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Everything posted by bluewinner

  1. I have never insulted you. I am just pointing out what you are doing, and as you say it's a free forum, you can leave whatever comments you like, and I can't do nothing to stop that, but I am free to criticise your point of view, I don't think you are against that, as you find it easy to judge everyone. if you think they deserve to be judged and bullied because they are on a porn site, maybe you need to apply same logic to yourself and be ready to get some criticism on your comments as you are on the forum related to that porn site. what I find interesting about you in particular is that you are not even a subscriber of vhtv, but you are on every topic leaving negative comments or encouraging it. I wonder what has made you so bitter ? are you upset with vhtv because you can't afford to pay their subscription fee, but yet you can't control your porn addiction ? is it safe to say you are a porn addict who can't afford to get what he wants so he gets bitter about it ? do you think that's a fair assessment ?
  2. I have no problem with people criticising the tenants. if you have read the comments, I have mentioned that I think your criticism comes from a good place, and you are just doing that because you like those tenants and you enjoy watching them, but you think they can improve by doing or not doing certain things (like the comments that you make about the lighting or their positioning or their sleeping patterns). I can understand your frustration, and I often agree with you on those point, and I do that too. I have never seen a comment from you where you have been mean or nasty to anyone, and you only comment on the tenants that you like, most of your comments and contribution are positive, so in no way I am comparing you with members like Rowbin and Jonno. what they do is very different, they are always negative, and they do this to hurt them on purpose. I give you an example, look at the last topic of Mia and Ragnar, they took over that topic and they made the whole thing about Ragnar's weight (something that he probably had no control over) . to the point when they finally gave up and left, and when some people were leaving some kind comments on their page, Mia was surprised and said I thought no body likes us here as all the comments are about Ragnar's weight only. I understand one or two comments might be funny, but if you are repeating the same thing to shame him every single day it's no longer funny. it's just relentless attacks. anyway, I neither can or want to silent these people. all I am doing is providing a counter argument, so their negativity won't take over the forum.
  3. they are not "Actors and Actresses". they are just some young adults who have joined the site to make some money. even if you think they are " porn star and actors" it does not mean they have no pride, no dignity, and no feeling. I do not get your logic. how them being on a voyeur-site make it ok for people to be overly nasty to them. if you think it's a part of being on the forum then you should also accept that if you are on a public forum and making those kind of comments and insulting everyone, expect to get a backlash, and expect the other members to treat you in the same way. we can't make anyone stop doing what they are doing, all we can do is to provide counter argument and make sure the nasty people are not taking over the forum. you can't treat people with disrespect and insults and then expect others to be nice to you. I am calm and I am not attached to any tenant. but If I like them and I enjoy watching them, I would defend them against those people who are here to bully them. I am definitely not going to be nice to people who are nasty and rude. I won't be rude, or break forum's rule, but I am going to make sure everyone knows what they are up to. this is not going to be a safe space for those kind of people, and if they can't take their own medicine, they might want to reconsider what they are doing.
  4. no one is going to be able to have sex by the pool or outdoor until Summer. so that's not really a big deal ๐Ÿ˜Š
  5. @life+90 Thanks for the caps. it was a hot threesome. ๐Ÿ‘
  6. that's none of your business, she does what she likes to do.
  7. Tenants have every right to be on this forum and communicate with their viewers. the problem is not their presence in the forum, it's the people who are offensive and inconsiderate, and their sole reason for being here is to get a rise out of other people. Tenants on VH only get a share of your fucking subscription fee if you are watching them, so if you think they are lazy or are not doing what you like to see you don't have to watch them. just watch whoever you find interesting, and if you don't like anyone just don't fucking subscribe. no one has made you to pay. I just don't get the constant whining and bitching. especially when it comes from someone like you who is not even a member.
  8. Here we go again. you are always ready to jump in and defend the indefensible, that just shows what kind of person you are. they are obviously old enough to be on the site, but that does not give people permission to be nasty towards them. you are right that no one here is innocent, but there is a degree to how low some people can go, and clearly you are the worst. every nasty and disgusting comment has your like on it, and you always fully support members who leave those kind of comments. in a way you actively encourage and support this kind of behaviour. the other day you were defending a member who called demi an attention seeking bimbo for no reason , and today you are defending this guy who has been nasty towards Ken & Barbie. you must be really enjoying this. ๐Ÿคฎ
  9. no, thank you for standing up to the bullies. I wish we had more members like you. ๐Ÿฅ‚
  10. it wasn't one comment, you have been complaining constantly and making fun of them since they have joined. I am happy that my comment has upset you, this way you can understand how other people feel when you are leaving stupid comments and attacking the tenants for everything that they do.
  11. not with a golden heart, but at least I try not to be a jerk.
  12. I don't put Budda in the same category as the rest of them, he sometime complains but his heart is in the right place. The other ones are just some jealous, old men who get off from leaving hateful comments. best thing is to not pay any attention to them.
  13. well done. It looks amazing ๐Ÿ˜ ๐Ÿ‘
  14. who said you have to follow my rulebook ? you can do whatever you like. I can't care less.
  15. she is always fully dressed when exercising. I have seen her working out in that sexy white outfit many times. BTW she looks amazing ๐Ÿ˜
  16. they used to have more guests in their first apartment. but then it was just the threesome girl. and one time, one of the girls parents.
  17. maybe they are going to invite a lot of guests here. they must have a reason for renting it (maybe they got a good deal on rent)
  18. Professional can do it faster and they won't leave a mess. that bathroom is huge. they can borrow Scotts blue pool and place it in there ๐Ÿ˜ƒ
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