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Everything posted by Unsichtbarer

  1. I was thinking the same thing. Perhaps they have to upgrade the cams, because there is too much input ;D
  2. Here are the prices for a "La France à Poil" (http://www.lafranceapoil.com) Membership, which will give you free access to all the cams as a bonus. 1 Hour = € 2,00 ($ 2,20) 1 Month = € 29,95 ($ 32,99) 1 Year = € 119,40 ($ 131,50) - (€ 9,95/$ 10,96 a month) You get access to: - 1709 premium videos - 843 classic videos - 2558 third party videos - 5110 bonus videos (whatever that means...) - Free access to all "La Maison Du Sexe" cams If you like french porn stuff, go and get your membership ;)
  3. Now that was fast... ... all the cams are now for paying members only ;)
  4. They seem to go offline for a day or two until the next recording session. Why waste the bandwidth when no one is there. They are still there. They have made some changes today, salon cam 2 are now for paying members only (€ 9,95 per month). I wonder how long it takes until all the cams are for paying members only.
  5. Lo siento, desconozco los nombres (yo no escucho el audio)... y, tampoco hablo Francés ;) ;) ;) My mistake. I must be blind, I thought you would speak french ;)
  6. It works fine now, thank you.
  7. SanPer, do you know the name of the blonde and the brunette? I would ask them in chat but I don't speak french.
  8. Or maybe she was just watching a cartoon while she was painting..., we will never know.
  9. Something is wrong with dirtybin. The estimated download time ist more than 50 minutes for just a small file. From time to time the counter is stuck in a loop.
  10. Pink Floyd pleases all ages... from those of us who came before their great music began to those that have yet to be born... Yes, I am a Pink Floyd fan... and it was wonderful to watch her... while listening to my favorite music. :) Pink Floyd are just the best! I've never met anyone who don't like Pink Floyd.
  11. I saw it. Seems like she likes it rough ;D
  12. There is no need to sign up. Just click on the cams.
  13. All cams are still free.
  14. Party is over. They are all gone. Thanks for the videos.
  15. They performed a great session. Jesus, the boys dick is bigger and longer as his arms, lol
  16. What the fuck is going on with him? He's holding her and don't let her go and she is screaming like hell :o
  17. It's verry interesting, because you can see how hard porn business realy is.
  18. I wonder why, lol :P
  19. A Cleaning Service was there. They cleaned the whole house.
  20. You are wrong. It was happened once before. I'm not sure if it was Maria and John or Olga and Sergej. Maria (or Olga) has had sex with a different guy before they disappeared. I'm sure JoJo can tell you all the details about it.
  21. I know Wernher von Braun and I know what he did. Sure he was a great engineer but the fact that he helps the nazis is a no go for me. But the second link is verry interesting, thank you. Your knowledge about pretty much everything is awesome. Did you hear about the last ESA mission? They send a probe to a rendezvous with a comet ten years ago. And now, the probe is ready to land on it. It's really impressive, if you ask me. Go here for more details: http://sci.esa.int/rosetta/54469-rosetta-arrives-at-comet-destination/
  22. Gezzes! It's summer! It's pretty hot in Europe at the moment. What do you think I do when I come home from work? I take a beer and enjoy the cool breeze on the balcony...
  23. Haha, a good one. I love your intelligent sense of humor :) Let me explain. First, I talk about the language barrier. In Germany it's pretty much the same like in the US, we have so many people from so many different countrys here (most of them are turkeys). When I sitting in the train or the bus, I can hear a lot of voices but I don't understand a single word. Personally, I don't like that. Next I talk about Ludwik Lejzer Zamenhof, I'm sure you know more about him like me, so there's no need to explain. Next I talk about the education systems in different nations. English is part of many education systems, including Germany but the big problem is that people don't need it in there everyday life. The result is a totaly lack of english. Next I talk about the translators and how they work. Translators translate word by word which is why they fail. In your first post, you translate your english text into German. "posters" means all the people who writing messages here on CC. In Germany, "Poster" is a synonyme for "Plakat" and that means a verry big picture. The translator translate "posters" in "Plakate". So let me translate it back: "...but CamCaps has many great big pictures from many different cultures...". As you can see, it is verry hard to understand. Translators are far, far away from making a great job. Last I just said the communication would be much more easier if people would write in english. So there it is. Please keep in mind that I don't use translators and I know my english is not perfect but I always do my verry best ;)
  24. Korrekt heißt es: "Ich stimme voll und ganz zu". ;) Zum Thema. Die Sprachbarriere ist ein alltägliches Problem, nicht nur hier im Forum. Ich gebe Dir recht, Foamy, man kann viel von fremden Kulturen lernen aber um etwas von fremden Kulturen zu lernen, ist es notwendig, die anderen Kulturen auch zu verstehen. Das ist nicht immer einfach. Wir haben hier in Deutschland - ähnlich wie in den USA - eine so große Vielfalt an fremden Kulturen. Wenn ich mit dem Bus- oder der Bahn fahre, höre ich unzählige fremde Sprachen. Die Betonung liegt auf "hören". Ich höre die Sprachen zwar aber ich verstehe sie nicht. Ludwik Lejzer Zamenhof, ein polnischer Philologe, hatte einst die Idee eine neutrale, leicht zu erlernende Sprache zu entwickeln: Esperanto. Die Grundidee ist lobenswert aber um diese Sprache zu dem zu machen, was die englische Sprache heute ist, müsste Esperanto fest in die Bildung der einzelnen Nationen integriert werden, was leider nicht der Fall ist. Der Ansatz war gut aber es scheiterte letzten Endes an der Umsetzung und Integration. In vielen Ländern, das schließt Deutschland mit ein, ist Englisch Teil der Bildung. Leider ist dies nicht überall der Fall. Das Hauptproblem ist auch, daß man zwar Englisch lernt, es später aber im alltäglichen Gebrauch kaum mehr nutzt. Die Sprache "verkommt" dann. Was unser Forum angeht, bleibt wohl nur der Griff zum Übersetzer. Aber, wie ich an Deinem Eröffnungspost erkennen kann, die Übersetzer arbeiten mehr schlecht, als recht. Ein Beispiel: Das englische Wort "posters" meint all die Leute, die hier im Forum Beiträge verfassen. Im Deutschen ist "Poster" ein Synonym für "Plakat", es meint also nichts anderes als ein großformatiges Bild. Der Übersetzer übersetzt Wort für Wort, folglich ersetzt er das Wort "posters" durch "Plakate", wodurch der Satz letzten Endes keinen Sinn ergibt. Ich persönlich würde es großartig finden, wenn die Leute hier im Forum sich zumindest an die Regeln halten würden und ihre Beiträge in englischer Sprache verfassen würden. Leider macht das so gut wie niemand. Die Moderatoren müssten in diesem Punkt definitiv härter durchgreifen, denn es würde die Kommunikation um einiges erleichtern.
  25. Fuck the people who scoffed at you. You're damn right! ;)
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