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Everything posted by moules

  1. 19:23, Anthony, Zara, and Tereza left. Anthony with his backpack. I believe the Marriage Bureau is closed at this hour.
  2. There is a lot of uncertainty about the amputee guy, other than he is friends with the top knot guy, and he is not a Russian war veteran. If he is Ukrainian, was he living in Ukraine when the war broke out, or living in Barcelona and returned to Ukraine to fight? Is the amputation the result of combat in Ukraine, or an accident unrelated to the war? If he is Ukrainian and a wounded veteran, is he in Barcelona to be fitted with a prosthesis? A prosthesis is typically fitted 6-8 weeks after amputation, followed by two weeks of 'training', for example, re-learning how to walk. From the description of the girls behavior, the 'show' does seem awkward, if not insensitive to the amputee's situation, particularly if it was a war wound. If he was fighting for months for Ukraine, I am not sure that a wounded veteran needs to see and experience the partying of Ukrainians in Barcelona, as if the war was out-of-sight, out-of-mind. Top-knot guy first appeared on RLC the night he 'escorted Ari, Ashley, and Aziza back to B-2. The three of them drunk, and in various stages of undress. My guess is that he probably had met Ari before that night.
  3. I think he is getting more ink. Azura seems to be drawing a design on his chest.
  4. More ink for Dylan. Tani seems to be quite confidant as a tattoo artist.
  5. And I think the portrait she is working on is of Azura.
  6. He would not be a Russian veteran in Spain. The United States is treating severely wounded Ukrainian soldiers in military hospitals in Europe, and the U. S. government is treating them in civilian hospitals in the United states. Often, the treatment involves the fitting of a prosthesis for the amputated limb. He may be in Spain to receive such treatment at a Spanish hospital.
  7. One is an amputee. The taller one with the hair bun, is he the same guy who slept with Aziza?
  8. Anthony in B-5. Perhaps another game of cards with Tereza? Looking for the clicks they did not get last night?
  9. Both girls have climbed into Dylan's bed uninvited, looking to be fucked. Should someone in RLC say something to them about doing that?
  10. You overlooked my sardonic emoji. The etymology of sardonic: “Sardonic,” on the other hand, came to English via the French sardonique, which is from the Latin phrase Sardonius risus (preceded by sardonios gelos in Greek), meaning “Sardinian laughter.” The implication was bitter or scornful laughter because the Greeks believed that eating a plant they called sardonion (literally a plant from Sardinia) caused facial convulsions resembling those of sardonic laughter, usually followed by death. The scornful laughter being directed at the proposition that Anthony and Zara were engaged in a passionate tryst in the B-4 office.
  11. After showering with Tereza, Father Timur enters Tani's room unaware she had returned to her room. He then seems to be very reluctant to drop his towel in front of her. RLC Replay REPLAY.REALLIFECAM.COM Watch your favorite cams in 24-hour recording She seems to be almost daring him to drop the towel. RLC Replay REPLAY.REALLIFECAM.COM Watch your favorite cams in 24-hour recording What a wuss!
  12. As she and Anthony did not interact much, somewhat surprised that she joined the others for an off-cam party. She is fairly fluent in English so they can communicate. Was surprised by who was not in the LR for the farewell concert.
  13. The office / garage. The rooftop runs from above the kitchen to the path at the front door. of the villa itself. 🙃
  14. Who is Defo? Or did you mean "Before" Will we see the return of Samson?
  15. Svetlana making Anthony's bed. The corpse is not yet cold.
  16. There is a flat rooftop between the office and the villa itself. It is accessible from the office but not from the main part of the villa. The 5-1 pool cam can pick up sounds from this rooftop. This rooftop is the place to go for romantic fucking under the moon and stars and not be seen by other residents of the villas. So I listened on replay for the time they may have been on the rooftop, I did hear some sounds but these were mostly indistinct, except once for a female voice saying what sounded like, takoy bol'shoy rebenok!! meaning its so big. baby! To hide where they had been, Anthony and Zara obviously left the garage by the unlocked door and Zara then entered the villa through the front door rather than simply walking down the stairs from the office. She was dressed perfectly, no disheveled clothing, her hair nicely combed. It probably took her 30 minutes to make her appearance presentable -- you know how long women take to do this -- she looked as if she had just come from church, and not the temple of Dionysus.
  17. Zara stripped naked in the game of cards with Dana and Anthony in the LR. https://replay.reallifecam.com/view/28_3?ts=1685888491&from=share
  18. ^^^ You put your post in a quote box. but with respect to the B-4 garage. I don't believe participants have a key to open the garage from the outside. If they did, they wouldn't keep using the stairs by the garage to walk by the pool and enter the villa using the kitchen door, which is often unlocked. Bogdan and Fior have keys to the B-4 garage. I believe only B&N have a key to the B-7 garage. The night of Gina's birthday party, Bogdan went outside through the front door of the villa and let the guests into the garage, where they partied with Nelly. These guests did not want to be seen on cam entering the B-7 garage on cam 2-6. This was the night that an intoxicated Nelly exited the garage with her panties around her ankles. The guests that night could clearly be heard on the terrace cams, but not seen. Cams 4-3 and 4-4 are below the entrance to the B-7 garage.
  19. Which door are you referring to? The door that can be seen at the right side of the image in camera 2-9 leads to what is called the office. The office is part of the garage. The garage is not used as a space for inside parking of automobiles. There are two doors that can be seen in cam 4-1. the one on the left leads tp a storage area for furniture and other items. the one on the right opens to the stairs to upper levels of the villa.
  20. Anthony playing strip poker with Zara and Dana got a lot of clicks because the girls lost. Last night, the boys lost, and the girls retained nearly all their clothes. Of the top 100 thumbnails on replay, not one is of the card game at B-5.
  21. Oh. I would keep my stash close by, not in the B-4 garage. Like B&N keep their alcohol in the B-7 garage to avoid it disappearing in the course of evening parties. If there is a non-streaming cam or two in the B-4 garage, then I would feel more comfortable keeping a stash there. Otherwise, no. From her early weeks in RLC, I noticed that Aziza tends to fade around 23:00-24:00. The recent festive evening with Dylan, Ashley and her on the LR floor in B-7 being a notable exception.
  22. I don't know who she might be scoring from. I think the door to the garage from the parking area is locked.
  23. From replay, Aziza woke up and has gone to the B-4 garage. She is still there. From a scan of the beds, no one else from B-4 or B-7 seems to be in the garage. Perhaps she can play music loud there and dance by herself.
  24. It is as if they are all waiting for someone. Maybe Fior with supplies? For Aziza to wake up from her slumber? WHERE IS THE ALCOHOL?
  25. A bf with a dick so small that she had to look at the ceiling to keep from laughing will not last long with Tani. I do not think that Nadia shares, but if she did, he would be a stallion worth riding.
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