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Everything posted by moules

  1. I think all these people had net before, at off-cam parties with current and former RLC participants. The only reason for T&T to invite Samson and Ari was because both probably showed mutual interest at a previous meeting. Wayne and Wednesday were told to get lost for the evening, as they apparently party with a different group of friends off-camera, e.g. the redhead. I think Anthony and Shantal were invited to see if there was any spark between the two, and perhaps mischievously, to have a party with two of Lorraine's lovers present. I'm quite certain Samson was financially rewarded for his guest appearance. Tani's boyfriend does not restrict her from doing her bates in the Radi bed. (The only basic difference between Radi's bates and Tani's now daily bates is the position of the bed, as Radi moved the bed as close to the cameras as possible.) Perhaps there is hope that the two will display some affection for each other on-camera, even if this is less than a fucking.
  2. At this party, Samson exhibits a lot more personality than Thor or Tim
  3. Samson sent to the store for more alcohol?
  4. Masha using a vibe to bate this morning in the guest bed, at 12:15. From replay thumbnails, no sex between Masha, Dasha, and Sasha yesterday. She is supposed to leave today. There are only two direct flights a week between the largest airport in Montenegro and Rome. Monday's flight leaves at around 17:00.
  5. She was looking for a new hairdresser for her extensions. I thought maybe RLC was now using Montenegro as a way-station for former Russian participants, but none showed up to see Masha.. Dasha and Sasha seem to keep a low profile. So I am left to wonder if she is searching for something that seems to be missing in her life, first with the trip to Barcelona where she was not the usual, social Masha, and now this vacation in Montenegro. Maybe she should have gone to Cyprus, or to Malta and visited Taylor and Taylor's strap-on. The latter resulted in Masha telling Taylor, 'No more. No more." Masha's libido conquered.
  6. If there is sex between Masha, Dasha, and Sasha, tonight may be the night. All have freshly showered, and are in bed together. Odds are still less than 50-50.
  7. This is the second evening where Dylan and Aziza have a sexual encounter where he receives text messages which he promptly shows to her. These must be from someone they both know. And someone significant enough that he doesn't ignore the messages.
  8. They are behaving like an old married couple. But I also think they may be killing time until the time zones are better for peak watching.
  9. T&T have also returned. So the trio left together and returned together. IMO, they were on RLC-related business, otherwise they should have been shown as being on vacation.
  10. I will make a prediction that Tani, Tereza, and Timur all return today, at about the same time. I recall that someone posted that Tereza sometimes does off-camera modeling assignments, photo shoots, so perhaps a photographer wanted to shoot Tani and Tereza together. And it would not surprise me in the least that someone who fancies erotic photography might pay RLC for recordings of participants sharing private moments. I will note that RLC has not shown Tereza, Timur, and Tani as being on vacation. IMO, they wouldn't be on vacation if they were working for RLC off-camera at a photographic or modeling session. This might also explain Tereza and Tani having private conversations in a corner of B-7 during the last party, and Tereza embracing Tani. This also could be wild-assed speculation on my part. But there were also the days when Fior supposedly was driving a group of RLC girls to a distant beach, and they would leave at 08:00 - 09:00 and be gone the entire day. IIRC, the departure time was particularly hard for Radi.
  11. From a very quick glance at replays, Aziza was over in B-7 visiting him, and they even spent some minutes on his bed, but no sex. Then back to B-4,where he was hanging out with Wendy and Azura. And he, Wendy, and Azura eventually go the the LR to watch television. Aziza is up in her bed, on her phone and ultimately decodes to come down to the LR, and cuddle with Dylan. I originally had thought that when Dylan and Aziza were cuddling, that Wendy was cock-blocking, by not leaving. I was sure there would be no hard sex between Aziza and Dylan in the LR with Wendy and Azura there. Now, if it was Ashley and Gloria on the couch with them, who knows?
  12. The master of the harem must keep his concubines happy.
  13. So now that the two men are back in B-7, B-4 does not have a cam that is ranked in the top 30+ cams.
  14. About an hour before she left, Tani did a double orgasm bate in a Radi pose, so she is not that detached from the project. Ejaculation from Skene's glands also can be seen, so she wasn't faking it. She is either watching porn or maybe short videos of guys with a sports car, RLC Replay REPLAY.REALLIFECAM.COM Watch your favorite cams in 24-hour recording
  15. RLC Replay REPLAY.REALLIFECAM.COM Watch your favorite cams in 24-hour recording Dylan, Aziza, Gloria, and Ashley on the couch for about eight minutes. Not difficult to foresee another night with three or all four of them starting in the penthouse bath, and then on to Aziza's big bed.
