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Everything posted by SierraTM

  1. Well at least when you complain about it, the Serafima fanboys won't jump on you or accuse you of making things up 😏 I really wonder if these fanboys watch too much of Trump & think that everything they don't agree with is fake news.
  2. Yes, RLC has been getting abit boring for me over the past 2 weeks. B4 was already a bore as fuck and it was made worse by Elmira's departure. B2 is alright, not much complaints but B1 is getting stale and it is not helped by Serafima's do nothingness. I think the idea of giving Gina her own apartment might make sense and so RLC can bring in a fresh new girl for the main bedroom. Martina's apartment is fine and most of you guys should know I don't appreciate Leora & Malia's fake shows.
  3. Of cos you would, always assuming people actually like what they see when they complain about a certain girl and a bunch of your fellow fanboys would follow up with endorsement for your copy/paste comment... Wake up, if RLC stop paying her she would never care one ounce about showing anything to you. And RLC is still allowing her to do what she wants which is nothing. But what to do, fanboys will always do what fanboys do. Fap.
  4. Ahh there you are... 😏 "Hello, it's me I was wondering if after all these years months you'd like to meet"...
  5. What fucking logic is this??? He is a moderator of CamCaps (which I repeat, I don't understand why) so he can ban anyone. Even if he works for RLC, he cannot prevent any paying customer (who does not share RLC content openly) to continue paying to watch RLC unless he has an unbiased & substantial reasons to do so or he owns RLC. Make sense?
  6. Alright, where are the Serafima fanboys? I know you are lurking around, say something to defend her and RLC.
  7. Yes, more male residents in B4 please. Tell you what, the first guy from Tinder or wherever they can find him, who can make Serafima do something real & sexual on cameras should be given his own apartment 😏 Like that black dude who used to stay at Eliska & Pepik's apartment. He is an asshole I dun disagree but he brings us some entertainment didn't he?
  8. According to some on this forum, any guy or boy appearing on cameras with the girls are either druggies or up to no good.
  9. Yep now we know what was going on, the money wasn't coming in & so no content. I like her too but just too bad the state of B4 isn't for her I guess. I hope she wasn't forced to leave but she decided to leave on her own (though I ack probably not). Haix.
  10. Oh no! What a pity, I will definitely miss her 😢 I think she definitely is someone who can provide the audience good content on her own without the need to join up with the rest. I hope to see her return someday. Goodbye and thank you, Elmira!
  11. The point here is whether she is 'real' infront of the cameras, as per the name of this website RealLifeCam goes, she is everything but real life infront of the cameras. This is the discussion point here, which I know many Serafirma lovers here would always deny or in turn throw shades at people who criticise her. Or present the typical lame reply: "If you don't like her then don't watch her." And with this, she is without reproach 😏
  12. Yep this is exactly what she did during her first stay, she knows exactly where the angles are and she knows exactly what is she showing and not showing. That's why I always said she is not an honest deal like the other girls in the project, she is basically a cam girl who decides what to show or not show you. Girls like her should not be in this RealLifeCam project. It is absurd!
  13. Thanks, I can't tell why though. I hope things will change for her.
  14. May I ask if anyone here may know why? Is she on her period or just generally unhappy?
  15. I see we do have people who are sane on this forum 😏
  16. States cite smooth election, despite Trump's baseless claims APNEWS.COM ATLANTA (AP) — The 2020 election unfolded smoothly across the country and without any widespread irregularities, according to state... Would the loser please step aside and let the winner govern? What is the point of being a lame duck until Dec 8th when at state level, no state officials are really complaining about election fraud except Trump's cronies?
  17. Why are you looking for something that does not exist? The only fraud who needs to be found out & kick out is the one occupying the White House right now! When Clinton lost in 2016, did she go typing in CAPS on Twitter screaming 'VOTER FRAUD' or 'STOP COUNTING THOSE VOTES WHICH AREN'T FOR ME' like a fucking baby? When you lose, lose like a grown man who can accept that someone else is chosen in your place, especially when you have failed so miserably. Maybe then, Trump can gain some respect & perhaps also some forgiveness for all the pain he inflicted on America.
