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Everything posted by bluewinner

  1. Carlos has an interesting character and he speaks English with Claire, which is good as we can understand what's going on. Claire is also an slutty ( in a good way 😜 ) attractive girl who can add spice to the future parties. so all in all they are a good addition.
  2. Yes. positive change. I think we would have seen the same sort of transformation with other couples in their group if they had stayed longer. I think the more people stay on the project they become more comfortable with their sexuality. the problem is very few stay long enough to evolve in this way.
  3. Well, another boring party at VHTV. I have told you before as long as you pay, there is going to be more boring events happening on this site. I have been listening to their background noises, and I know it for fact, I would have posted some old pictures of Leonie and etc to prove my point. but I am not in mood to go look for them 😂😃 😁 don't pay 🤣
  4. I have to say Freddy is a better fucker compared to Alex and Stifler 😁
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