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Everything posted by SierraTM

  1. I agree with you, Serafima is a bitch but she does her part in the house, especially the cleaning and keeping things in order. It would be better for Radislava to have a chat with Serafima and put their 'petty' differences aside. This apartment and this project are their 'workspace' so it would actually do both of them good by sorting things out and make things clear to one another. No one wants to see a pissed off colleague everyday at work and would genuinely still be happy about it.
  2. Yep, fantastic weekend of football for me too. So happy to watch United beat City and I hope Barcelona could finally get out their financial mess under Laporta.
  3. What is really interesting for me is RLC's persistence in keeping her on the project although it is damn clear to most or maybe just some of us, she isn't providing any other content for the audience other than nudity. Zero sexual content but yet, this woman is on their payroll for months. This is something I cannot understand, like what is the stranglehold she has on these RLC executives? Why can't RLC just move on without her?
  4. Hey mods, where is my previous post? Are we are not allowed to criticise Serafima or RLC on this forum?
  5. LOL, initially I thought you were calling some bugger Fuckhead but then when I read further, it is an actual account name 🤣 Looks like I was missing much while being caught up at work.
  6. And I think one of the possible reasons Pam is back might be because Amalia misses her 'real friends' after having to cohabit with her colleagues for so many months. The B2 girls get along well but Pam is her friend before this project.
  7. If Amira and Amalia are sharing the bed, then there is no need for anyone to leave. Unless, Amira wants to leave the project & Pam is her replacement. B1 Pam was pretty underrated IMO, I remember she was well-liked by the rest at B4 and was great to hang out with.
  8. Yea she had no need to get them done. Her boobs were fine, they don't always need to be big to look good.
  9. Prosecutors weigh ‘heavy hammer’ — felony murder — for rioters in Capitol officer’s death | WTOP WTOP.COM Rioters who entered the U.S. Capitol could be charged with murder, says the former prosecutor who oversaw the Charlottesville probe. Yes please do so, these damned rioters should all be charged and convicted. Complete disregard for law and order, kind of ironic because this was what they were supposedly proud of. Stupid blind followers of that fat orange.
  10. This will repeat for Nth times until she leaves the project which is god knows when... And RLC will be pleased to inform you that this is what you have paid for & it is just too bad & so fucking sad 😏
  11. no bud, i am not suggesting they might be there tonight to collect their paychecks, just saying they do go there to pick them up. they might be there to smoke weed or just to avoid the cameras 😐
  12. Are you referring to the door which leads to the garage? They do go there to pick up their paychecks.
  13. She positioned the showerhead just like how she would position her legs to block the camera when she is on her bed. Aren't we already familiar with her cheating ways? There was no bate, just her wasting water & giving the impression she was doing something.
  14. Yes this is Serafima's modus operandi, she needs someone who would do her do-nothing shows with her like those lame massages and lying around on the bed while she reads Moscow Times on her phone. There was this night, maybe a few days ago when Radislava was on Serafima's bed & she was looking at her phone all night. We should be seeing this Nth times until either of them leaves.
  15. True. In my opinion, having guys in the project is always good for the paying audience.
  16. As long as RLC continues to pay them, they are interested to stay in the apartment & in the project. The only issue is they have no interest in showing what most of the paying audience wants to see. And on this forum, there are forces who are trying to pacify the paying audience that this is the best outcome for the money they paid. I leave it to you to find out who they are.
  17. Yes, I cannot stand this woman in B1 any longer, so much that I stopped watching B1 all together because it is just Ariana and nothing else. All pretense and nothing real in her, it looks at if she is disgruntled with being on cameras.
  18. No corvette, you are wrong. I will always be onto people who try to play down on this COVID-19 virus which taken away so many lives and yet we have people like you who brush it off like it is common flu. As per dated 17th Dec 2020, COVID-19 has killed 1.6 million people worldwide within less than a year since it broke out. If the virus wasn't this deadly, Europe & America won't be imposing lockdowns & pushing through mass-vaccination. Have you heard of countries imposing lockdown for the common flu? You need to wake up, this is no fucking joke and I hope you are wearing a mask when you are out & encouraging others to do so!
  19. Which is your opinion and it does not mean those who wants beyond her being a boring tease are wrong. You mind your own opinions just like some of us have to bear your nonsensical and pointless praise of her. If you praise a girl who provides entertainment for all, I can understand but you are praising a boring do-nothing girl who indeed DO NOTHING ALL FUCKING DAY.
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