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Everything posted by moules

  1. Masha in B-5, sitting at the table with T&T.
  2. She is becoming more comfortable and experienced with her toy. She prefers to stimulate her clit and pussy lips. Penetration, even with her fingers, not so much. Tim would not eat her pussy, so their sex was more about pleasuring him, than her. On the other hand, deep penetration is a feature of Tereza's bates. It would be well worth the price of a subscription to watch Aleksandra or Radi join Tani in that bed. Radi doing Tweety in that very bed was like watching a flower-bud blossoming into bloom.
  3. For confused: in Game of Thrones, the character Tywin Lanniste is based on the Earl of Warwick. the Earl is known as the "Kingmaker". The Earl of Warwick can be said to have started the War of the Roses. Game of Thrones is loosely based on the War of the Roses, which ended the Plantagenet dynasty as rulers of England. House of the Dragon is the prequel to War of the Roses, and is about the rise of the Plantagenet dynasty (Henry II) in the middle of the 12th Century. The period immediately before the rise of the Plantagenets is known as The Anarchy. The Anarchy was a civil war between members of the same family. These were the children and direct descendants of William the Conqueror. .
  4. Hey! Tywin Lannister is ancestrally related to Robert Guiscard. (<<< True.) The next chapter and series on the telly is about the Norman-Byzantine wars, drag in the Papacy, the Investiture controversy, marriage within the boundaries of consanguinity, the greatest sack of Rome ever, dragons chasing down the Pope. A confection of religion, sex, and blood! Will be glorious!
  5. Nelly left B-7 at 12:22 with Azira, Alexandra, and Lucien. Bogdan preceded them by a few minutes, presumably to get the voiture. Azira went immediately to B-4. A&L had backpacks as they had spent the night in B-7. Nelly took only a few clothes, given the small backpack. IMO, I feel it quite possible that Alex and Nelly, joined perhaps by original Kim, had off-camera sex when A&L were living B-5, and N&B had moved to an off-camera apartment. Nelly was caught on cam affectionately caressing Kim's fine (clothed) butt. And Alex and Bonnie demonstrated that Alex is very talented when it comes to girl-girl play.
  6. Nelly and Alex on the terrace. They left by the main door, so my assumption they were going into Barcelona was wrong.
  7. At about 21:00, Alex and Nelly left. Nelly taking a small backpack. Spending the night with Alex and Lucien? And with Kim (the original Kim), if Kim is still in Barcelona?
  8. As Yana first participated back in 2017 as part of a couple, is she Russian? I thought most of the C0V back then were Russian. I wonfer what she thought of Tim when they were both participants.
  9. So this is a Western-themed party, and with only one Indian squaw.
  10. I had to go to replay to check whether Tani was wearing panties under her dress. She is, a micro thong. If Tim were still around, he wouldn't permit her to go to a club wearing that 'please fuck me' dress. Bravo Tani!
  11. Power out in all of B-7, EXCEPT for the cams. Must have their own circuit and circuitbreakers. ---------------- Power restored.
  12. Both Taylor and Lilith passed on having sex with Kimberly because of her drunken state. Another participant had no such scruples.
  13. I will digress. I learned one thing from my Russian journeys. Things are not always as they seem. Western apartments of bankers in Moscow were of Mayfair / P:ark Avenue quality, hidden from view in buildings with drab Stalinist facades. The cannon fodder for the Russian army and Wagner come mostly from the hinterlands, where they believe Moscow's propaganda that Ukraine started the war. The cities that were open to the West, e.g., Moscow, Saint Petersburg, not so much. I visited this cemetery in Saint Petersburg on a cold winter night, with the snow falling, and loudspeakers with a soprano singing an elegiac song in Russian. Most haunting experience of my life. Piskarevskoe Memorial Cemetery in St. Petersburg, Russia WWW.SAINT-PETERSBURG.COM Piskarevskoe Memorial Cemetery is a historic war cemetery in St Petersburg. Discover more about Piskarevskoe Cemetery and other... ----------------------- I will add that in talking with them, they almost universally said that they didn't fear the United States, the only country they feared was Germany, because Germany came so close. Putin's problem is trying to cloak his invasion of Ukraine in the mantle of the Great Patriotic War This time though, the Nazis are Ukrainians. And it doesn't really work.
  14. Probably more than one. IIRC, a girl last year said she was going on vacation to Cyprus. One or two of the favorite shipyards for the Oligarchs is in Barcelona. I have a sense of how they might have found participants in Saint Petersburg, though. One of my favorite European cities, even in the dead of winter.
  15. No Harley. I've been to Moscow though, more than once. The KGB gave me a souvenir T-shirt, which said in Cyrillic, Yeltsin's the one!
  16. They had servers in the west simultaneously with the servers in Moscow. The DNS server was in Moscow.
  17. She also has the extra set(s) of eyelashes that Radi favored.
  18. No they haven't. I found the servers in Moscow, next to a school for delinquent children.
  19. I am beginning to think there CC posters who are exhibiting Jungian projection.
  20. How many of its viewers watched what you watched? Most of the subscribers were watching the threesome in B-4.
  21. 'I tell you, his sins, which are many, are forgiven—for he loved much. But he who is forgiven little, loves little.” And he said to him, “Your sins are forgiven' A slight paraphrase of the Gospel according to Luke,
  22. You could DM Ramesh and ask him if it is true. Although Ramesh might reply, 'Why do you care?'
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