members of the Guardia Urbano, the Policia National, or the Guardia Civil. I believe the Guardia Civil is responsible for immigration matters, e.g., arrest of individuals who are in Spain illegally.
  11. This apartment has an entrance door at the street level. Once inside, there appears to be two stairs, one set of stairs leading to the apartment, and a second set of stairs leading to a space that is not on camera. This off-camera space was occupied in the distant past by a small office that engaged in a certain type of financial transaction with the public. (I am not going to identify it further because doing so might lead to identifying the exact location of B-6.) That there was a second space was discovered by reading the particulars of the apartment when it was advertised for sale., and the advertised apartment size was significantly larger than the space seen on-cam. I do not know whether the occupants of B-6 also had access to this off-camera space. Its possible that the police had to break open the street entrance door, and may also have searched this off-camera space. Procedures for obtaining a search warrant in Spain are outlined here. [url]https://lsi.typepad.com/files/katter-on-spain.pdf[/url]
  12. Thank you. I missed all that. I was checking replay for the Barcelona apartments to see if all the Barcelona apartments were affected by the technical issues affecting replay. Replay is now working across all the apartments.
  13. In a quick scan of the thumbnails for replay for past days, I didn't see any thumbnail for that apartment. Also, if you use a thumbnail for another apartment to try and link back to what was happening in B-6, you get an internal server error. So perhaps this technical issue is related to RLC having to scrub away any evidence of this apartment's existence for the past ten days.
  14. I blame it on RLC taking down Carla and Yanai's apartment. (No longer listed.) An angry Carla put a curse on the network.
  15. The Barcelona participants seem to have been informed of the technical issue, and most have fled. Bogdan and Nelly still around though. Loyalists to the end.
  16. If you click on replay for a thumbnail for for past days, it shows an internal server issue. It appears there are major issues with configuring the network
  17. I did not listen to the conversation on replay, but she has previously said that he has been her boyfriend for seven years. I am certain they have had this conversation many times before today, and today's discussion was for the viewing and listening audience. From posts on this thread, I have a sense that these are well-formulated and well-established views on their part. As English is not their native language, I would not be too harsh about how people express thoughts, and what is often a lack of precision when speaking English. Don't judge lest you also be judged.
  18. My understanding -- and not to be relied on if you are a Ukrainian citizen -- is if you were a Ukrainian citizen in Spain prior to Feb 24, 2022, you can stay indefinitely. If you are granted refugee status, you can stay indefinitely. Otherwise it is Schengen rules, you are allowed to stay for a 90 day period every 180 days. And, of course, there are additional allowances if you are in Spain on a student visa. Also, she may have an older Ukrainian passport that does not have biometric data in the form of an embedded chip.
  19. Regarding Tani, she returns to her room after several days away, and lies in her bed either naked or nearly so, and gets top cam. She has learned from the master: Radi. Except Radi liked being on cam every day, and most hours every day, particularly when she was competing with Leora for top cam. In retrospect, I can see where Radi's obsession with top cam and the bonus Euros might make her unpopular with some/many of the other villa participants. Top cam meant she could splurge on jeans that cost 500 or 600 Euros and which she never wore while living at the villa. RLC may very well be pleased with Tani's cam scores, even if she spends half the week elsewhere in Barcelona. A comparison of Tani's cam scores with Martina's might be interesting. Both disappear for extended periods to be with friends and lovers.
  20. From a quick look at replay, I thought Masha must (1) have bad breath; or (2) she no longer uses deodorant; or (3) she has a sexually transmissible disease;; or (4) Sasha and Dasha have a house rule that no one is to have sex in any form with Masha. This was a very sterile encounter by Eva and Mat. It was as if they viewed Masha as a corpse and dared not touch the dead.
  21. there were posters predicting that Aziza and Ashley would return from their vacation needing a new wardrobe of large-size soutiens-gorge.
  22. OMG!! Aziza's breasts!!!!!!!!!!!!! I was hoping they would now be so inflated that I could grab them and use them as a life preserver. Instead, she did nothing. RLC Replay REPLAY.REALLIFECAM.COM Watch your favorite cams in 24-hour recording
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