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Everything posted by bluewinner

  1. It's funny how Vivian keep talking to the guy in Russian 😁
  2. apart from the obvious, he is excited and he is trying to hide his excitement, that's just funny lol
  3. it's better than what they normally do, which is nothing at all 😁
  4. I am not, you probably missed his post. he said that first. I am done playing nice with the troll.
  5. he can only fuck himself since has been left to his own devices 😁
  6. maybe they should replace him with Turbo, looks like he does better with ladies 😁
  7. If no one uses that donate button it'll go away, like that chickstream thing that they introduced a while ago and was a total failure.
  8. you have said many times that you hate sarcasm 🤷‍♂️
  9. Hope it happens soon as there is no other way to get rid of you miserable ass.
  10. why do you keep quoting me then ? I was actually hoping that you had died when you didn't show up for a while, but looks like we are not that lucky.
  11. That's true, but TBH I don't care about what they do off camera, what matters to me is what's happening in front of cameras.
  12. she is very pretty, there was also another new girl there last night. she looked good too.
  13. not sure if the bottom of the pool has been discolored by sunlight or it's germs, but it sure looks disgusting 😁
  14. I think she has a boyfriend back home, so she is not going to do anything with any guy in Barca. and she doesn't seem to be into girls at all. some more masturbation and nudity is all we can expect from her.
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