  16. Tani left the villa at 09:22 with a carry-on valise. Dressed casually. She is going on a trip. This probably explains why she did not participate in the party. Tereza left B-5 at 08:27, taking with her a bag with clothes. Timur had left earlier. Perhaps, Timur was renting a car, and first picking up Tereza, then picking up Tani.
  17. It is too late in the day to sort through the Ids, egos, super egos, and alter egos, so I will make the simple observation that Tani arrived back at B-4 after 52+ hours navigating her way in the labyrinthine lair of her current boyfriend, perhaps aided by T&T. Two weekends in a row of protracted absences from the RLC stage suggest that she may now be more interested in her boyfriend than in RLC, and, as a consequence, she may soon be shown the exit from the stage. I bring up T&T because at the Saturday afternoon welcoming party at B-7, Tani and Tereza engaged in a serious conversation away from the others, which ended with Tereza giving Tani a big, sisterly hug and embrace. if one's heart and mind is elsewhere, then one will simply be going through the motions at the place that is paying you. Perhaps she is vulnerable and too easily manipulated by a controlling man. Tim, after all, compelled her to sleep in his bed, and be safe from the predatory behavior of the lesbian bitches Lilith and Taylor. It is probably far too much to expect that Tani and this boyfriend sleep together in her bed, but is it too much for the two of them to occasionally socialize together at the villas, or at B-5?
  18. The contracts are agreed to when a participant becomes employed by RLC. The contracts are standard contracts, whether someone is arriving from Ukraine, or from Barcelona. I believe many participants are referrals from other participants. Some may work for businesses that have an affiliation with RLC, e.g., a Russian owner of a business in Spain that is good friends with the people who manage RLC operations in Barcelona.
  19. No guests under the age of 18 are allowed in a villa/apartment. Participants must inform guests of the cameras, and the purpose of the cameras. If a participant has sex with a guest, the participant must obtain the name and contact information of the guest. Consumption of hard drugs in view of the cameras is prohibited. No covering the cameras, or changing the camera position. No distribution of recorded sexual activities on RLC property to another website accessible to the public. No recording of sexual activities of other participants without their consent. Participant consents to RLC distributing and selling recordings of him/her on RLC property, without limitation. And so on. and so forth.....
  20. He may work Tuesday-Saturday, during the day. That's why she left B-4 on two consecutive Saturdays in the late afternoon.
  21. Participants sign employment contracts before they arrive at an apartment or villa. They are told of certain rules they MUST follow. RLC also facilitates visas and other legal formalities.
  22. Somerville celebrates another first for polyamorous people WWW.BOSTON.COM The City Council, which passed the first ordinance allowing for more than one domestic partner, approves a new policy to prevent... IMO, polyamory has arrived at the villas. I strongly suspect that Gloria and Ashley knew Dylan before all three arrived at B-7, or at a minimum, they knew of his talent for pleasuring women. Aziza as well. Someone associated with RLC had taken a test drive before he was given a room at the villa. Lilith, perhaps? He came highly recommended. From replay, he was surprised to find that Aziza had climbed into his bed while he was having sex with Gloria and Ashley in their bed. Immediately after he and Aziza had sex, he received a series of text messages, which he showed to Aziza. Most likely these were from someone in associated with RLC, or living in Barcelona, who both he and Aziza knew.. RLC Replay REPLAY.REALLIFECAM.COM Watch your favorite cams in 24-hour recording You could say that Dylan is arrogant. But it is an arrogance born from his confidence and success in pleasuring women, --and not leaving anyone out. He is the 180 degree opposite of someone like Tim, who was interested almost exclusively in having women pleasure him. Dylan gave more pussy licks the other night than Tim gave to Tani's pussy over the many weeks of their relationship. By the definition of polyamory, I think that there are currently five participants: Dylan, Anthony, Ashley, Gloria, and Aziza. Others may join in the future.
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