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Everything posted by moules

  1. There was a post in the closed thread that [a sober] Nelly was overheard telling Aziza about Bogdan being great at fucking. That strikes me as Nelly possibly telling Aziza 'I won't object to you and Bogdan fucking'. Possibly Nelly then told Bogdan what she had told Aziza.
  2. She left on April 4 on a ten day vacation.
  3. The reason I asked is that there is a non-stop flight from Barcelona to Zagreb twice a week, one of the two days being Tuesdays. And the April 4 Barcelona-Zagreb flight was about a two hour flight.
  4. So you were also flying from Barcelona to Zagreb, and not to Iceland?
  5. Nearly three weeks remaining on this vacation. No one seems to know the purpose of this vacation. That may be true for Masha, herself. It does not seem that Dasha and Sasha will invite her to join them for sex. Are there future visitors who will satisfy her great needs? Is RLC using Masha's apartment to audition possible new participants?
  6. Based only on last night's playtime in the LR and Tani's bedroom, Tani is more bisexual than Brit.
  7. She may have, if Tim had not saved her from the grasp of the two lesbian bitches. God bless him, for otherwise, it might have become an epic descent into Sapphic depravity, --and top cam ratings for the month.
  8. Perhaps we may now learn of the unexpected death of Tim, possibly from leaping from a window after seeing his beloved Tani as the lesbian initiator corrupting another girl. All his efforts to protect Tani from the likes of the lesbian bitches Taylor and Lilith now proven to have been in vain. Tim, Requiesce in pace, Спочивай з миром
  9. In reconstructing her date, to me, it appears that this guy, who apparently is a friend of T&T, expressed interest to T or T in meeting Tani again. T or T spoke to Tani, who eagerly agreed. T&T then arranged an afternoon quartet of Tani , the guy, and T&T. There was no expectation on Tani's part that this would lead to her eventually spending the night with this guy. The quartet returned to B-5, for conversation and a game of cards. No heavy drinking. Tani and the guy left B-5 in the early morning for his place., where, apparently, they fucked enthusiastically. From the way Aziza greeted Tani in the kitchen on her return to B-4, Aziza seemed as excited as Tani about her 'date' with this guy. This guy knows about the cams, what participants do on-cam for the subscribers, and the financial rewards for engaging in a good 'show' for the subscribers. The question now is whether he will join Tani in her room and incentivize her bonus money. If that happens, it will be interesting to compare Tani's passion with this guy compared to her actions in bed with Tim. Tim was all about Tim.
  10. W7W back without the redhead friend. Perhaps the friend has to work on Tuesday.
  11. Tani arrived back at B-4 at 23:53. With her small purse and a shopping bag. She bought some wine and was wearing a new pair of pants. The white skirt she wore to B-5 was presumably in the shopping bag.
  12. IIRC, she did not pair off with him at that party.
  13. The clothes she is wearing is a long, ankle-length skirt. More a party outfit then typical, comfortable street-wear. And every girl I have ever known who expects to be sleeping overnight elsewhere will carry a larger purse with cosmetics, hair brush, etc. Unlike some other participants, Tani is very particular about her appearance. I don't think she even has a phone charger with her.
  14. Tani did not plan ahead to sleep elsewhere. She brought only her small purse. No change of clothes. No cosmetics. I think this evening was T&T doing some matchmaking, and Tani had not fucked this guy before. She may have fucked him last night though. I think the odds are good that we may see them together again, in a more intimate setting.
  15. Masha has joined Dasha and Sasha in their bed. Probably, just to sleep there tonight, but as to what future nights may hold???????? ------ Masha has returned to the guest bedroom.
  16. Strip poker on the evening menu? T&T can go until sunrise, if the right consumables were taken.
  17. IIRC, she would get top cam regularly when she and Tim fucked in her room in B-4. As I have noted before, Radi proved it is the best room in all of RLC for 'shows' and watching real sex. After that first episode with Tim, when he went up to her room and wouldn't leave and she went back to B-7 with him, most if not all of their subsequent fucking was in his room. And the cam ratings for Tim and Tani fucking in B-7 began dropping. Partly due to the cam angles and lighting not being as good, and partly because subscriber interest in Tim dropped as a consequence of his possessive behavior., and he wanting to receive, but doing damn little to reciprocate.
  18. There are several large suitcases in the hall leading to B&N suite . they appear to belong to this girl, who I do not recognize. RLC Replay REPLAY.REALLIFECAM.COM Watch your favorite cams in 24-hour recording
  19. Cam 2-9 in B-4. The door at the left leads to a parking area in front of the garage for B-4. A car can sometimes be seen parked in this area. The door at the right leads to stairs going up to the office. Bogdan uses the office much less now that he lives in B-7. There is a sink and probably a toilet in the office. Cam 2-6 in B-7. The stairs lead down to the living room. The hall leads to B&N apartment. The window looks out on the balcony. The door at the right leads to the B-7 garage. B&N keep their alcohol in the garage. The garage has furniture, and is occasionally used for off-cam parties. Perhaps with people who do not want to be seen on-cam. Supposedly, a participant in B-4 was recently dropped from the project because her guests were not told about the cams. Parties can be held in the office at B-4 with guests who do not agree to be seen on cam.
  20. And back and fucking. ================== I think there can be too much over-interpretation and explanation of emotions when there is a war going on, and travel is restricted. B&N may have family or good friends who are directly affected by the war. Also, they currently are trapped in the West, particularly Bogdan. There were occasions earlier when Ukrainian participants apparently received bad news because of the war, causing them to be very upset.
  21. Cam 2-6 in B-4 looks to the west. To the west of the pool in B-4 is the garage, which also has an office. There is a parking area near the garage, and a car is often parked there. There is a parking space also near the front door to B-7, but they do not park cars there because it it is difficult to access this space. There are parking spaces on the street in front of B-7, and these are sometimes used.
  22. Masha's convulsive orgasm before departing on her road trip. RLC Replay REPLAY.REALLIFECAM.COM Watch your favorite cams in 24-hour recording Masha and Elvis leave together. Elvis has a backpack. Masha must have a small suitcase outside the apartment door, as she is carrying only a small purse. RLC Replay REPLAY.REALLIFECAM.COM Watch your favorite cams in 24-hour recording Masha arrives in B-5, Timur brings her small suitcase to the living room. RLC Replay REPLAY.REALLIFECAM.COM Watch your favorite cams in 24-hour recording All told, about six hours have elapsed since she and Elvis had sex in her apartment. She must be anticipating that this will be a chaste visit.
  23. It appears Masha will be sleeping in the living room.
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