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Everything posted by moules

  1. I think Bella's participation was always planned as short-term. She is filling a bed after Ari returned home. She is very uncomfortable with the cameras. It would not surprise me if Megan moves to Lara's room.
  2. Wendy is an enthusiastic lesbian. She has shown this twice with strangers. IMO, when she visits clients, her role is to give them pleasure,and she receives little or no pleasure herself. Dylan has shown himself to be more interested in bringing pleasure to a woman, rather than the other way around. Again IMO, he will not have sex with her until he senses that she is ready for it, and also that she will not become possessive, like Gloria, following sex. He may never have sex with her. And it may be that Wendy may be more comfortable if it is a threesome, with Azura or Ashley. Ashley is probably more bisexual than Azura. But did not Wendy quote a price for a threesome, which may have involved Azura?
  3. Don't think she is leaving without Dani also leaving. She seemed to be packing more for a trip. Possibly, she is storing winter clothing. It would take Radi several days and many suitcases to swap seasonal wardrobes between her parents house and her RLC bedroom.
  4. From replay, they arrived as a group at 02:55, with Father Timur and Tani's bf trailing the others by several minutes. Nearly everyone was carrying bags of food and drink. Before visiting a store for drink and food, they had been at a bar or cafe. There Father Timur probably had suggested several topics for the night's discussion forum: (1) the true meaning of Rene Descartes, 'I think,therefore I am.' Oe, alternatively, (2) Occam's Razor, or the law of parsimony. Topics so lively that one is awake and still discussing them at 13:00. I think we have overlooked the brilliance of Father Timur!!
  5. I think she is more likely a friend of Ailey.
  6. She is not the red-headed friend of W&W. That friends has not been seen in weeks. She may have left Barcelona.
  7. Looks like there will be a party in T&T's bed.
  8. Tani and her bf left. At least I think that is the same bf from previous visits to B-5. IIRC, Samson fucked Ailey. The other girl I don't recognize.
  9. Looks as if Lara is nearly done with her packing. She will probably leave in the next day or two.
  10. She supposedly said that when she saw his dick, she had to look up at the ceiling to keep from laughing., From the several times he was on cam in B-5 with her, I developed an impression that she probably made more money than him. This morning, I found it a bit peculiar to discover her hurriedly trying to decide what clothes to take, and then racing out the front door as if she was already late for wherever she was going. If the boyfriend was working at a regular job, why the great rush? So maybe she was meeting someone else? RLC Replay REPLAY.REALLIFECAM.COM Watch your favorite cams in 24-hour recording Tani rushing about and deciding what clothes to wear and what to pack.
  11. Tani left B:4 at around 12:20, with a big open-top bag with clothes and cosmetics. She left in great haste. She appeared to pack enough pairs of panties to suggest she might be gone several days. Either her boyfriend avec un tres petit zizi does not have a regular job, or she now has a regular gig as a companion to gentlemen of means in search of such, or she has a highly placed friend in RLC. T&T, who she often accompanies on their excursions, are in bed. She is the most talented participant in RLC (probably ever) when it comes to pleasuring men, and she did not acquire such skills from playing with boys at her upper secondary school. But as I have said previously, she still represents 'value for money' for RLC based on her cam scores. And a high value at that. And she is Russian, is she not?
  12. When Bogdan and Nelly lived in B-4, the 'garage' was also used as an office. Now that they live in B-7, Bogdan sometimes uses the B-7 'garage' as an office. the B-7 garage is where B&B store their alcohol. There is a sink in the B-4 office because when the termites swarmed by the front door to the villa, Bogdan repeatedly raced down the stairs from the 'office' with buckets of water to wash the termites away. If there is a sink, there is probably a WC as well. Lorraine was the most recent participant to occasionally make use of the garage/office.
  13. Maybe Lara is employed by a business that is affiliated with RLC in some manner, and RLC is simply providing her with housing as part of her employment contract with this other enterprise. I cannot think of another participant who acts so independently and gets away with it. She moved herself to the best bedroom because she doesn't want to share a bath with anyone else. Or she's fucking Bogdan's boss Is Lara Russian?
  14. Thanks for suggesting that I look at Bing Birdseye. The Bing imagery is about 13 years old, and shows B-4 about the time that construction of B-4 was completed. There is no vegetation to obstruct the view of the north side of B-4. When it comes to birds-eye view on Bing / Google, my recollection is that imaging camera is oriented north, and is better at capturing features on the south, west, and east sides of a structure in part because of the camera orientation, and in part because of light and shadow.
