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Everything posted by bluewinner

  1. This girl has appeared in Scott & Sabrina's a couple of times before. I think we are going to see more of her. I suggest we name her Summer. @jabbath1987 @nack
  2. I be very happy if Kim is one of his regular guests. this is definitely going to be an interesting apartment. I hope Lyla pays a visit too ๐Ÿ˜‹
  3. They are a young, attractive couple who have have been appearing in different apartments as guest and some users have grown fond of them. Elaine tries harder but she is not an attractive girl. I really like Faye and her friends and I hope she finally gets an apartment if that what she wants. but I think she failed her test run, H&F left her alone in their apartment for a week ( went on vacation ) and she had the chance to make the most of it, but she chose to abandon the apartment or just sleep there ( nothing happened there during that week)as far as I know she is in contact with other managers too, so I assume she could ask someone else to help her with that.
  4. the month that Scott has spent all the money he earned from VHTV ๐Ÿ˜
  5. In both Michigan and Pennsylvania republican have the majority in state house and senate. they could have change the law to allow preparation and processing of mail in ballots in earlier weeks like Texas and Florida, but they blocked the motions, because they knew it's not in their party's interest.
  6. who says they are all democrats ? do you know every poll workers' political affiliation ? and yes there has never been this many mail in ballots as there has never been an election during pandemic. and there is no evidence to show voting by mail could be more fraudulent than voting in person.
  7. Federal system is not the problem. the problem is that there is disproportionate representation.
  8. yes they have poll workers who are responsible for verifying that. They can't possibly let people from each campaign to verify every single ballot. that would take forever to count. this is not the first election in the USA that they are using this system of voting, many republicans including Trump have been elected using the same System.
  9. or maybe 2000 when George W Bush stole the election from Al Gore.
  10. no, they are not banned. Trump campaign has claimed they do not have "Meaningful access" (whatever that means) lol and Rudi Giuliani explained they were not allowed to take binoculars to the polling station ๐Ÿ˜‚
  11. steal an election ? ๐Ÿ˜‚. do you mean receiving more votes ?
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