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Everything posted by bluewinner

  1. I like what I see here, so I had to come and say "Hello" ๐Ÿ˜
  2. I know everyone has been a subscriber at some point or maybe for many years. I am just saying that most people who are whining all the time are not the current subscribers. so I wonder if you haven't watched something, how can you make judgement and compare it with the past events. it's just impossible.
  3. For me the whole thing has always been a show, I have never been under illusion that I am watching their real life ( no matter what RLC motto says ). and TBH I have no interest in watching anyone's real life ๐Ÿ˜ƒ For me it's just a source of entertainment and as long as it's entertaining I be happy with their content. I hate the silly shows when it's boring and repetitive ( like what Leora and Malia offer) . but Martina's last night visit was neither of them, and I found it quite interesting to watch.
  4. I find it odd that most people who are whining about everything that happens on RLC are not even subscribers to the site.
  5. why would she say goodbye to her ? they live in the same house, and they are going to see each other in a few minutes. do you say goodbye to your family members when you go from one room to another in your home ? ๐Ÿ˜ƒ she probably went to her own room as Megan wanted to talk to her boyfriend on the phone.
  6. that must be a very interesting video game ๐Ÿ˜ƒ
  7. Yeah. I have told them they are free to do what they want while on vacation ๐Ÿ˜ ๐Ÿ˜œ
  8. This was a good night after a few weeks of borefests on RLC. Thank you Martina, for the visit ๐Ÿ˜
  9. It looked like Martina was genuinely enjoying her moment with Megan.
  10. yeah, you are absolutely right. I don't think Martina's present in B4 is that big of a deal. perhaps just a friendly visit. Hopefully she gets to know the girls and they can visit her & Alberto too. I always like to see more Spanish girls on the project. so maybe she can introduce some good candidate to N&B (if they are actually in charge of casting) as potential future participants. It be nice to see some beautiful spanish girls in Barca apartments.
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