  18. Those points you made which I reduced the font size, is no longer relevant for discussion cos obviously, we don't agree on what we saw back then. For your 2nd point, this is entirely false! If you noticed in most if not all of my previous posts, I don't try to represent the entire RLC viewership because the words I used are either "(i) some of us or just me or (ii) some or maybe just me", to represent what I meant in my comments. So lets be clear, I have never tried to represent the entire RLC viewership & the proof is in my previous comments so you or the mod you are backing can go check it out. Secondly, everyone on forums/social media has an agenda or motive, intentionally or not because no one does anything for no particular reason unless this person is a lunatic. Please don't try to convince others or yourself that you are on this forum without an agenda of any sorts. Even passing time and being a troll is part of an agenda. For your 3rd point, I agree with you to a certain extent but please kindly take note it is the Year 2020 and RLC & it's subscribers base has obviously moved on. We all should know that most of the RLC viewership are not regular users of CC or its sister site. Most of the regular users here have a rather 'idealistic' model of how RLC should work because they still think RLC is not a porn site. RLC is a porn site for fuck sake and hence there are the sexual content and the sexual content are its selling point. It is also benefitting from the stagnation of the Western porn industry for the past 5 years in general, so the paying audience are looking for an alternative and RLC took up the switch (as in switching to more mainstream porn) if you noticed. And back then as you mentioned, the subscriber base was certainly much smaller but people still subscribed because it is a fairly new concept (of pornography). Your argument of 'many of those members', which I am not sure how many are you talking about, are members who might be older, quite loyal & have plenty of time and privacy to watch these girls do nothing for hours. This is not for the main audience base, so the idea of back then, certainly won't work now if not RLC would have not have switched. And allow me to repeat myself again, I don't see Serafima as an honest deal like the rest of the girls for the reasons I have stated. This is almost non-debatable imo because she is a do-nothing girl so unless she starts to 'do something' like Amira or even do more like Monica, I am happy to be proven wrong cos I am getting a return on my investment. I hope this post does not make you think I am representing the RLC viewership. Perhaps when I post such 'negative' comments again, I need to include a disclaimer to appease the fans 😏
  19. And this applies to both candidates, not just Biden. It does not mean if the votes counted after election day for Biden is rigged but if they are for Trump, they are not. And for fuck sake, you know that. We or rather the American voters simply have to trust the process and let the vote count continue until all the votes are accounted for. This is democracy, where every vote counts and thus every vote should be counted.
  20. Strange that we are now in a middle of a global pandemic and there is this 'strange requirement' (Note: THERE IS NO SUCH REQUIREMENT, IT IS JUST TRUMP & TRUMP FOLLOWERS SAYIN TRUMP'S THINGS) that requires all votes to be counted on election day when it is simply not possible! So lets say for example if your vote is not counted on election day, is it fair then? Are you better off not voting at all? All votes must be given time, especially when we are fighting a global pandemic, to be accounted for & counted. This is actually part of the whole democratic voting process!
  21. Usually I won't reply you but I have to this time round because this is simply not true. To be clear, I dislike Trump as a person and as a president but I were an American, I will vote for the GOP. Trump was elected in 2016 because of various reasons (not corruption) and the most common one is the general mistrust that many voters (aged 35 & above) had against Hillary Clinton. So for sure, corruption did not elect Trump. Trump was elected on a rather fair but perhaps misled process due to the online media smear campaigns against Clinton meant to create confusions.
  22. And I told you what I saw during her first stay and I said what I said. It is clear I have an agenda against Serafima but it is not personal. I make my comments according to what she does or does not do on cameras. If she is a Kelly or even Mila, Karla or Molly, I would have nothing against her. For eg even for Karla whom I felt had a disappointing stay, I had no 'agenda' against her so it is purely based on the 'entertainment value' of the girl and not whether she is nice or not to her flatmates etc. What I want to also point out is that I find it so weird for some of the lads here to be so 'enthusiastic' & excited about her 2nd stay when she did nothing for her last stay and continues to do nothing now. Well, now I get the message that there are plenty of Serafima fans here so this is what it is.
  23. Actually, I am not so sure why you would think I hate/dislike Serafima personally. I made it very clear with my last post which you replied to, I feel she is not an honest deal compared to the other girls on this project based on her last stay & maybe even on this stay. Why is she not an honest deal is pretty clear, unless you are fond of 'fooling yourself' thinking that she is being real (or at least authentic enough) in front of the cameras. I don't know much about Maluma, Erin, Amina and Dalia and thus their r/s with her so I have nothing to say. For Angelina, I only have sympathies and good wishes. For Kelly, nope I don't think they were good friends (if that is what u r referring to) & I don't recall they had many interaction during Serafima's remaining stay in Ginger's room after Kelly took over the main bedroom. The few interactions they had was at the small common area outside the bathroom during the 1st 2 days of Kelly's arrival and in the living room room during the last day of Serafima's stay. And Kelly did her own thing most of the time anyway and she interacted mostly with Ginger to be fair, either in the living room or on rare occasions when she hanged out on Ginger's bed. So saying that Kelly was pals with Serafima is a long shot. Mila. Come on, who are you trying to fool here? It was pretty clear Mila was at least, frustrated with Serafima although during her last stay, she had her own 'problems' and distractions. They had a few 'non-shows' together but that was about it, and for those who watched them, those 2-3 nights Mila spent on Serafima's bed clearly summed up their relationship which was non-existent other than they were colleagues. And before you start accusing me of bearing an agenda on all if not most of the girls in this project, or girls that most of the lads here like but I don't, I have no (zero) negative/harsh comments on girls who has contributed non-debatable sexual content in this project. My 'standards' for the girls on this project is simple, they have to provide entertainment for the viewers and since RLC is a porn site, they have to provide sexual entertainment. If a girl does not do that, I will speak about it and it is clear there are lads on this forum who simply has nothing negative to say about any girl in RLC. I am not on this subscription to watch a girl fiddle on her phone for hours on her bed & think about she actually gets on well with her flat mates and thus, this is supposedly a return for my 45 euros/mth. This is what gets on my nerves. I don't give a damn about the girls' private lives nor do I need to know what is their personal Instagram accounts or real names.
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