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Everything posted by piedpiper1968

  1. Right on!! Well said and thank you from this American. I have friends all over the world and not one of them can understand the republican party in the US today. I don't. I am not a democrat but this republican party I don't understand or have an appreciation for. And for the record trump lost the "popular vote" in both his elections. The only person in our history to do so.
  2. Thank you. As a former successful nationwide business owner I have written to RLC about this very subject. Have even volunteered my time to help them understand the concept of who their customer is and improving their customer support. To no avail.. they keep replying "thanks for your suggestions. we have referred this to the proper department". likely the trash folder. 🤣
  3. She has purchased so many new clothes since being in Barcelona, she either needs to get rid of some older clothes or buy another large suitcase.
  4. Just my opinion being a woman lover ... I think Martina is an experienced bisexual. On those nights before Covid when she didn't get home until early mornings I think she had a female lover(s). She did something to Nelly the first time she licked her pussy that very few men think to do (unless the wife or girlfriend tells them)..... while licking Nelly's pussy, she reached up and pinched and twisted Nelly's nipples knowing this is a true erogenous zone for many women.
  5. Nelly has been on this site for many years. We have seen her and Bogdan prepare for their wedding even and not one time other than the incident in Rome with Masha and Sophia have I seen her with a woman. And they had many many guests in their rather large apartment in Russia. I do not think Nelly is using Martina. I think there is genuine attraction. Frankly I was surprised when I saw Nelly and Martina. I thought the incident in Rome was an anomaly but maybe it was a revelation to Nelly that she does enjoy sex with women.
  6. Noldus you're amazing and with all the respect I can muster in this message and knowing English is not your first language, I submit the saying is "Life goes on"
  7. Nora was always one of my favorites in the early days. Her and Kiko had a small apartment and the shower was incredibly tiny. She could barely fit in it. She is beautiful and had an amazing pussy. Back in those early days she would cry because she rarely got sex from Kiko.
  8. Her birth control is likely a shot that lasts quite a few months and with the shot you do not have a period according to one of my daughters.
  9. These two women are laughing their asses off all the way to the bank because of the suckers who still have subs.
  10. I can't speak for Leora but Malia purchased a new phone recently. She may just be verifying she transferred all the data/ apps she wanted.
  11. This couple will go the way of Sam and Eva.
  12. I understand and let me be clear on my opinion.... I have no problem with the women doing things outside the apartment as long as they are doing the same things in the apartment. If she has a BF that she is seeing outside the apartment she has an obligation to see him inside the apartment. If she is having sex outside the apartment she should be having sex inside the apartment. This is one of the reasons after 6 1/2 years on RLC I have stopped my sub.
  13. Like others I remind you to look at the top line on the RLC website. It says the "private life". It doesn't say the "private life except for the private life outside the apartment".
  14. There are somewhere around 300,000 Russian and Ukrainian individuals living in the Prague area at last count. Finding a fellow countryman is not too difficult. She may just be lonely. I don't think the beautiful Malia has ever had a purely sexual relationship. She is not very sexual and in my opinion she has never had an orgasm.
  15. Like Leora it would appear Malia now has some love interest outside the apartment. Maybe that is why she is using Tinder.
  16. She is fucking some new BF or maybe more than one BF outside the apartment hiding her real life from us.
  17. Did he fuck Masha in the ass? And did she swallow his load at all? She loves the sperm cocktail for sure.
  18. Masha brought a guy home tonight and fucked him. Don't think it lasted very long. Couldn't tell if she made him wear a condom but would bet she did.
  19. If this guy can keep it up he is in for the time of his life. This woman can fuck and suck. Unlike most of the women I bet she makes him wear a condom.
  20. 0430 who can Martina be texting with at this hour? Is her brother and friend still there?
  21. This is also true. Don't know what she ever contributed. But she is there at the sponsorship of RLC and they should make sure the inhabitants get along. There are so many reasons that after 6 1/2 years I gave up my sub to RLC and everyday since 10 June I am glad I did.
  22. This is 100% right on. Thank you for pointing this out. I actually feel badly for Milena.
  23. I see no one is replying so I will tell you what I think is correct and perhaps someone can correct me if I am wrong. She has two men she dates. Both are BF's. This guy and the one some call James. But as far as I know she has only had sex with the guy called James on camera. We have seen her with this guy a few times but I don't think they have had sex on camera.
  24. Another of Leora's assets is her uncanny ability to buy the sexiest panties. Few people in the world are better at it than her.
  25. From a side view and up close I think Babi looks a lot like Masha. Wonder if they are related. Noticed today when she was at the makeup table on the free cam.
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