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Everything posted by piedpiper1968

  1. Love Antwerp. My son in law is from the French speaking part of Belgium. Antwerp is part of the northern Flemish speaking part.
  2. Now Stella, like so many of the other participants, fucking with the night vision on the cameras. As I have said a number of times this all started with Nelly showing the two couples that launched the couples apartment in Spain after they Nelly and Bogdan came on board here in Barcelona. I watched her bring lights to the couple that occupied the room now held by Tereza and Timur.
  3. So you also saw when Max brought an attractive woman home and fucked her on camera too while Lora was pregnant.
  4. Just looking at Linda in bed at 00:50 the one piece she put on after the shower can't handle those massive tits of hers.
  5. Stella and Gina are as toxic a relationship as exits. Neither has the intelligence and foresight to see what they are doing. They live for only the moment. Some of you don't give a shit as long as they provide you with your type of entertainment. As the father of four women I see them, when together, heading down a path of addiction which leads to more issues in life. Stella's leaving can't come quickly enough for me to get these two separated.
  6. I've watched Leora for almost 8 years now including those early years when all her sexual activity involved pleasing Paul with little or no attention to herself either from him or her. It was amazing as we watched her start masturbating on the computer chair in their tiny living room. She has always been a beautiful woman. I do want her to find a companion where she can enjoy all aspects of life not just for our entertainment. If it is Paul so be it. I hope not as he has a shit personality and clearly can't satisfy Leora's sexual needs. As the Celine Dion song says.... I wish her joy and happiness.
  7. Linda sexting with someone even while brushing her teeth. How fucking bad are your phone habits you interrupt brushing your teeth to send a text.... and more than once even.
  8. Someone can check replay but just minutes before Martina, Marta and the young man left, Martina went to the bathroom and inserted a tampon. I see she is still wearing it. So why you can have fun even during your period (my wife was most horny during hers so we had a lot of sex during her period), I am not so sure Martina indulged last night. Or frankly any night. I think Martina likes to tease and she dances very sexual with a lot of guys who may also be able to play with her but she won't have intercourse with anyone other than Alberto. And let me add this..... to many Spanish women and Brazilian women, I know for a fact dancing is a large part of their foreplay.
  9. CC was talking about Martina's giving panty shots last night .... with the outfits she was trying on and now settling with this outfit when she bends over you see everything she owns as her panties tonight are nice and see through.
  10. You guys must be mostly American as I've seen more pussy shots in skimpier outfits on the gulf side beaches in Florida or my god how about the beautiful Brazilian women on the beaches in Rio wearing tops and bottoms the size of Band-Aids.
  11. I don't think Alberto is given the respect from the forum members he deserves. To me he clearly understands his role in Martina's life and for the moment is happy with it. He also understands her need to be bisexual and doesn't seem to mind it either. While it may have happened I don't recall ever seeing him really angry. I enjoy their interactions.
  12. I hate to disappoint you but She used to do it back in the day like 2017. Not really but Alberto did play a lot more with her asshole back then..even with a dildo. If you watch their sex when she is on top he will always try to put his finger in her ass and many times she will let him. She likes anal play when it isn't too rough. This is an amazing women who is far too sexy and beautiful for the panties she wears.
  13. In my opinion, and I have stated this before, the fruits and vegetables in Spain are the best in the world. Just like they were in America when I was a young lad. Not so today.. neither the fruits and vegetables or me. And the Farmers Markets are very large in the Cities all over Spain, sometimes encompassing 2 square blocks. And for you Radi (abbreviated) lovers the tomatoes are fucking amazing. I didn't eat as many as her but I came damn close.
  14. Moos, what you say is so true, but I really like the interaction of these two couples. They enjoy each other's company. They stay up all night having fun. Many times going to bed at dawn. And it's not like they don't have sex.
  15. Lia must have been gone sometime today when she got fucked by this guy. I see she is wearing a panty liner.
  16. I never saw her actually fuck a single guy. She won't fuck anyone these days without a condom...never and these guys couldn't get hard enough to fuck. I do admit I quit watching around 6am her time.
  17. Yes, I remember Heidi very well. Recall she brought at least 1 guy home as well, but yes that night she brought home a very attractive woman who appeared to have more same sex experience than Heidi.
  18. For Olya it was ONE time for 48 hours straight. Otherwise for the other 2.9 months she did the same thing as most others on here. Laid in bed and masturbated or played the shows with the other house guests. Diane on the other hand had a few threesomes, fucked a couple of guys, played with a few women. Diane was 20 times more sexually active than Olya... who I loved by the way.
  19. Well, it is a fabulous ass. Still, having been to Barcelona numerous times, I can assure you there are a lot of asses just as magnificent as Nana's. Such beautiful women.
  20. What the fuck Dude. Have some self respect. Are there so few women in Barcelona you need to embarrass yourself with this one who so obviously is uncomfortable in your arms.
  21. But we need to deduct the number of days when his account was suspended. It used to get suspended more often than these days. Harley, how many days have you been suspended on CC?
  22. Well you just went back to the top in Avg words per post. Good try though. It did last a FEW minutes. lol 🤣
  23. Wow, Bogdan showing his manliness. Fucking Nelly for the 3rd time in a couple of hours.
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