  15. RLC Replay REPLAY.REALLIFECAM.COM Watch your favorite cams in 24-hour recording ^^^This is the terrace, cam 3-17 in B-4, today. The terrace is accessed via Z&D's bedroom. As the sun is shining brightly on the terrace, it is on the south side of the villa. The mystery door is on the north side of the villa, and is located west (toward the direction of the street) of the front entrance door. The sun never shines on this mystery door under the garage, as it is on the north side of the villa. (Would not be the case if the villa was in the Southern hemisphere.) And the mystery door is a solid door, not a glass door. A correction to my earlier measurement. The total height of the wall where the mystery door includes a parapet wall, protecting individuals like Daniel from falling off the walkway and becoming a paraplegic or quadriplegic. So subtract a meter from the total height of the wall to account for the parapet portion. The aerial / satellite imagery is from last summer. A dark-haired girl is on G&A's balcony. The canvas awning that was stretched over the far end of the B-7 terrace can be seen. There appears to a small round table just outside the mystery door. Posting of photos that show the outside of a RLC property is verboten on camcaps. My interest in raising the subject of a mystery door and a possible mystery space is that such a space might be yet another off-cam hiding space for B-4 / B-7 participants. Edited to add that at the far bottom of the stairs as seen at the right of the image in 3-17, is the hall where laundry is left to dry. Beyond the glass is where participants have gathered in the past, largely out of sight. The mystery door is to the left of this outside space beyond the laundry drying area, and can't be seen.
  16. Aziza is hanging her clothes in her closet. I think she laundered them/
  17. My grievous errors!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 3-19 and 3-20 are the cams for the bathroom that is at NW corner of level 3 in B-4. From the hall, as you open the bathroom door, directly in front of you is the shower, and the small square window near the top of the shower. The sink is to the right, and the WC is to the left, blocked by the door when its opened. There is a common wall between Tani's room (where the headboard to her bed is) and this bathroom (where the sink is). This common wall runs north-south. Camera 3-11 in Tani's room looks to the southeast and the window with its tiny balcony overlooking the backyard by the FR and the concrete paving by the entrance to the FR. Tani has a corner bedroom. The only other corner bedroom in B-4 is Aziza's. Any architect worth his salt will include a window in a corner bedroom to provide cross-ventilation. When Radi lived in this bedroom, the only natural light that could enter the room was from a window on the north wall. She blocked the east window with racks of her clothes, boxes of her shoes, theatrical lights, Playstation, etc. etc. ----------------- Unfortunately, the fly-by view on Google of this particular section of the north wall in B-4 is blocked by foliage. However, a fly-by view using Google 3-D has created another mystery: there is a door leading from under the garage in B-4 to the outside.. Location of the door: Leaving B-4 by the front door (at the penthouse level) there is a narrow walk along the north side of the garage to reach the paved, parking area and the street. The door under the garage looks to be at least 2+ meters high, and the total height of this section of wall, measured from ground level to the base of this narrow walkway, is about 4-4.5 meters. To the left pf this particular door is the stairwell with the stairs leading from the front door of B-4 down to the kitchen, and the lower levels of the house. (The stairs to the office are not part of the stairwell.) It is hard to tell, but there may be a large window on the north side of B-4 similar to the lower window that can be seen in cam 1-7. And possibly, there are stairs leading to this space under the garage from the 1-7 hallway, but not in view of that cam. This door under the garage would be directly opposite cam 4-5 in B-7. This space with the stairwells is the one which has the roof-top terrace between the penthouse and the 'office' in the B-4 garage. The fly-by revealed no flower pots / plants on the rooftop. These have been seen previously on street-view. How large the space is under the garage, and its use, is a mystery.
  18. I think it is the square window at the top of the shower wall that can be seen in B-19 and B-20. The window in Tani's room would be next to it, and larger. The B-11 cam would be fastened on the wall near that window. If you were looking from Dylan's room toward B-4, this window (by the B-11 cam) would be to the left of the square window in the bathroom. This means that activity in Tani's room could be watched from Dylan's bed, and previously from Tim's bed, and before that, from Thor's bed. Thor could watch Holly, and Tim could watch Tani. And by watch, I think Thor / Tim / Dylan would only see heads and upper torso's. On the infamous night when Tim raced over to B-4 to rescue the damsel Tani from the clutches of the lesbian bitches Lilith and Taylor, the thought was he was stalking Tani by watching RLC on his phone. He may have, but he may as easily have been watching her room through that window. It remains my opinion that what happened that night was a trap set by Lilith to show Tani that Tim was stalking her. If Lilith's intention was to have serious sex with Tani, I don't think she would have chosen a bedroom that Tim could so easily watch. Cam 2-11 shows the other window in that room. It is from that window that clothes were thrown onto the pavement. That window faces east. The window that can be seen from B-7 faces north. ----------------- Pure coincidence as I was checking cam positions, and I started typing this, Tani was bating.
