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Everything posted by moules

  1. 05:51 T&T return to B-5. My prediction: Tani will not return to B-4 before 14;00.
  2. From replay, T&T left B-5 at 13:00 on April 16.. Timur with an overnight bag. Quite likely they met up with Tani and her bf. Now 03:30 on April 17, no sign of Tani in B-4 or of T&T in B-5.
  3. By my count, 30 participants in the Catalonian apartments and villas. The most ever. 22 participants residing outside of Spain.
  4. perhaps that is why Shantal got the big bed, the only bed in B-1 big enough for a trio.
  5. They are not yet on the premises. From the profile photo, Severina looks to be a blonde.
  6. Tani left B-4 at about 18:10, and it is unlikely she will return before tomorrow, or maybe Tuesday. She and Tereza had a sisterly talk in B-7 earlier. Perhaps if T&T return to B-5, Tani and her bf will appear in B-5 later.
  7. This is Alex. She looks as if she has lost weight. RLC Replay REPLAY.REALLIFECAM.COM Watch your favorite cams in 24-hour recording
  8. Nelly was plucking her eyebrows. She had a net cap over her hair, but she has a pageboy haircut, often tinted red or bronze.
  9. I see Alex is there. Did not see Lucien. Probably at his job. This is not the first time she has arrived at B-7 by herself. -------------------------- Jungian projection seems to be in play.
  10. What happened to Aziza's supposed boyfriend? IIRC, the explanation was it was the absence of her boyfriend that made her so moody and anti-social for her entire time in RLC until now. And oh by the way, why was she, of all people, ever given the penthouse? As for Aziza and Bogdan, it was posted on CC that Nelly was overheard describing Bogdan's prowess in bed to Aziza. If true, that strikes me as Nelly giving Aziza the okay to fuck him. So maybe yesterday was Aziza's way of signaling to Bogdan that she'll find someone else to fuck if he is reluctant. Of the five guys RLC has previously brought to B-7, Samson and Thor were described as being Neanderthals, Tim was dismissed as controlling and self-centered, and Miron as a joke Anthony had baggage because of how his relationship with Lorraine entered. (I thought it interesting that it was Samson who awakened the inner sexuality of Lorraine, fucking her as she had never been fucked by Anthony.) And now there is Dylan, who has sinned because of the ease by which he gets girls to fuck him. He is on a trajectory where he could fuck more RLC participants than Bruno. Bruno was also confident and assertive in his approach to women. And how many here were complaining when Rasputin took three girls to bed?
  11. Living Room is U/M Mr. Essential fixing a cam?
  12. I think Lilith has a continuing role at RLC, for which she is paid. IMO, she clearly was in B-4 last evening to spark the party. This is a role she has done in the past, even becoming a bitch lesbian rapist when needed. And she is best friends with Nelly, Even Azuza is chummy with her. Perhaps, Lilith given her farewell tryst in the dark with Mathilda, can bring about Mathilda's return.
  13. I wonder if these two girls are the ones who were supposed to follow Oks and Karen. Those girls never arrived, and RLC had to scramble and fill the bed first with Ailey, and Kassandra soon followed. Kimberly, with her underlying issues, was clearly not a good fit for B-7. They certainly have no hesitation about jumping right in with the sex.
  14. To try and better understand yesterday's changes: All three non-Spanish apartments that were updated yesterday are recycled apartments. There is no recently vacated, non-Spanish apartment that is still empty. If Thea and Zeke were prematurely announced as new participants for a non-Spanish apartment , they will either replace an existing participant couple, or have a new apartment. If Thea and Zeke are assigned to a Spanish apartment, this will be a new apartment.
  15. Interesting that they have not posted names for the two empty rooms in B-1. Dylan's and Wendy's names are up even though they have not arrived. Maybe the two empty rooms in B-1 will be filled by a familiar name, and RLC doesn't want to cause either premature ejaculations or projectile vomiting among the subscribers.
  16. If U&H are in Barcelona, they are not newcomers.
  17. I think that Thea and Zeke will be a new couple in another new apartment when the names are straightened out.
  18. It seems that all the new participants in the Barcelona apartments have arrived in Barcelona from elsewhere, and have not been waiting in Barcelona for a room to open.
  19. I think this is the most momentous week for rLC since the Russian apartments closed.
  20. I agree that there is probably another new apartment with Thea and Zeke.
  21. So by my count, still two rooms to fill in B-1, two in B-4, one in B-7.
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