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Everything posted by bluewinner

  1. the blonde from last night is there too. there might be a 5some in horizon 😄
  2. whoever looked at Ju-Ju and thought to himself/herself that she be a good fit for VHTV should receive a medal for discovering such a gem. since her arrival, if not anything else the spirituality has gone up across vhtv. only Bradley & Jeniffer have not been affected by her presence and are continuing with their sinful ways😂
  3. do you realise that covid-19 is not specific to the United States ? Here in the UK we have more than 45000 deaths up to this day. are you saying the whole world has made this up and has shut down the whole economy just to hurt Mr.Trump? 😂
  4. I am sure he is protecting her well. I wouldn't mind offering her my protection 🤣
  5. yes, Nastaya Rybka befriended a russian Oligarch (I think he was a minister, but not sure), who was very close to Veladimir Putin and she was involved in some sort of scandal.
  6. I totally support that lol he and his harem are welcome 😂. but last I heard Alex & Nastaya were arrested and were thrown in the prison. have they been released now ?
  7. if the file size is smaller tha 146 mb, you can upload them using attachment centre, I am guessing you have to do it in premium members only area so it's not taken down by RLC. or you can use https://www.myairbridge.com/en/#!/ to upload the video and then share the link in the forum.
  8. Hi Stn. I am sorry but this situation is getting out of hand here. there is a member who is against RLC because of his personal grudge, and he is trying everything in his power to hurt them in anyway he can. that's why he has created a poisonous environment in this forum. and if anything interesting happens on RLC he and his small crew will do their best to prevent any member from writing anything positive and express their excitement. wether it's nice party, or group activity or in general any interesting development. as soon as someone makes a positive comment he and his team would viciously attack with homophobic remarks and personal insults. and if someone dares to challenge them back they are going to play the victim and ask you to ban the person who has gone against their orthodoxy. they do this just to scare members away. I am not going to bow down to the bullies and let them have their way. I am going to express myself and if they insult me I will have to defend myself. I don't think you want to have another situation like what has happened on vhtv forum , and divide the members in two groups just because it's unpleasant to deal with the bullies. I don't care if they are negative, or if they are criticising the RLC (not my problem) but if they are disrespectful and rude,I will treat them in kind.
  9. I don't care about pathetic people like yourself. I only answered your boss's stupid question. I will enjoy it with popcorn and etc. now it's time for you to fuck off.
  10. I don't care what many people think or like. if I like it, I pay for it and I watch it. if I don't like it, I simply stop paying them and leave them to it.
  11. like I said you don't watch them so your judgement is worth nothing.
  12. I watch what I find interesting, wether it's VHTV or RLC, if I don't like what I see, I just leave them to it, unlike you who likes to bitch and moan for eternity. you need to get a life
  13. it's real. real people are living there, doing their things, if they planned their activities as you say, still that doesn't make it unreal.
  14. no I watch them doing what they like to do and I enjoy watching them. you on the other hand are complaining all the time, as if they have to listen to you how to live their lives. if you don't like it leave it. it's that simple. nobody makes you to pay for what you don't enjoy.
  15. that's just your opinion. if you haven't watched something you can't say if it is interesting or lame, real or fake.
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