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Everything posted by piedpiper1968

  1. I think this is a video of Sasha that was being watched by Nelly when she was masturbating. Not Eva.
  2. I don't have access to rlc. Is Eva and her male friend in the apartment now?
  3. Interesting. I trust that you are telling the truth so that is a surprise. Thank you. Baldy and Eva's relationship seemed to have suffered until one time when he came over and they sat on the futon in the bedroom and had a 5 minute conversation. From that point on it seemed better. I would love to have know what they were saying and like a dummy I recorded it with the volume off.
  4. Not sure if you watched it, but I did. If she regretted it then that is a surprise to me because she went to the kitchen and talked Baldy into coming back to the bedroom to fuck her. And afterwards, before they walked to the kitchen together, she was still all over him hugging and smiling with him. Rubbing her ass against his cock. Laying her face in his lap pulling him down to her for more kisses.
  5. Mine were more random. I think this started last night when the young man showed up at Eva's at around 0300. Many thought she was going to have sex as Sam was gone and how often do we have a married woman welcoming a man to her apartment at 0300. Because she had had sex with baldy many think she is going to have sex with another man especially with they started drinking. In any case this seemed to have started when this young man came to the apartment.
  6. Eva had sex with the bald guy the end of April. If she is having sex with another man it is outside the apartment. If everyone recalls after baldy left the night of the fuck session Sam must have said something really bad to Eva as she did not go to sleep for many many hours and cried most of the day into the next evening. So I doubt we will see Eva have sex with a guy. She most certainly will not have sex with a man without Sam's knowledge. What Eva and Sasha did was a game. All they did was kiss. No touching at all. Plus Eva had jeans on the entire time..not the sexy outfit she had been wearing at night. Just my own opinions.
  7. Yes, they are back. Eva to bed in her bed he is on the futon in the bedroom. She is wearing her cute little shorts to bed. Not showing her panties at all. Very conservative bed outfit.
  8. Eva left the apartment with her male friend at 0545 her time.
  9. I headed out to do a little gambling. Will be watching camcaps so please let me know when something starts. Thank you
  10. Perhaps they went out to get more alcohol. I have not seen her bathe in a few days so she needs to take a bath if she Is going to fuck this guy.
  11. She left with him at 0435. Wonder what that is about.
  12. I don't recognize the guy with Eva. Does anyone else? He appears to be a bit gay?
  13. I hear you... I like to use the word "passionate" rather than stubborn. But what sets them apart is they love life and make sure to enjoy it. They respect their elders and Mom and Dad are a large part of their life.
  14. Naga, I would be concerned you would try to pick up some young woman and then die on my property from being oversexed...especially the home in Summerlin (Vegas). The women here at the gym I go to are in amazing shape. Even women in their 60's and 70's. And the home in Spain is really just a 2 bedroom condo right on the beautiful Mediterranean. I am actually trying to sell the Spain property as it is likely I will not get back there. I love Spain, but always feel so bad because the young people there are so well educated and yet they cannot find reasonable work. It is a sad site for me.
  15. I own three homes in three locations (2 US and 1 Spain) and have security in all three. All have IR cameras where the light source is on the camera. So I sent them a reply criticizing them on the age of their cameras. I did not even know you could have an external light source.
  16. Actually here is the reply on 2/23/18. So I am wrong. Hello, We will do everything possible to make accidental or intentional disconnection never happen again in the future. Our technical team will take steps to physically block the possibility of accidental or intentional disconnection of IR-light device. Unfortunately, organizational measures in the form of instructions or policies do not always work as it should be. Thank you for your patience. -- Support Team, reallifecam.com
  17. So I was watching when we all thought Nicole purposely turned off night vision and I sent an email to rlccupport immediately complaining about it. They replied and told me there is no switch that controls night vision and Nicole had NOT turned it off. Now I am not sure so I took them at there word.
  18. It has been nothing short of amazing to watch this beautiful woman's sexual maturation. Recall, she did nothing when she first came onto the site. And it took months before we saw her even masturbate. And now WOW! She enjoys performing for us as well as taking care of herself. She will always perform for us.... and Paul is very much aware of this. She has really become an exhibitionist. Thank you Leora.
  19. Perhaps he is still learning. And Eva may not tell him what she needs. It would take my wife 20 - 30 minutes of constant penetration before she would have her first orgasm and it would be very intense then she would have 3 or 4 more. SO worth it to make sure I lasted as it was amazing. Eva may be the same way... and if you watch this is the way Lana is before she has her first orgasm. Come on Sam....you need to last until Eva can come.
  20. There is something twisted about Sam and Eva. Since they have returned from their vacation they have not really had much sex...as usual. But they seem to get turned on when they are around other people. I only caught the tail end of it tonight so I may be wrong, but it appeared to me that Sam really wanted to have sex with Eva in the bedroom even though Eva's friend is on the futon.
  21. It looks like the guy with the glasses has a different girlfriend, but I am not certain. Can anyone confirm?
  22. Mobile phones... OMG the world cannot survive without them it seems. Everywhere I travel the users act like its their lifeline to survive. I don't care what country I am in. And on RLC all the people look at porn on their mobile devices. Are they not afraid of some malware or virus. Porn sites are often targets of these issues. I am a technical person, have been my entire life, but these retired days I rarely even listen to voicemail. I tell friends "don't leave me any voicemails as I won't listen to them". I can see if you called so just let that be my "message."
  23. I did not see any of the fun, but this looks like the girl that has been there before. Once with Sam and Eva and then with just Eva when Sam was gone on one of his trips. If it is the same woman Sam has fucked her in the ass before. Damn this is when we miss the fourth camera that used to be in this room.
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