  19. RLC Replay REPLAY.REALLIFECAM.COM Watch your favorite cams in 24-hour recording The reflection in the window in B-7 (its the window in the hall at the foot of the stairs) shows B-4 , and a square window in B-4. (You may have to go full screen) is this the window that can sometimes be seen in the mirror in Azura's bathroom, or is it the window in the shower (3-19, 3-20) or a window for some other space?
  20. Father Timur, close but no cigar. > With Anya? Tereza was much closer with Holly and Thor. Wayne. Most definitely yes, with the redheaded friend, particularly in B-4 one weekend. Bogdan, not on cam with Aziza. BUT, the stage was set for on-cam sex with Aziza when he and Nelly climbed into Aziza's bed after she summoned them to her room. Alberto. Yes, with Marta on New Years. His face was in her pussy as he, on his knees, dressed her in bondage gear. Miron. Yes with Lilith in Lilith's bed, but he did not get far. Yes with a sleeping Lilith on the LR couch which resulted in him being categorized as a rapist, pervert, sociopath, etc. I was surprised he was not also called a necrophiliac.
  21. Some excellent points. As long as RLC sees her as providing 'value for money' (that's a finance term), she is in their good graces, despite her absences from the villa. At this moment, 02:30 on May 29, she is top cam. When it seemed that Radi and Leora were in a contest for top cam, there were complaints about Radi overdoing it with her constant posing. She never took a vacation, she spent nearly every night at B-1 or B-4, and when she didn't, she was at B-2 or B-5, helping boost their ratings. For example, she was the first to strip naked for a neighbor guy to give a massage in B-2.
  22. Has Kos ever had a sexual encounter on cam with another woman? B-6 gets only one candidate. Sasha doesn't travel to Spain. If I thought Dick could sneak out of Moscow, he would be near the top. I didn't include Elvis either. Unlike several other paramours of Masha, no journeys to Spain for him.
  23. Tim ???? My ranked order of who should fuck Tani: 1.) Taylor with her strap-on. If Masha cried out 'No More!' after 2-3 minutes of strap-on fucking by Taylor, how long before Tani cries out? 1a.) Rasputin if he can be found. 2.) Dylan 3.) Wayne 4.) Bogdan 5.) Samson 6.) Don Juan 7.) Lucien 8.) Alberto 9.) Thor (ranked this low only because he is in the United States.) 10.) Bruno (would be higher but declared ineligible) 11.) Anthony 12.) Her boyfriend, because she supposedly described his penis as looking like a piece of string When you laugh at the size of your boyfriend's penis, you are a great candidate for a visit by Taylor. Did not Red ask Taylor to use a bigger strap-on size because she really wanted to feel it? 13.) Fior 14.) Tim 15.) Miron 16.) Father Timor, because he won't I don't think she is lonely. For the most part, I think she now finds the villa to be boring and confining. IMO, she would benefit from an occasional menage a trois with T&T, but not going to happen.
  24. Tani never had sex with Radislava. They were never on RLC at the same time. Radi did have sex with Tweety in Radi's bed (now Tani's bed) where she positioned Tweety so everyone had a most excellent view. Radi was THE master of the camera angles, and lighting, and Tani is following Radi's lead, but not to the same level of achievement. Tani's observed sex with another girl all happened on the same night. Kimberly briefly fingered her, Taylor licked and fingered her, Lilith played with her breasts. If not for Tim the Lord Protector, Lilith very likely would have also dined at the Y, and Taylor likely would have had a full course meal, not just a first course appetizer., Tani did finger her own pussy, and then put her fingers into Taylor's mouth. Without the oh so timely intervention of the Lord Protector, one can only speculate whether Tani might also have dined. (How many a week ago would have predicted that Aziza would lick another girl?) --------------------- With respect to the absence of a WC in the bathroom associated with the Dylan / Anthony bedrooms. This could be a building code issue, as that bathroom has no window and apparently no vent stack Given that bathroom's location in B-7, it would be difficult to vent because of the terrace. G&A's bathroom has a window. N&B's very small bathroom probably has a vent to the roof. The absence of a toilet in the D&A bathroom may indicate that those two bedrooms will likely be occupied by guys rather than girls. It may be that RLC after buying B-7, (B-7 is older than B-4), a bathroom without a WC was added to that level of the villa. (I do not know how they vent the WC in the FR of B-4, perhaps using the shaft for the lift.)
  25. Azura visiting Dylan. He apparently was sleeping. Azura must have fond memories of her previous visit to this bed.
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