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Everything posted by bluewinner

  1. Carlos was asking Claire to not bother other girls . He said " no one likes you in this home " lol
  2. I like them to be home all the time and do stuff to entertain me. but it's not up to me. I understand they are human like the rest of us and they have to go out to do whatever they need to do. On top of that, I am not watching them 24/7. I may watch her for 10-15 mins a day, so I just look at the reply and watch her when she is doing something that I find interesting, so even if she was home all the time it wouldn't make that much of difference to me.
  3. I watch her when she is home. she is not a caged animal at the zoo. she is free to go out whenever she likes.
  4. she is rarely home. but I like watching her exercising, taking shower and etc. she has only been here for a few days. and I am quite happy with what I see 😉
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